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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Anoebis

  1. Its seems stupid (I dont have one myself) but if you are a big artist playing a lot, it is a certainty. Making sure you are picked up, sleep in a nice bed and dont get ripped off afterwards. Yes, all this happened a lot in the past. Managers are the solution for this. So thank the crappy organisers for that! I myself dont have a manager but screen organisations well before saying yes.
  2. Shipping is a serious issue when it comes to vinyls. Thats why we released the Gaia 2xLP and Bypass Unit vs Color Box 12" together. Like this shipping is more reasonable, because that extra vinyl in a box costs almost nothing extra. But within Europe costs are between 12-28€, and from Belgium to Australia, Japan, Russia, Israel,... it is around 40€. And as a label? There is nothing you can do. Shipping is more expensive as the vinyl. What a shame
  3. The album was planned for sept (a 3CD album) but it will come a bit later. He is now reworking a lot of stuff because of the festival 😛 CD1: classic trance CD2: live cuts (20+ long tracks, played completely live) CD3: ambient
  4. Ordering vinyl from outside the EU is total madness. In Belgium we pay 25% tax on the value, and 18€ costs for taking care of the paper work. So, ordering a vinyl of the UK of 28€ (which is the normal price of a 2xLP) costed me: 16€ shipping, 18€ paperwork costs and 7€ tax = 41€ extra costs for a vinyl of 28€. Thats just outrageous. But I realise its the same for everyone ordering from Suntrip to Australia, USA, Israel, UK or whatever. Music became a luxury good again! The only solution? Bulk buying... But yeah, for that all music should be on 1 spot again... Beatspace is having some
  5. Funny to see how many old crocodiles are still here lurking once in a while And... I am one of them now 😛
  6. Still passing by once in a while
  7. Hello guys! The ticket thing, well... We explained in 2020 we would be grateful if people would donate and make the depth less (we ended with "only" 16000 depth) because of it. Unfortunately, since then, we are a totally new organisation. Some left the goa scene, some had kids and only me and Chris are still on board. So its not the same guys, a different country... So on paper its 2 different things and in reality, it would not be fair to let the new guys "pay" for the depths of the past. So we started from scratch... As for the location, we will make all as good as possible. I dont think anyone ever thought of a Suntrip event as non professional, and we want to keep it like that hehe 😛 Of course we cant control the weather but 2014 was rare, I have been 2 times on a festival there and for an occasional shower it was always great
  8. I think 2022 was a good year when it comes to music... but I am like Ted... I became a father in 2022 And weirdly enough, its not a RIP at all, he sleeps since month 2 12 hours a night without eating, so I have decent sleep It was medically a hard start but things are better now too. So I had time for music, playing around and... Organising festivals in 2023! And I was never searching for artists, which is a good sign! Reviews, that is sad yes... The "fastfood" society. No time for a review nor for listening carefully mostly. Only a few dinusaurs left who dont care writing as nobody seem to care hehe 😛
  9. Sandman is actually Out of Orbit, together with Eitan (Loud). Interesting music imo, definately not the typical psy trance
  10. Its all about taste of course. Clearly there is a (large) crows that have problems connecting with a lot of modern psy trance. I think the reason is pretty simple: a lot of it is very generic, the machine gun bassline or the gallop horse bassline are used for 15 years in EVERY track. Also in the track you just posted. A lot of the old music was very unique and different from eachother, something that is missing in a lot of modern psychedelic trance. I say: most, as there great music left of course, but its rare and its even rarer to hear it on a festival...
