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Everything posted by cronodevir

  1. Only if you use samples [.wav stuff] then yeah, synths themselves have nothing to do with ram, its all processing power.. though, what is your buffer length set to? in audio options is a slider that says buffer length, boost the length as high as it will go, and your sounds will be MUCH better, what this does is give the computer more time to process the sound, of course, if you use a midi keyboard this will reak havoc, becasue the response time will be how ever long you put, [mine is at like 347ms], what i useually do though is change it between maximum for sound quality, and around 30ms for keyboard playing, though, i'm on a 2.5ghz computer
  2. Ok, i been looking at new stuff, but i can't find anything good, ableton,reason,cubase are NO, right off the top, becasue i want a program with a step sequencer like fruity, so one can imput notes mannually, and not have to look at a bunch of scratchy looking/annoying wave forms like this: i want NONE of that...does such a program exist where the sequencer has none of that wave crap? i want to see the notes being played
  3. Generic Sound Card [that's device manager says] and fruity is at 44100
  4. Makeing good music has nothing to do with the Host that you use, its all in the VSTi's that you use, and they work for all hosts [that support vsti that is] who do people ask this all the time? "can i make good music with reason, can i make good music with FLS6"..well' i'm sorry to tell you, but those programs don't make anything, they just host instruments in diffrent ways, which, for the most part, has nothing to do with sound, the only real diffrence is, FLS6 uses the CPU whilst reason uses the sound card in most cases, but one can produce the exact same sound on both that's like saying can i borwser the internet good with MAc?...when you can browser the itnernet good with mac, windows, and linux, it doesn't matter what host you use, you can still borwser with all the same features on all the hosts
  5. get synth1 if your just starting, its the most basic free synth i can think of http://www.geocities.jp/daichi1969/softsynth/synth1v107.zip
  6. Computer: 2.5ghz Celeron [!!], with 256MB ram, cheapo sound chip... Fruityloops Studio 6, with Sytrus, Vanguard,Z3ta,Crystal softsynth,synth1,virisyntera,nrg-a,csv80[sp?, to lazy to look], superwarep8, superwavepreformer,kubik_214,blue_101,chronox3,daOrgan,StringStudio [gotta those russians]... Of all my synths, id suggest to someone looking to buy, to get SWPreformer, and StringStudio,--SuperWaveP8,Crystal, and Synth1 are all free. Sytrus is ok for some leads, i don't use it that much however, very hard to use Vanguard is great for plucking trnacy sounds, i have used it a few times [in my Hypertrance track] extremely easy to use Z3ta, is overall good for many diffrent types of sounds, very easy to use Crystal is VERY hard imho to use, but it is GREAT for pads/ambient/atmosphearic sounds, i used it in Goa india synth1 is what i use for phat sounds, the bass in Goa india was made with synth1, and even so, i could have made it phatter, super easy to use VirsynTera...is a fucking monster to use, expect a very hard time learn, sence it is really 16 diffrent synths, which can be used at the same time to make nice sounds, expensive too, too complicated for me, i rarely use it for now nrg-A, eh..i used it, never got much into sence i have many others, its kinda for the medium level user, not really hard csv-80 [CS-80V ] is leet for basses, kinda hard to use sence none of the stuff on there uses standard terminology imho sueprwavep8 - what can i see, its leet, good for makeing theose 'riseing' leads can be very phat if you use it good, really easy to use superwave preformer, another monster, i can use it ok, but it wasnt easy from day one, has 12 oscilators FTW, and built in arp,delay,chorus,reverb etc, the works, id buy it if i were you, very cpu intensive [virsyn is very cpu intensive also] kubik and blue, eh, i like them, haven't had chance to use them much, i'll have to get back to you on that one, both of them are hard to use however [lots of lines and wave forming and matrixingy-stuff etc] chronox3, bleh, didn't like ti that much, and none of the presets i have for it work, seems pretty simple synth wise DaOrgan, best organ simulator i know of, very great, lots of effects that come with real rogans are also present, easy to use StringStudio is very leet, hard to use, sounds great, lots of options, cna produce pretty much any stringed instrument in existance, and is also self working [don't need a host iirc] well, that's my run down and take on the synths, i heard ppl were looking for good stuff, these are all my opinions
  7. id like to know where to get some 'huge-ass thunders' also, i have a sample set that is about 3 gigs in size, and 99.9% of it is ethnic trums and regular drums, not very many big boomers, [maby 4 big boomers] i need more heh, would make my track complete
  8. heh, i wasn't aware people still used hardware, other than a keyboard, it seems everything else is digital on your computer...it is for me however
  9. ok, i have two tracks here, goa india is 99.9% done, and hypertrance is 90.9% done, i would like to have everyones opinion on both please, also, if the link breaks, tell ma and i will make a new one. link: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...EBAC0F7781911F8
  10. did you set the buffer length in audio options to around 32ms?...if you didn't this might be a problem, nthen again, it might not, other than that, is the synth your sueing only 1 polopony? [tst404 can ONLsY play one key at a time, for insftance] chances are, the problem has nothing to do with the sound card [FLS doesn't hardly even use the sound card anyways, its all ram/processor drfiven, i use a keyboam,rd with USB, and do just fine, and my SC is a small onboard chippy thing, heh translation: Did you set the buffer length in your audio settings in FLS to around 32ms? this might fix the problem, Also, Is the synth your useing capable of more than 1 polophony? for instance, TS404 can only produce one key at a time, [thus chords won't work, etc]. i doubt it has anything to do with the sound card, as FLS uses the sound card for virtually nothing at all other than just for 'output', because FLS is moreso CPU intensive than anything, even my 2.5ghz processor chokes on some stuff i do. i use a generic radio shack keyboard that connects via midi2usb adapter , and everything works fine for me.
  11. Ok, i have updated this track some, its getting more complete, now , it only seems i need to polish off the rough edges. Linkage: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...F926740313FA175 Well?
  12. if ya got the jink....a few synths that well [imho] make the ones he listed ubove me obsolete are.. Superwave Preformer CS-80V Virsyn Tera String Studio just to name a few that i use, and if you get the mgTriggerGate [its free, search google] plugin, you pretty much have no use for vangaurd. heh and yeah, synth1 is leet
  13. i just got cs-80v and virsyn tera, , leet, z3ta is basicly obsolete now
  14. why of course, digital, for the simple fact that its tens of thousands of dollars less for the same quality
  15. 1) What programs you use, and any hardware instruments, midi controllers, etc (PC Specs too)? Software is FLS6 with a plenthora of vsti's. Hardware Coby-CV630 'old-n-busted' Headphones [planing on buying some monitors soon] compute, 2.5 ghz celeron, 256mb ram, default sound card. 2) On average, how long does it take you to build and finish a Song? Week to a month. 3) Which parts do you find tedious when building your track (if any), if it pattern sequencing, automation, etc? Computer restaints useing big time synths like SWP, not much else bothers me really. 4) Where did the inspiration come from to start producing music? Listening to myself hum out melodies i have made in my head. 5) AND Your favourite style to produce? EDM/Classical
  16. Superwave Preformer is a beast.
  17. o.O surely it wasn't THAT bad?
  18. z3ta, cyrstal softsynth, superwavep8, synth1, and i just got a few new supersynths i have yet to use. they are: kubik,blue,sw pro[superwave],and hydra.
  19. Well yes its a WIP, but i thought id post it and indroduce myself. My name is cronodevir form the US, i been makeing music for ahwile, but i recently started to make psy/goa stuff, this is one of my first works though, sitll a WIP, tell me how it sounds thus far okay? http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...9BE275B38900BC6
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