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Everything posted by exotic

  1. Koxbox - No More Ghosts
  2. I see you've put your Santa hat on 11 months early this year. :)

  3. what a farking track !! np Filteria - Chaotic om
  4. Amen. Couldnt have said it better myself
  5. Wizack Twizak - Sweeden Weeden
  6. Yeah i quite like it too. Very acidic very groovey np Hypnoxock - Rare Planet
  7. first one!!111eleventeen

    Yay ;)

  8. Do you like Shilpa Shetty?

  9. Pleiadians - Starbase 11
  10. Even if he didnt play shitty music he would still have dog poo on him. things that ruined psytrance for me ... hmmm people on coke at parties attention - seekers rivalry at the console (dj's fighting to play , ive seen that happen) ego's lack of Plur indoor parties hate that shit
  11. Zen Mechanics - Orbital Candy
  12. That one is a fukin ripper
  13. Same here. I feel when i was new to psy or psy was new to me there was nothing besides the music which captivated my senses. Hardly did any drugs even , but the experience was so much more hightning, innocent to use the correct word.The more i started to get sucked a lot more negativity started to seep in ( maybe my fault , maybe the others ) Then started to go to parties sober , the experience of which i didnt enjoy so much - the music was there but there was no hightened experiences. the more you look for in the scene the more you get sucked and the more you'll have to go through. Now i feel im better off staying at home and enjoying myself unless its a 3-4 day festival somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
  14. the first one
  15. Gorump Peyya - Prepare for trip
  16. Please look up the meaning of the word unique, radi.
  17. Sweeet sweeet track!! Such a nice wholesome feel to the baseline and everything else Today jikkenteki steals the day with Warmth in other places. I had put on the cd before i went to sleep (thats how i normally like to test music , if its good i will sleep through it) the music playing in my unconscious/subconscious mind and boy , what a piece of art !!! or maybe it was track 4 onwards that i started feeling the way i was , but this was the last track playing before i woke up and realised
  18. Not bad at all Pretty chhilled out relaxed atmospheric music !! I really dig the part from 2:00 minutes onwards . Great stuff.
  19. Possible to renew the link otto ?
  20. Agree.
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