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Everything posted by exotic

  1. I really wish that was the case and if it was i would be the happiest person ever. its a little ironical that goa/psy cd's are not available in the land of goa. and neither are there any second hand shops for electronic music. i actually wonder why is it like this. I don't order much online since im a little skeptical of such transactions.
  2. Finally got Sun control Species - Scienza nuova. I heard about its availability at the store across the place where i work and also told him to tell the guy who delivers such music to call me when he is there next, so i can buy all their albums, since its still hard to find original cds in india , you know. Can't wait to listen to it, after all those comments on isratrance , some praising it as the best release of 2007 and some bashing him for sounding like all other IBOGA artists.
  3. For me its Candy power - Time racing what a killer V/A this was.
  4. +1 even xenomorph's latest , even though it sounded really good in the beginning, is so cheesy now. its hard for samples to grow on you till you like them. they should do away with them altogther, IMO.
  5. the kaliedoscopolis cover makes me feel a bit giddy.
  6. Another one that got me today, and gets me every single time : Mr. Peculiar - Silver clouds :drama:
  7. cosma - people on hold couldn't control my emotions while listening to it on the way back from lunch with family.. the tears just kept flowing......
  8. illegal machines and entropy? looks like dark psy to me. I remember someone on this forum calling mr. peculiar's mind dala dark trance and i really couldnt stop laughing. i find it funny when the two are paired against each other like there is some sort of animosity doing the rounds. each has its own time, space and mood. i dont think dark psy killed full-on, its just that the audiences found their calling and segregated according to tastes. in some ways its good that goa found so many sub-genres along the way, artists pushing the envelope in search of that elusive sound. parties where both trance with a softer and hard edge is played brings varied people together. instead of saying goa trance regressed into dark and full-on is a bit harsh on producers like astrix that gave definition to full-on. im still not sure when dark-psy came into being. 2002 with catla and psycho micro? if one is an electronic music fan these days there is so much to choose from. its the other way around for me. dark psy is made for weed.
  9. pietones what about i thought it was the best song in the album. the girl and the robot is groovy but i don't like the use of MTV in the lyrics. just takes the cool out of the song
  10. Journey to the subconscious is probably the best full-on track ever. :posford: That said, i dont think full-on is bad at all. For a good dancefloor work out, nothing comes close to a good full-on set. its the most dance friendly for me, and if a little psychedelic , even better. its just that there has been nothing good released in the last couple of years other than the zen mechanics album. maybe someone has a good recommendation?
  11. I cant agree or disagree with music being better fifteen years ago, with me it happened the other way around , i got so used to the 'modern production' like you people call it; that I found the past releases lacking in a lot of ways that wasn't as dynamic as the material that i was introduced to. maybe it sort of spoiled the entire feeling that i was supposed to have with old goa trance if i had discovered it back in the day but i still am not sure whether its regrettable or not. Though there are those releases here and there that i keep discovering through reviews on here that are pretty good. well one thing is for certain that the quality has gone down since 2005. come back ghreg on earth, derango, psykovsky, procs and the gang!
  12. I hope that will happen to me one day with solar fields - movements. i just have not been able to figure out whats so good.
  13. I'm glad i have friends that can appreciate the boom boom music i prefer over other genres, not that i dont listen to them but not as much as i listen to electronic, because during our chilling sessions in college , post college there used to be a point when we put on psy and everyone used to be in the zone tripping away on the kik-drum. they said that psy took them higher after they'd smoked a couple. i take a some amount of credit for them being open to trance techno whatever since i was the one always pulling them to outdoor , indoor raves etc. Most of them like GMS , astrix, neuromotor and tracks like higher tel aviv etc but at least they are open to it and i don't feel like the odd one out at parties when requesting for some electronic music. and when people see a group of five six enjoying some electronic even they get drawn just out curiosity probably or just join in the spirit of the party If your friends dont mind it and don't go all Michael Jackson on you more often than not nowadays , then really there is no point in worrying about a old man at work who doesn't know his arm from his elbow about electronic or random passerby who always looks down on someone listening to repetitive beats. Forgive them father , for little do they know.
  14. there's nothing more psychedelic than my mum, i swear.
  15. double dragon- continuum kox box- dragon tales
  16. so im not the only one sol is probably the only track that has soul. the rest are just aimless.
  17. Am i the only one who is not completely in love and awestruck by this album? its good music like most downtempo but nothing very spectacular imo and doesnt move me in any way. there's something lacking deep down on an objective musical level, cant exactly tell what it is. Soul is something that differs from person to person so i wont comment on that. aes dana is much much better than this, musically speaking. I prefer magnus' progressive tunes and for me much easier to get into.
  18. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?sh...st&p=937857
  19. the pedo that he was , he kinda deserved it.
  20. search and thou shall find
  21. me likey 2 .. but no yudhishtira on it will be good regardless.. GFR are the best music wise by a long shot in the psy scene that's taken for granted. :posford:
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