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Everything posted by spun

  1. I must agree...gataka disapointed me.. hope at least it sounds like usually..
  2. don't invite skazi.... .....but the others can come, and bring their friends because the party will be unfurgiven... but please make sure there will be a portuguese live act or dj set,cause we got much value in portugal.. d-maniac..menog..suria namaskar..paranormal attack..juggler.. "...will join together for several days of celebration in a beautiful natural setting where we can feel the generosity of Mother Nature. Living these days together in peace, respecting nature and making the least impact as possible on local the environment..." i belive!!
  3. Loud - Some Kind of Creativity crazy stuff!!!
  4. melodic goa trance looks good to my ears!!! the future is safe,just follow this guys...
  5. i completly agree!!nice work,thanks for your effort!!!
  6. i,m new here..my english isn't the best but.. i would like to strart this new year learning more and new stuff related with the trance scene.. so... abut the cd,i must say it is a fantastic review.. i agree with the huge amount of voices,and even not much psychedelic.. but it also has some value..like number9,it has something magical... a good cd to listen at home,not in the dance floor,in my opinion..eheheh
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