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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch - Love it. By the way, I don't see what's so continiously entertaining 'bout - Kettel - My Dogan. Sorry can't see it, Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase on the other hand, wich is in the same style, is deeply entertainig, I can listen to it again and again I never got borred with it.but Kettel I find a little borring. But beautifull cover art I must admid! Maybe it has to grow.
  2. Katastrof - Trip to Moscow
  3. Acid Goblins - Night of the Two Way Speaker System
  4. Tempus Fugit - The Ring Of Power
  5. Oh, she's your Girlfriend. Heh I'm sorry.
  6. Dunno bout the music but the girl on the cover looks very tasty! Is she making any music on this comp?
  7. Oh, sorry, but this is just ...
  8. Is it re-printed yet? And if so can I buy it at the portal of Rhakti Dei?
  9. To Radio604 => Uni melodic?? Yes ,very!
  10. Uni - Uni Uni - Venus Ux - Ultimate Experience (Yep 3 U's)
  11. Indoor - Sweet Coming Home Electric Universe - The Prayer Doof - Star Above Parvati Uni - Red Resonant Moon Cydonia - Bass Monster Ott - Billy The Kid Strikes Back Ux - Life Support Technology Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom - Early Bird Jaia - Mai Mai Shakta - Lepton Head Dimension 5 - Harmonic Convergence Boris Blenn - Portamento Sinister Association - How Does It Taste Venus Vibes - Ruditoms Funf D - Funf D (Yep The Whole Album) Etc...Etc...
  12. Thanks!
  13. Sure,well i'm a perfectionist too,and I would like it with a clean cover,Collectors items I don't care for.I'ts the music and in this particullar case the cover.
  14. Well,I realy want to buy this album,but I want the cover art in good quality too,cause i realy love it. So,when will it be fixed? Or is it just a small detail?
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