  11. Anoebis

    Zorba - Zorba

    Unfortunately we can't... Its hard to get an autograph of a person that is not on earth any longer
  12. Interesting observation, how you mean "The sound has just become worse and worse over time" Actually, we are working with Tim Schuldt since 2004, and well, thats basically it? As for this album, some tracks were mixed literally 50+ times to satisfie Jannis completely soundwise. There is no way of arguing if someone doesnt like the sound, but its exactly the way Jannis likes it (and we too)
  13. Here we areeeee After 9 years, the master is back! And for me, this is beyond everything he made before https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/merch
  14. Also, special deals available on the Suntrip bandcamp for the Filteria album + 2xLP vinyl
  15. New one on Suntrip: Ra - 9th on 2xLP Release date the 29th of april! Pre-order below https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/merch
  16. Filteria is back with "Live With the Lag", a dazzling 9-track trance & dance experience where the artist demonstrates he can take you anywhere through his melodic mastery! Drawn from his experience of wrecking havoc on countless dancefloors and festivals across the globe, Filteria's 5th studio album connects with the listener's emotions in the original meaning of Goatrance! Tracklist: 1. Filernaut (Feat. Ukiro) 2. ACME Never Failed 3. Crimefighter Frog 4. Nostalgia Is Hard To Buy 5. Chase The Future 6. Reploids 7. Conquer Gravity (Feat. Pleiadians) 8. 4 Stages Of Life 9. Made Out Of Trance Pre-order page: https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/live-with-the-lag Release date: 29/4/2022 Samples: Artwork:
  17. the only simple reason: its not because I dont like it, others wont like it... Tastes differ
  18. Tim Schuldt is one of the big magicians of the early goa-trance scene! Starting in the mid 90s with pure acid/goa-trance, he slowly evolved to more heavy and stronger industrial influenced trance. A lot of his older acidic music was released under different names and projects, which resulted in this cd. We hilighted, and remastered Tim Schuldt's strongest bangers that were unreleased or concealed on vinyls & rare compilations. We have 3 never before released tracks on this album: Aurinko, Northern Light (who was only partly released on the Black Hole compilation) and Is it Still Too Late, that was released as another version on vinyl only. Of course there is more great old music from Tim Schuldt. The other tracks were re-released as "single collections" on Suntrip's sublabel "Classic Goa Trax". Artwork by Rodolpho Morais Mastering was done by Tim Schuldt himself obviously! https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/retrospecter
  19. In Belgium parties start to happen again, slowly and small but around april/may we will be back I hope. Internationally: israel is banging, Portugal too at the moment, and many more will follow soon. I expect a pretty normal summer season
  20. Here are the other reviews (taken from the promo section). I dont want them to get lost as I still believe in the value of review! Paul Eye: A no-nonsense, shining beacon of light in a sea of overproduced polished modern goa trance. This one goes right back to the roots while not sounding outdated at all. It does have a few annoyances (particularly that vocal in "Into Heaven" that also appears in a far better context on Banco de Gaia's album "You Are Here") but overall it does its job at sounding like "proper goa trance" (yes, I know that's a bit of a silly term to use) far better than most albums out there. There aren't may *trance albums I bother listening to anymore these days. This is not one of them. Scenery: What to say someone for milestones like this, gratitude & grateful for listening something like this that it seems totally like the absolute sequel to the cornerstone 'Twin Sharkfins' after almost 25 years... Blissful feelings... vv303: I don’t usually comment here because I don’t want to create disturbance plus it weighs on me putting anything on the internet at all. Bob Dylan said everything he created is a curse because it haunts him and follows him around. I think that’s also why Filipe Santos puts music up and then takes it down on bandcamp. I feel that way too so I try not to say much But I just wanted to say that the first time I heard this I was utterly blown away by this all-time classic. As I’m listening I’m thinking this is up there with the all time great goa trance albums from Etnica, The Infinity Project, and Pleiadeans. The last Battle Buddhas album from suntrip was very good, this is an utter masterpiece. I listened a second time and still had the same feeling Ive heard just about everything relevant (not bragging) since the 90s, and I would say it’s at least top 5 all time. I know some others here have heard a lot more than me but usually anything very good finds its way up and you hear it so I doubt I’ve missed anything outside previously unreleased stuff like Tranquence or Psylent Buddhi that comes out I think it was great idea to add Pitchbend also to this since every other track also is an all time great classic From Nothing stands out and maybe the top track on this but all the other tracks are just as good Maybe I’m in the heat of the moment but at times I’m thinking to myself, “I’ve been listening to goa since the 90s, and quite possibly this is the best album I’ve ever heard” So anyway, I know very little about the technical aspects of making goa or music theory. I did fiddle recently with caustic and cubasis making goa but I don’t think I have that type of natural expertise to be able to make it or understand it very well This is why I don’t really comment much. I used to live at a Buddhist monastery and I have studied and practiced Buddhism, and I can do that, but (sadly) I doubt I could ever understand the technical aspects of making music to comment intelligently on it, or make music I don’t know if this makes everyone cringe or if they like the feedback but I thought I’d put it out there anyway. I usually see most music (that isn’t terrible) as “all good” in its own unique way and obviously each person has their own preferences Now off to worry about what type of impact or disturbance posting this makes on people or on goa
  21. Thanks! And your review was picked up by David Buddha and he was even emotional about it (he writes on his fb)
