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About overhuman

  • Birthday 07/18/1981

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  1. Welcome people to the complete brand new, overhuman visionary dimension. As a Profesional Graphic Designer , and producer by hobby, Juan Murcia has oppened his eyes to the psychdelic graphic solutions;in service of the psychedelic trance scene. LABEL WEBSITES DESIGN CORP.IMAGE(LOGOS) CD COVERS DESIGN ARTIST PACK DESIGN NEWSLETER DESIGN BANNERS DESIGN TSHIRT DESIGN AND MANY MANY MORE. http://WWW.OVERHUMAN-DIMENSION.COM COME AND PAY US A VISIT. !!! EYE CANDY ORGASM GUARANTEED - Great prices for everyone.!!! Contact : juan-fx@hotmail.com
  2. Hispanodelia 2 The next chapter Once again the psychedelic artists of Hispano-America get together under one freely lysergic flag for this second entry. The forces has been double to bring a double pack very well equilibrated , where the public will be able to find music styles for all tastes. 1st v/a artists got together again with new acts to re-enforce an Americas trip of almost 2 hours of duration , getting trough relax moments to an energetic shocks or the dance floor. Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia and Mexico come together in the “wonderland country†brining you ; a free ticket to enter the trip. Get your passenger sit Now! ------------------------------------------ Hispanodelia 2 El segundo capitulo Nuevamente los artistas psicodelicos de Hispano América se reunen bajo una sola bandera de lisergia gratuita para esta segunda entrega. Se han duplicados los esfuerzos para entregar un pack doble bien equilibrado, donde encontraran musica para todos los paladares. Artistas del primer disco se reunen con nuevos actos para potenciar lo que america puede dar en un viaje de casi dos horas de duracion, pasando de estados de relax a energicos choques para el dancefloor. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia y Mexico reunidos en el "pais de las maravillas" entregandote un ticket gratis para el viaje! Subete con nosotros!!! -------------------------------------- Check previews and covers: http://www.darkfox.com.ar/hispanodelia2_previews.html ------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD HEREEEE!!! V/A - Hispanodelia II TRACKLIST: 1. Dark Fox - Intro 2. Trebolactiko - Pskalibur 3. Plaxius - Calma 4. Erofex - Wishes 5. Dark Fox - 1 6. M4nos - No more apocalyptic minds 7. Cosmic Alliance (Romix psy) - Cosmic Dust 8. Jicuri Sense - Forget yourself 9. Los Portilla - You and Me 10. PsyKid - My Planet 11. Undertaker - Alien Attack 12. Overhuman project - Senti Menthal 13. Will o Wisp - Binary code 14. Erofex - Dont Walk (Dark Fox Hwahaha remix) 15. Erofex - Master Attack (Remix) 16. Plaxius - Demonaid 17. Dark Fox - Mini Outro -------------------------------- Boom!!!
  3. some nice ETCHER influenced textures.
  4. Top knotch GraphicDesign:CD-Covers,Logos,WebSites CONTACT : juan-fx@hotmail.com Hope your eyes can enyoy the candy eye looking: http://www.psygarden.net/gallery/v/Members/juan-fx/ "http://overhumandesign.deviantart.com/ CONTACT : juan-fx@hotmail.com Top knotch GraphicDesign:CD-Covers,Logos,WebSites
  5. CONTACT : juan-fx@hotmail.com Hope your eyes can enyoy the candy eye looking: http://www.psycologic.com/OverhumanP/MINIP...JUAN-MURCIA.pdf CONTACT : juan-fx@hotmail.com
  6. opinions.. :drama:
  7. What u guys think about the cover?
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