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Everything posted by exotic

  1. I had a free listen , didnt move me at all . I virtually got into psytrance because of these guys ( classical mushroom) now they are just catering to the modern EDM sound , this is hardly return to the sauce , very weak sauce infact . I wouldnt call it trash coz they are putting something out there so that would be harsh but if youre calling your album return to the .. the fans expect more Disappointed but i didn't expect much anyway
  2. Good news and good luck with the release !
  3. T2Mu said it , i heard the album @ bandcamp and was very excited to listen to the tracks so it all sounded really good .. but after 2/3 listens i felt less engaged . Im not someone who buys a lot of albums but when i hear something special , which i was hoping DT to be , i try to support the scene . But now i feel really torn , should i shouldnt i? the divide within me continues
  4. yes ! savage scream made some really interesting tracks ... the millennials just dont make music these days like the baby boomers did lol
  5. wow i had no idea ! i do remember searching for it .. anyway thats great .. thanks
  6. For me Middle mode . I have heard their tracks in various EPs and their collaborations with various others acts in full length albums but i believe they dont have a complete album Any idea if it is in the works? Slightly offtopic : I wish Nerso follows up their brilliant "Explorations of infinity " with another full length gem !
  7. Spotify isnt available in India on the app store such a bummer coz i see all my friends talk about it on social media Funny part is that a dating site im using is integrated with Spotify and i can send tracks to the opposite sex after listening to the song for 30 seconds
  8. Very surprised that there is no love for this album apart from Trance2moveU's spot on review. This is hands down for me the best progressive music i have heard and it doesn't get better than this . Still fresh even after what 6 years? The effects that create the atmosphere is what stands out for me and for trancers who like to dig deep , this is exactly the kind of music that would be up your alley . There is not too much going on in the tracks which lets the music breathe and allows the listener to tune in without feeling overwhelmed . The sound doesn't drown you and every little element that does figure in the mix has been introduced with a particular purpose and is executed with top notch attention to detail . I look forward to more music from Nerso and Tessaract ! 5/5
  9. https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/headphones/noise_cancelling_headphones.html Quiet comfort 35 has cystal clear acoustics . Although i dont own it i managed to get a demo at the retail outlet with my music and i was very happy with the sound . Give it a shot , its a little pricey but well worth every single penny. I bought the ones that are not noise cancellation thinking 300$ is a bit pricey , about 2 years ago so maybe it was slightly cheaper then , and I 100% regret not having bought the NC ones... Im thinking of giving myself a Christmas / NY gift
  10. Lets do this man!! We can, we should and WE WILL !!! Can someone post the line up here again just to get the excitement going to the point it will be hard to back out
  11. the second one is simply BRILLL
  12. exotic

    Good TV Series? Any?

  13. Good god i cant believe another week to go !! gooosebumps!! My suntrip t shirt also needs replacing .
  14. Visiting this album after what 7 years and its still soo good . they just dont make it like this anymore . Hope they come out with some more material like this.
  15. listening to this beauty after so long !!!
  16. Crazy ducks - And life goes on Been two weeks now this album is in heavy rotation !! the good stuff
  17. exotic

    EURO 2016

    Heartbroken Italy lost ! What the hell was going on in that penalty shoot out LMAO . Pelle , zaza and bastion shwein are competing for the worst penalties ever taken and that too from a single match . I will be supporting wales now .. pity Ramsey wont be playing against Portugal. And i think the French have it in them to upset the german machinery . Payet is now among my favourite top 5 play makers . What a playa ! Hoping for a Wales vs France final !
  18. Safi connection - Prince of Paranoia Listening to it today made so damn emo lol
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