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    Soul Love Nature Yoga Psy ...
  1. Dear friends thanks for expanding your comments in this issue, I dont want to defend Dali as an Artsist, couse taste is a personal thing, that have to do with how do you feel in that moment... I alsoe disagree with all the "marketing stuff" thats around the psy.. that moni explained very well before, and i dont like the comerciliization around the Trance... For me TRANCE is beyond the Money and Beyond Bussiness, call me romantic , call me ashole , call me mp3 dj. I dont care, for me the important thing is the soul inside the music. and not what any previewer says, i always listen to an album before make any critic about it... if i dont listen to it... i prefer to avoid any coments... ! And to make my point clear , i cant give you my personal opinion about this cd, because i havent heard it yet !! even that i know that its supossed to be shit comercial stuff.... Peace and Respect Unity and Love Thanks moni.
  2. I love this album, all the collaborations are exceptionals
  3. moni im sorry to steel disagree with you and with some other friends here but the main thing of every forum is to have diferent points of views, .. so im gonna keep sharing my feelings about this issue... with full respect . Constructive comment for me would be something like, " Everybody can have a bad night , everyone deserves a 2 chance, with all the bad expeiences we grow and i like that but shes Brave, one of the few girls on the scene just like you moni that i just love !! i dont like to hear a women singin like a man, neither to make trance like a man, for that we already have more than 1000 male djs making psytrance, for how many women 13 ? so thats the main point, if we continue to judge things for what they look , or to let things be, with open mind and full respect, im not discussing about your personal taste that you can or not like it .... but wath really made me think was how many people in this forum are influenciated by moni ... i guess many ppl , and no one of them has even listen to the release and has start to make such a bad coments..."" its funny how the honey atracts so many ants,, you are honey moni , i like your pasion for trance i just can imagine how big has to be your pasion for life alsoe, so as you see we are all the same. p.l.u.r
  4. its always easyer to criticize, than to create... iIwill give it a try first, at least if you all were so damn psy lovers ... maybe you should get to the roots of humanity before , and remember to have a humble atitude in life, in every moment with all my love and respect. Trance its to unite souls , and to free counciosness every ppl is a diferent and have diferent tastes, and the main thing is to respect and love all the creation. "TRUTH IS MY IDENTITY"
  5. Very nice job mony Thanks for this info,
  6. The Gathering 9/10 Classical Mushroom 9/10 B.P Empire 10/10 Converting V. 8/10 Im the supervisor 6/10 simple
  7. Cosma - Wish they were here In memory of Avihen Livne forever ever and ever.
  8. Shulman is a beautifull music
  9. I agree with some of your names other are new Thankyou !! This is My list: Lish Vibrasphere Yotopia Beat Bizarre Kooler Atmos Tomtron and liestentag Sonus Andromeda Chromosome
  10. I Like the review of lemmiwinks it describes the sensation of this album. in some points its amazing and in some others is not enough for me too... I like song 3 Shining Faces
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