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Everything posted by Eleusene

  1. AKG K271 and Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro are pretty good imo. The Beyerdynamic has more bass response. I'd go to a shop and listen to various modells and than decide.
  2. I have a CME UF5 at the moment and can only recommend it. It's in a very stable case, the keys are half-weighted and it has 8 knobs and 8 faders. got it for a good price, though i think its out of production since a few weeks as they have some new series. http://www.cme-pro.com/products-list/product-uf.html
  3. Some CDs for sale. All CDs are in new condition and still sealed if not stated otherwise. The price is stated left from the title. If you buy 2 cds you'll get 1 Euro discount 3 = 2 Euro discount 4= 3 Euro discount and so on Albums: 8 Bigwigs - Fraktalik Fraterniti (Digital Structures Records, DIGCD013) 8 Burn In Noise - Broken MP3 (Vagalume Records, VGLCD002) 8 Capsula - Synthesis of Reality (Ajana Records, AJA1CD003) 8 C.O.N. Sequencer - Contact (Jum Jam Records, JJR022CD) 8 C.O.N. Sequencer - Impulses (Jum Jam Records, JJR015CD) 8 E-Chip - Stargazer (Jum Jam Records, JJR018CD) 8 Eargear - Panatlantic (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD020) 8 Flyh - Flyh (Implant Records, PLANTCD002) 10 Initia - Shining Beings (LoopSnoo Records, LCD004) 10 Kid Kay Ferris - Colour me Badd (Nutznboltz Records, NNBCD01) 8 Legura - Strukture (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD015) 8 Liquid Space - Center Of Soul (Bionic Pie Records, BPSCD01) 8 Martin H - Another Download (Invent Records, INVENTCD001) 8 Megalopsy - The Abstract Machine (Trishula Records, TRISHCD002) 9 Midi-Terranien - Gondolieri in Space (Jum Jam Records, JJR004CD) 8 Paste - Blow Out (Interzone Records, IZR07CD) 8 Pope Of Gegga - Living in the Past (Baluns Records, BALUCD03) 10 Psyburbia - Interstellar Mushroom (Black Hole Records, HOLE025) 8 Psyfactor - Endless Universe (Ajana Records, AJA1CD004) 8 Tegma - Encoded/Decoded (Digital Structures Records, DIGCD008) 8 Three Point Turn - Explicit (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD019) 10 Torakka - Far Out Express (Thirteen Productions, 13CD03) 8 TUL - Anarchy (Tribal Records, TRICD02) 8 Zion - Epic (Tribal Records, TRICD01) Compilations: 8 VA - A Token To Thrill (Nano Beat Records, NANOCD02) 8 VA - Aerocruz (Groove Zone Records, GZCD04) 10 VA - Area 51 (Jum Jam Records, JJR009CD) 8 VA - Beat Om Beat (Mind Sound Records, MSCD04) 8 VA - Beatport One (Jum Jam Records, JJR005CD) 8 VA - Beatport Two (Jum Jam Records, JJR021CD) 10 VA - Check.In (High-End Records, HECD03) 8 VA - Cosmophilia 3 (Double-CD) (Cosmophilia, COSMOCD03) 8 VA - Emergency Exit (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD021) 8 VA - Erectional Thoughts (Bazooka 10 Records, BAZCD01) 10 VA - Genesis (Nutznboltz Records, NNBCD02) 8 VA - Getting Deeper (No Label Records, NLR002CD) 15 VA - Global Eyes (Promobox) (Nocturnal Productions, NOC-01) 8 VA - HI-FI (High-End Records, HECD02) 8 VA - Hosted Vol. 1 (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD010) 8 VA - Ignis Fatuus (Trishula Records, TRISHCD001) 8 VA - Interzone 2 (Interzone Records, IZR06CD) 8 VA - Ischgl Tirol (Natraj Records, NATRAJCD002) 8 VA - Mushy Mystery (Trishula Records, TRISHCD003) 8 VA - Onyx - Direct Out (Bonics Records, BIOCD04) 15 VA - Outback Eclipse Festival (Double-CD)(Exotic Native Productions, EN001) 8 VA - Stereopoly (Hadshot Haheizar, HADSHCD002) 8 VA - Summer Dance 2002 (Natraj Records, NATRAJCD04) 8 VA - Urban Awakening (Ritter Records, RTCD02) 10 VA - Winterdance (Natraj Records, NATRAJCD03) Shipping from Germany. PM for shipping costs. (It'll be only the costs asked by the postal service.) I can accept paypal and bank transactions. Trading: I'm only interested in goatrance and darkpsy.
  4. Yeah, I agree in more or less all you wrote above. I'm in the scene the same time as you, maybe a bit longer, and agree that it has been pretty commercial since that time, probably also before. Maybe with getting older I see things more different than in the past. And to be honest I was also part of the commercial structures as co-founder of Trishula and Ajana Records though I'm out of the business since some time. When we started the label there weren't many nighttime music labels around but in the past years the so called "dark" has become quite trendy and I think you can see the development with dozens of labels now. (Well, if all that so called "dark" is psychedelic is another discussion, personally I dont like that term). But the bubble will blast soon, hehehehe and we'll see who will remain. Well for me music and label never was for money and I'd be happy if ppl would start making their money outside of the scene in normal jobs instead of wanting to make their living from the scene. Most do so I think, but there still are some and probably will always be who try to make their funds. But my former background is DIY/HC/Punk and when getting in touch with goatrance I was amazed by the similar structures e.g. in illegal outdoor events and DIY parties, and maybe that's the difference. I was never fond of commercial structures in cultural scenes. Especially when it comes to psychedelic.... commercialism and psychedelics don't match imo.
