Yea I've checked that site out and it's cool
though now the text size is so small it can't be red, and also, you can't make the text bigger so here ya have a problem
"Shame on you! Triple shame!" (direct quote from my lövley english teacher from comprehensive school she had loads of these... "work work work! there's always something to do!")
Go to the corner of the room and your not allowed to leave that spot until you have learned your lesson young man! Eat Static belooongs to all Polls! ...about oldschool... about best oldschool...
The Last Horror Movie
This is something 'like c'est arrivé pres de chez vous'. There's a hitman who kills people just because he gets kicks out of it. The lead actor Kevin Howarth here is something brilliant. A must see just the sake of his character.
Cut it mate. Where's the respect?
Everyone's allowed to listen whatever they want and not feel guilty about it. The purpose of music is to give something to you... it doesn't matter what kind of music it is that delivers you emotions and feelings.
To be honest, haven't heard that one myself, BUT on the other hand, everything I've heard from ES has been blown-away music, total top notch!
So yes, definitely get it if you're into their sound.
(I should get it myself too hehé )
everything I've heard from them is bad... totally ear-melter stuff
even 1st revelation... just..ehm well nothing but crappy bassline-whouw!there's an sfx too!-bassline-fart-bassline-blingblong!-bassline
always the same stuff... I'm sure my winamp would make a suicide if I'd suggest it to play AP
I don't listen much psy ambient... it's mostly boring really.. "whouw I didn't see that FX coming!" hahaha psy ambient hasn't get that really emotional feeling I'm looking for... oh sorry, I carried away!
This is like ehm... well just check it out if you're interested in something goooood