  22. Such great reviews! Please post them in the review section... moderators? And make a 2022 as well As for vinyls, we have some stuff in the pipeline with at least 1-2 tracks of the album
  23. Well, its lovely what you say, and the producer was very happy to read your feedback too! It would be lovely if we could post it in the review section as well
  24. Dear Suntrippers! You get this mail because you bought Suntrip stuff with us before. If you dont want this mail anymore, just reply with "no". What will you find in this mail? 1.) New release: Battle of the Future Buddhas - Songs From a Forgotten Memory 2.) Future releases on Suntrip 3.) Classic Goa trax is on fire too! 4.) Other news ---------------------------------------------------- 1.) Battle of the Future Buddhas is back with a second, very old school, album on Suntrip! David Tingsgård from Sweden was formerly known for his crazy melodic forest trance in the 90s, but in the mean time his style evolved to a slower, warmer back to the roots type of old school goa-trance! His last album on Suntrip, "The light behind the sun", already gave a taste of this. His new album went even a bit further. More old school, groovy, deeper, a bit more hypnotic, experimental, repetitive and filled with warm melodies allover! If you want to feel the vibe of the Indian beaches in the 90s, where the magic was happening, close your eyes, press play and have a nice voyage! Tracklist: 1. Collidoscope 2. Go Gently Into Space 3. Pitchbend (Into the Light Remix) 4. The God Particle (Catch 22 Rework) 5. From Nothing 6. Into Heaven 7. Mugwump 8. Interstellar 9. Blurred, Calm, Warm, Hazy Artwork: Aashit Singh Mastered By: Christer Lundstrom For sale, both on CD and digitally: https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/music ---------------------------------------------------- 2.) Cds: We know everyone expect Filteria next but... Not yet! As Jannis wants it to be perfect, it will only come around march/april. But, before that you will get another smashing release: A "new" album of Tim Schuldt (SUNCD71)! It will be an album with only music made in the 90s! Some very rare tracks completely remastered, because the released ones sounded véry bad (like "The Next") and some never before released tracks, full versions that were never released etc. Soon we will announce the full tracklist! Release should happen in february! So... Tim Schuldt, then Filteria and we hope to finish the spring with a 2xCD compilation of the best music of Classic Goa Trax on CD. CD1 will be only 90s never before released goa-trance of famous names. CD2 will have tracks that were previously only released digitally on Classic Goa trax, but deserve a CD release! Some will even make it onto vinyl but more about that later. After that we have our usual summer break and the second part of the year is still a bit unclear. We want to work on some more compilations and Nebula Meltdown, Triquetra and Morphic Resonance are working like mad too. One thing is sure: enough good music for sure! Vinyls: Ah yes... Vinyl... Did we say vinyl? Yes! We have 1 vinyl "in print" now, and its not the Dimension 5 one (yet?). Its kind of hard to get all the needed autographs for that one... But we are working on it. It is the other massive classic Suntrip one: Ra - 9th! It will take at least 6 months to print it (too many people want vinyl these days) but it is planned. Probably around summer you can make it even warmer in your house with this Egyptian type of music! On top of that we started working on "Single Collection" vinyls where you will find the biggest Suntrip classics burned on wax! Long term plans but they will happen eventually ---------------------------------------------------- 3.) Classic Goa Trax is active... And brings a new digital release every 2 weeks! Sometimes a full re-release of a classic 90s album, sometimes never before released stuff and sometimes single collections of very rare tracks! As you could read above, a CD is planned as well! Anyway, since our latest mail we had following new ones: CGT 58: GAD - Lost & Found ‎(never before released stuff!) CGT 59: Color Box - Train to Chroma City CGT 60: Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom - Bug CGT 61: Remote Sensing - Best Of Remote Sensing CGT 62: Four Carry Nuts - Mechanical Age CGT 63: Cosmoon/Twisted Travellers - Single Collection Upcoming: CGT 64: California Sunshine - Sinking Sand CGT 65: Virtuart - The Unreleased Drehkar Collection (never before released stuff!) CGT 66: Goefly - Unreleased Single Collection All of them are available on: https://classicgoatrax.bandcamp.com/ ---------------------------------------------------- Some more updates from our side! - We get a lot of questions about merchandising. Well, we have new T Shirts printed but they are waiting on us in Serbia... When we are free to move again after Covid they will come as soon as possible - The new website will come around the summer! We finally found someone that has the ability to do what we want - Parties: well... Now not much is happening but in the summer Suntrip will be playing allover... We get back to you with dates and line ups next newsletter! - In january, we will do some special sales on our bandcamp, so keep an eye on that - For the Christians: Merry Christmas!
  25. Battle of the Future Buddhas is back with a second, very old school, CD-album on Suntrip! David Tingsgard from Sweden was formerly known for his crazy melodic forest trance in the 90s, but in the mean time his style evolved to a slower, warmer back to the roots type of old school goa-trance! His last album on Suntrip, "The light behind the sun", already gave a taste of this. His new album went even a bit further. More old school, groovy, deeper, a bit more hypnotic, experimental, repetitive and filled with warm melodies allover! If you want to feel the vibe of the Indian beaches in the 90s, where the magic was happening, close your eyes, press play and have a nice voyage! Now available on following bandcamp link: https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/songs-from-a-forgotten-memory Tracklist: 1. Collidoscope 2. Go Gently Into Space 3. Pitchbend (Into the Light Remix) 4. The God Particle (Catch 22 Rework) 5. From Nothing 6. Into Heaven 7. Mugwump 8. Interstellar 9. Blurred, Calm, Warm, Hazy Artwork:
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