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About Jeka/SynSUN

  • Birthday 01/01/1986

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ukraine, Kiev
  1. dont forget to visit: http://www.myspace.com/psysynsun some new samples & upcoming shows there;)
  2. TNX for comments
  3. new album will include remix to Zygote
  4. some demo tracks from upcoming album: http://psyzone.ru/demos/synsun.rar photos fro party in Kiev (Ukraine) 20-10-2006
  5. TNX for good words the PsyTrance CD will include morning tracks, night but melodic tracks & some remixes to Sypmphonic Adventures... and chill out/ambient/freestyle disc will include all kind of downtempo music....(tracks like Mami & Magic Fly will be threre) demo samples cooming soon..
  6. Hello! about promo albums please contact the other member of SynSUN Andi Vax andivax@andivax.com
  7. именно этот альбом нет! но в скором времени выйдет 2ух дисковый релиз который будет продаваться у нас на родине!
  8. boom the new DOUBLE CD album "UNSTOPPABLE" 1 CD - PsyTrance 2 CD - Chill Out/Ambient/Freestyle album will released on Spliff music in the end of the year or in the begining of next year! i hope you will like it;)
  9. Dance machine 2006, we change the name to Dancing Machines! it released in our next album UNSTOPPABLE on SPLIFF MUSIC! SOME NEWS
  10. Hi threre=) 2 TRACKS (Zygote & Ride the Sky LIVE) from Crimea with Infected Mushroom, Safi Connection, Paul Tyalor, Zymosis....
  11. TNX mate)
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