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Mad old ones
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Anoebis last won the day on March 7

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About Anoebis

  • Birthday 08/14/1982

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    Lier/Gent, Belgium

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  1. Its seems stupid (I dont have one myself) but if you are a big artist playing a lot, it is a certainty. Making sure you are picked up, sleep in a nice bed and dont get ripped off afterwards. Yes, all this happened a lot in the past. Managers are the solution for this. So thank the crappy organisers for that! I myself dont have a manager but screen organisations well before saying yes.
  2. Shipping is a serious issue when it comes to vinyls. Thats why we released the Gaia 2xLP and Bypass Unit vs Color Box 12" together. Like this shipping is more reasonable, because that extra vinyl in a box costs almost nothing extra. But within Europe costs are between 12-28€, and from Belgium to Australia, Japan, Russia, Israel,... it is around 40€. And as a label? There is nothing you can do. Shipping is more expensive as the vinyl. What a shame
  3. The album was planned for sept (a 3CD album) but it will come a bit later. He is now reworking a lot of stuff because of the festival 😛 CD1: classic trance CD2: live cuts (20+ long tracks, played completely live) CD3: ambient
  4. Ordering vinyl from outside the EU is total madness. In Belgium we pay 25% tax on the value, and 18€ costs for taking care of the paper work. So, ordering a vinyl of the UK of 28€ (which is the normal price of a 2xLP) costed me: 16€ shipping, 18€ paperwork costs and 7€ tax = 41€ extra costs for a vinyl of 28€. Thats just outrageous. But I realise its the same for everyone ordering from Suntrip to Australia, USA, Israel, UK or whatever. Music became a luxury good again! The only solution? Bulk buying... But yeah, for that all music should be on 1 spot again... Beatspace is having some
  5. Funny to see how many old crocodiles are still here lurking once in a while And... I am one of them now 😛
  6. Still passing by once in a while
  7. Hello guys! The ticket thing, well... We explained in 2020 we would be grateful if people would donate and make the depth less (we ended with "only" 16000 depth) because of it. Unfortunately, since then, we are a totally new organisation. Some left the goa scene, some had kids and only me and Chris are still on board. So its not the same guys, a different country... So on paper its 2 different things and in reality, it would not be fair to let the new guys "pay" for the depths of the past. So we started from scratch... As for the location, we will make all as good as possible. I dont think anyone ever thought of a Suntrip event as non professional, and we want to keep it like that hehe 😛 Of course we cant control the weather but 2014 was rare, I have been 2 times on a festival there and for an occasional shower it was always great
  8. I think 2022 was a good year when it comes to music... but I am like Ted... I became a father in 2022 And weirdly enough, its not a RIP at all, he sleeps since month 2 12 hours a night without eating, so I have decent sleep It was medically a hard start but things are better now too. So I had time for music, playing around and... Organising festivals in 2023! And I was never searching for artists, which is a good sign! Reviews, that is sad yes... The "fastfood" society. No time for a review nor for listening carefully mostly. Only a few dinusaurs left who dont care writing as nobody seem to care hehe 😛
  9. Sandman is actually Out of Orbit, together with Eitan (Loud). Interesting music imo, definately not the typical psy trance
  10. Its all about taste of course. Clearly there is a (large) crows that have problems connecting with a lot of modern psy trance. I think the reason is pretty simple: a lot of it is very generic, the machine gun bassline or the gallop horse bassline are used for 15 years in EVERY track. Also in the track you just posted. A lot of the old music was very unique and different from eachother, something that is missing in a lot of modern psychedelic trance. I say: most, as there great music left of course, but its rare and its even rarer to hear it on a festival...
  11. Anoebis

    Zorba - Zorba

    Unfortunately we can't... Its hard to get an autograph of a person that is not on earth any longer
  12. Interesting observation, how you mean "The sound has just become worse and worse over time" Actually, we are working with Tim Schuldt since 2004, and well, thats basically it? As for this album, some tracks were mixed literally 50+ times to satisfie Jannis completely soundwise. There is no way of arguing if someone doesnt like the sound, but its exactly the way Jannis likes it (and we too)
  13. Here we areeeee After 9 years, the master is back! And for me, this is beyond everything he made before https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/merch
  14. Also, special deals available on the Suntrip bandcamp for the Filteria album + 2xLP vinyl
  15. New one on Suntrip: Ra - 9th on 2xLP Release date the 29th of april! Pre-order below https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/merch
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