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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. That's funny, cause it's true, unfortunatly. Eheheh, funny how she mentioned the 7 chacras, goatrance is allready influencing her think process.
  2. DaZeD

    Sci-Fi Movies

    But he did.... He could hold a guy in the air with one arm, he did that with Capa, he also get's stabbed in the neck without dying, or even feeling the pain, also he was exposed to 100% sunrays when Capa pulled the switch, and he survived all that, and to be capable of tolerating such intense sunray exposure you must at least have some supernatural powers. Maybe my view is wrong, or maybe I just miss some fantasy to accept this guy, I dunno, I just didn't like it. I might watch it again some day. Sorry for the off-topic...
  3. DaZeD

    Sci-Fi Movies

    Oh, Sunshine, really? That movie where they travel to the sun and want to activate it again with a huge bomb,and then some guy turns into a sunburned super-mutant with supernatural powers because he got radiated too much by pure sunbeams? (fucking lame) The beginning started out really great, I was facinated for a good while, there where plenty of great scenes in it, but really, that supermutant sun-drugged guy ruined the whole thing for me. When I was a kid I loved Armageddon, and maybe I would've loved this one too, but now it just doesn't work with me, at all.It's totally unrealistic, I know it's science fiction, it's supposed to be unrealistic, but really, theres no science in this science fiction at all. Ok, sorry, I am aware that you did not ask me for my opinion on this movie, but it was stronger then myself. It sucked balls BIG time imo.
  4. DaZeD

    Sci-Fi Movies

    You said it all! Maybe Andromeda Strain '71 version, Logans Run and Things to Come are missing. Brazil, 12 Monkeys, the Fifth Element, Dark City and Soilent Green are my favourites. I must've seen the Fifth Element probably over 10 times allready, still love it, it's just fun to watch.
  5. Whoa, he can put his tongue in her? Siena Miller ffs, I didn't expect Slinky Wizard to roll in such high classes. Lucky Wizard!
  6. Chi Ad - Liquid Neon Sky! Such an ultra warm, deep track.
  7. I liked that, I've red it three times. Thanks for the recommendation.
  8. Ok, that sounds a lot better then what I said in my previous post, I apologize for my harshness, that was uncalled for, but that is more or less what I mean, if IM would talk about political issues that would sound like a bad joke (to me), also, I do think it's a very sensitive topic, people are getting killed for opinions like that. Conspiracies and Tibet, Bush aren't necessary for me either, it's goatrance, I don't look for political messages in goatrance, I search for magic, peace, trance, emotion, I listen to that music to get away from all the misery in the world just for a while.Everyone knows allready what's going on in the world, we don't need that repeated over and over, unless it would really make a difference. I'm not ignorant, if I wanted to hear political statements I'll search for them, not in psytrance, but in the media, not mainstream media either.If I really want to hear how fucked up our world is I'll go back to death metal, I like that many psytrance fans have the same ideologies and political opinions, but they have that allready, they don't NEED to get that pointed out for them, they are usually not that ignorant, but OK, I start to understand why you said IM, considering the audience they attract. The last thing I want is hearing political statements in goatrance, if people want to throw parties to support certain ideologies, like to support Palestinia or Tibet, that's very good, I'll support that, but everyone on this planet knows allready what's going on in those countries, if someone care's enough he'll inform him/herself about the situation anyway, psytrance is psytrance, you can disagree all you want, it's my personal opinion. I do have to take back my comment on Bono, I agree, the man is doing his best, but IM is no Bono. And psytrance is no rock music.
  9. I don't think they should give their personal opinions on sensitive issues like this, I mean, I just don't think it's a good idea
  10. Heheh, Blazed yes, I think it's ,uh, pretty.
  11. DaZeD