  5. Fine for you Personally I don't like the way the scene is going in the past years, it's all becoming very commercial, starting from hundreds of labels opening over mammut festival events with sponsoring, artist merchandise, now "industry address books" and so on. Nowadays it's more or less a pure hedonistic & commercial scene in my view where everybody tries to make his bucks. But yeah that's only my opinion and I'm not sure if that all is the right path, but well that's just me. May I ask...where's the spirit gone? When writing my last post I used the wrong words, sorry for that, it just made me angry to see this and all the other tendencies and also other posts where Faxi complains about money or downloading issues and "getting lost" in a squat where imho those guys try to go another alternative autonomous way, but it seems he likes it more commercial. So sorry again for my harsh words in the other post, I should have chosen more friendlier ones and maybe should start learning ignoring such things. But all in all that's the way I think about it.
  6. wtf ???? this scene gets worse from day to day.... asking money for adresses??? however I see you try to make money with anything e.g. common promotional products like stickers and so on.... damn what a scene, again... who is so stupid and pays money for a sticker for promotion... and who needs clothes with an artist name on it.... this is not mtv commerce out here? or is it?
  7. I just read in a german audio forum about some guys having the same prob, even after a new installation of cubase without any other plugins installed. Two of them claim that it was caused by their RAM modules. One could solve it by changing the RAM and the other by updating the bios update. Others claim the cpu to be responsible. Another guy found out that somehow cubase was connected with a printer .dll fil, after removing the connection it worked fine. Google lists several pages containing "audioprimitives.opt" with others having exactly the same prob. Seems to be a bigger issue. I wish you good luck in solving it
  8. Some ppl have that error, it's said to happen in the cracked version only. You may try to rename the audioprimitves.opt file, maybe it might help. Or you could try a reinstallation. Are you also using the latest drivers for your soundcard?
  9. Adam A7 decent speakers, imo very detailed and transparent highs and mids, bass is also quite punchy, though p11, p22 or an additional sub would be better. For their price a very good monitor. More bass = more expensive.
  10. There is a mac version of the Xilisoft DVD Ripper which can extract audio tracks from video files and convert em into various formats. As well there is the ImToo DVD Ripper for mac, it's more or less the same as the Xilisoft. www.xilisoft.com www.imtoo.com For mac there is also a counterpart of Virtualdub, it's called Avidemux, open source and afaik it can also extract the audio tracks and output em in various audio formats. http://www.avidemux.org/
  11. http://webbd.nls.net:8080/~mastering/guests Pro mastering board http://www.gearslutz.com/board/mastering-forum/ Gearslutz forum mastering section http://recforums.prosoundweb.com/index.php/f/31/0 Pro forum http://www.digido.com/ Home of Bob Katz
  12. Virtual Dub (open source) http://www.virtualdub.org/ Xilisoft DVD Audio Ripper (commercial)
  13. Thank you all for the replies. After some research in magazines and internet forums like gearslut I decided to invest a bit more and it seems the new monitors will be the ADAM A7.
  14. Please don't turn my words. I read this in the article and following the writing the Rubicon seem to be quite good. And as I'm looking for a pair of monitors I'm trying to find out more about them. For sure I'm not expecting ADAM class for a third of the price.
  15. It was compared on a german music tech site. Here is the link: http://www.amazona.de/index.php?page=26&am...;article_id=184 (It's in german, maybe open with babelfish...) This is the same I thought until I read about the Rubicon series (especially Rubicon 6A). They get pretty good reviews at e.g. Sound on Sound, Future Music Magazine, Musictech Magazine as well as on the link mentioned above. That's why I'm trying to find out more about these monitors. Unfortunately the local studio equipment store doesnt have em so I cannot test them.
  16. Anybody here with the Samson Rubicon 6A? I read some pretty good reviews about them. They are compared e.g. to ADAM P11a and are said to come close to their sound for a third of the price. Or are there any better ones in the price range around 400 Euro? What would you recommend?
  17. Thanks for the feedback. More music to come soon
  18. Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad that you like the tracks. I'm from Germany
  19. All tracks are in mp3 (VBR2) and full length Eleusene - Haunted - 148bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20-%20Haunted.mp3 Eleusene - Mind Circus - 149bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...nd%20Circus.mp3 Eleusene - Lost in Hyperspace - 151bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...0Hyperspace.mp3 Eleusene - Shadow Dancer - 151bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...ow%20Dancer.mp3 Eleusene - Who put the acid in my drink - 154bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...0my%20drink.mp3 Eleusene - Yage - 150bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20-%20Yage.mp3 Eleusene - Retrotrance - 154bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...Retrotrance.mp3 Eleusene - Eternal Dream - 153bpm http://www.eleusene.info/music/Eleusene%20...nal%20Dream.mp3 Homepage: http://www.eleusene.info
  20. www.eleusene.info www.universambla.net
  21. Universambla website You are welcome to visit our homepage Universambla.net, you can find there music downloads of a couple of producers living in South Germany. It's mainly psychedelic trance as well as some chillout/experimental stuff.
  22. Hi there, here is a link to my website: Eleusene homepage You can download some of my tracks there.
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