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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Yes, for those who havent noticed, that's today! Yay, I've been looking forward to this one!
  2. I like it alot! Good drive, a bit hard core and dreamy/nightmerish at the same time. Your'e doing great I think.
  3. Everything is allmost allready said... Hmmm maybe Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch, Darshan - Awakening, Kluster - Bug Fix and Prodigal Sun - Twisted Harmonics That's about all I can Immagine right now.
  4. Damn, I wish I had the skillz.I mean... this is so obvious, no?
  5. It's just plain trash, that guy - like I've read on Isratrance - kicked a dog straight in the face once. As I understand Goa is now taken over by drug "lords" and "mafia", and allmost filled with idiots and ego-trippers with a really vicious attitude.Too bad, really, like Trick says in his signature, GOA the place, is dead.But this probably happens to everything wich gains too much attention.
  6. What an unbelievable childish ego-tripper. He didn't let people in because they looked to Indian?What a vicious attitude. I've seen XP-sissi's pictures on discogs and you can clearly tell it's an arrogant ass... wich I'dd really love to kick. People should boycott him.
  7. 1 - Zoolog - Axis Of Evil Muffs rmx. 2 - N.W.S. - Hexenhammer 3 - Fractal Noise - LSD 4 - Dark Elf - Viva Los Alitorres 5 - Total - Rat Race 6 - Hishiryo - What'ur dope 7 - Katastrof - Trip To Moscow 8 - Electrypnose - op.428 - 2013 9 - Osom - Night Flirt 0 - Datakult and Infect Insect - Abject Object
  8. It might be, but to me, it's really crap music.
  9. I dunno man, I even doubt that it is psytrance...
  10. DaZeD


    The current weather kinda reminds me of summer.
  11. This is crazy!Their own land ffs! Reaction from Cacophonix @ Isratrance; Have heard of several such racist parties. Its the mistake we probably did by welcoming them to our land. Well, he's a 100% right.That XP dude is such a hypocrit little bitch.
  12. Yes your'e right actually, I didn't think that one through. Still, it would be pretty normal imo, to lose connection with old-school after all these year's of gigs and old-school overload, like Astral Projection said they did. Most probably they'll go the direction Koxbox went... dunno, we'll see.
  13. I totaly follow. I have a slight feeling it's gonna end up like the latest Astral Projection release.
  14. Rrrgh. F*ck, can't waith for it anymore!
  15. Thievery Corporation - The Heart's A Lonely Hunter...
  16. Indoor - Shiva. Me flying over my village...
  17. DaZeD

    Review Requests

    Oh, yes and Symphony Of Surgery from Cannibal Syndrome Records, just got it in the mail wednesday and I love it very much especially Total and Katastrof are doing extremely well here. Can't waith for Cannibal Cookbook.
  18. DaZeD

    Review Requests

    I'dd like to see a review for; Hungry for Hungary I wonder who did the mastering on this one too, cause the box does not mention it, it's louder then average.
  19. Not important if the compiler did a good job. Don't care who it did, cause the same compiler could have made bad choises in previous compilations... Offcoarse some name's can give you a good idea of what to expect.
  20. My neighbours will probably hate Trentemoller by now. But I really love the very deep bass he uses. Especially the first track, Take Me Into Your Skin... Imo just perfect.
  21. Trentemoller - Take Me Into Your Skin, Such a perfect complete track...
  22. Cd.
  23. This aint stupid, but must be one of the sickest covers I have ever seen. http://e.discogs.com/viewimages?what=R&obid=184345 It keeps in my head for a while, It's like a still life... Very freaky. Also... http://e.discogs.com/release/634319 http://e.discogs.com/release/711261 http://e.discogs.com/release/569350
  24. Yes, this one's very great, most I like, Celsung and Catatonic Despair. The artwork is quite a good interpretation of how a deep mental trauma would feel like too I think.
  25. Are you afraid? The boy's in piece's under the bed... ...Are you afraid? Catatonic Despair - Skin & Salt
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