    Furious - Supremacy

    I think it's equal in quality, just maybe a little bit more minimalistic, although, calling Furious minimalistic is a big mistake, I just don't find the words to describe it better, but that's just personal taste.I love it a lot! Sadismo and Bring The Plant completely pulverize my brain, especially Bring The Plant, jezus, I don't know what they did with that bass, but it shocks right through the heart, the vibration is allmost lethal, it blows my head into tiny little pieces. Kinda like Puzzle Fusion managed to do. The whole album is very exciting from the beginning 'till the end, a lot of "dark" tends to really bore after half an hour, like it's only trying to sound hard and dark, just that, but I don't have that with Furious, it's entertainig, normally I don't like the overuse of glitch sounds either, yet Furious get's away with that with no problems. It's pure chaos, but controlled chaos.
  12. Yes, it's very trippy, these fit right next to them imo. http://www.psyshop.com/cgi-bin/zoom.cgi?ve...er1cd008.html:; http://www.psyshop.com/cgi-bin/zoom.cgi?os...so1cd002.html:; Sorry for posting only links and not uploading the picture, I'm a bit lazy at the moment.
  13. DP, sorry....
  14. My first encounter, I think was around '99, it was something from Infected Mushroom's - The Gathering, (cliché, cliché), since then my quest began for this wonderful music.
  15. I forgot this one, for me personal Module 01 is the perfect compilation, all tracks are amazing, and the whole disc is a journey from the beginning to the end, pure bliss all the way, this is one that I keep enjoying every time I put it on, no matter how many time's I heard it before, I keep loving it!
  16. Oh, here's a track that allways does something with my emotions, I don't know what it does, but it allways triggers something that makes me just stand there, and drift away in immaginary landscapes or daydreams, kinda hypnotized by the sweet melodies, allways, every single time I hear it, I can't even get tired of this track, I just deeply love it. Abakus - A Whole New Way of Looking at the Day. I don't know if calling a "psychill" (or whatever it is that he makes) artist a musical genius is appropriate, but he is in my views.
  17. Soul Vibration, I mentioned this one a lot, but I just like it a lot! Apsara is also brilliant in every way.
  18. Ok, sorry, I'm just a very impatient person, my appologies. I couldn't find the symbol anywhere else, so I wouldn't be that supprised if no one would know, but maybe there was a chance someone would, but anyways, Gio from Dakini was so kind to respond with detailed information. I'm way too impatient, my bet.
  19. Ok, since I got no reply here I asume that no one knows or cares. So I sended my question to Dakini Records and I got this reply, for those who like to know. "The logo is from Japanese bonji -- a buddhist form of writing derived from sanskrit -- and it means Dakini. Dakini is a goddess with a lot of different forms in Asian culture, but I like the Tibetan one, dancing in the clouds, and protecting you in your dreams..."
  20. Hi, I'm sorry to post this here, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question. It's in my head for a long time and I hope/think I can find the answer here. Dakini Records make use of this beautiful symbol - ( http://www.dakinirecords.com/ right in the center) - as their logo, I was wondering what it stands for, or how it's named. Can someone help me with this please?
  21. Are you really serious? It must've been a dramatic lunch then.... Never actually cried as a direct effect of music, (Ok this one time I just remember when me and a girlfriend once broke up I heard "our song" on the radio when we just split up, but that was because we split up, not because the music made me cry, but that was a looooong time ago) anyways.... But I guess I understand that people could cry when hearing certain music, it can create emotional outbursts in the brain for sure. Tripswitch - Shamanic Tea is one of them for me, also Voodoo Dub from Alex Theory, Ma Wal Hob from Toires, and Lost Eden from Asura, those 4 have a very powerfull effect on me.
  22. Bah! Fuck that! I can't believe this shit, I strongly dislike it, and that's an understatement. Jonathan Davis and IM, that's just weird, can we still call this psytrance?It's more like poptrance or god knows what it is, bwuk.
  23. DaZeD

    Recent ratings

    I watched Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis 2 days ago, and I loved it, I allways tend to like French comedies, I dunno why, but I kinda like French movies, and this was no exception, I lmfao. Long time that a comdey was worth the name comedy, usually "comedies" fail to make me laugh like I mean it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1064932/
  24. Oh yea, definatly, Taruna and Alien Soap Opera are very good indeed!
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