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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Dubble Penetration?
  2. -Module 1 -Kumharas 2 -Androcell - Efflorescence -Kaya Project - Walking Through -Hol Bauman - Human -Soul Vibration -Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious -Live At Dakini Nights -Asura - Code Eternity -Asura - Lost Eden -Backroom Beats 2 -Backroom Beats 1 -Liquid Dub Volume 7 -Waterjuice - Melbaphonics -Graham -New World Dub 1 -Ekko - Ekkocentric Remixes -Ekko - Centripetal -Mere Mortals - Ethnic Dub Simphony In Ten Parts -Makyo - Rasa Bhava -Makyo - Yakshini -Toires - Sanati -Ambient Meditations -Ambient Meditations 2 -Ambient Meditations 3 -Entheogenic - Spontaneous Illumination -Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences -Pitch Black - Ape To Angel ETC.... these are my alltime favorites. I dunno if all this is filed under "Psychill", there's a lot of ethnic, incensed, mystical sounding stuff in it too. Maybe Ott - Blumenkraft can be categorized as psyhill, and Hallucinogen in Dub, Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps, actually, all the Twisted ambient releases seem to fit that subgenre imo. I also love these a lot:
  3. DP again.... Shit, I'm really fucking this thread up, sorry.... I dunno how I did that twice....
  4. DP, oops.
  5. Haha! Ok then! I don't like Vibe Tribe, Sonic Vision I never heard of, and ecstacy is a really louzy drug imo, I hate it, and I don't believe in goa enlightenment, I'm not a hippy, but I guess he make's some great stuff, but it's hard to tune in to his style if you don't know what to expect, I guess you need a humoristic approach. I guess these words are a pretty detailed description of his sound.
  6. Maybe the example wasn't too good for starters indeed, I think this is a pretty cool track; And this one is certainly much better then; And this too:); After a couple more listenings to some other tracks I can see why you like him, I didn't like the clubby stuff that much, but there are pretty cool tracks of him too, thanks for the tip. It's still hard to believe that he's really the one from Quirk, I know it's true, but it's just a waaay different style, pretty commercial sounding.
  7. Haha, you MUST have been very high on psychedelics when you saw him live, I guess there's no other explanation for your major enthusiasm. (not being sarcastic) He's a bit boring and too repetitive imo. Edit; I just read in the lowest part of your post he was one half of Quirk I thought I knew that name Tim Healey. I don't recognize the sound init, maybe the style is a little like the Paradise Pills track from Quirk. Well, at least in this track I recognize the style;
  8. Haha, it's true isn't it? It's allways funny, when someone dies suddenly he was so much better then he was alive, Lisa Presley was allways talking shit about him, now he's dead and suddenly he was the most marvelous man ever. Oh well...
  9. Wow, this is fucking deep! Amazing artwork!
  10. There used to be pretty good full on imo pre 2004, like Fractal Gliders and old Protoculture, old rastaliens, old Digicult, the first Benza release and many South Africans and some more, but after that I gave up on this sub genre, there's probably some great stuff out there, but it's like searching for a needle in a haystack for me. If the new IM is supposed to be full-on I guess I see what direction the genre is going, I started to listen to this type of music (goa) because I felt it was really unique, before I discovered goa I listened to really commercial louzy trance, goa changed my whole music taste, in the better , I started to appreciate music I never listened to before, I guess I can say more mature, adult music, I can't say full on brutally raped goatrance in the asshole, I mean, it's more like a blend between commercial trance and goa-trance, but the line between commercial and goa-trance is getting thinner every singel year, the underground, psychedelic theme, the freedom, the magical melodies, the immagination, and the rawness of it all is what was so very attractive about goatrance, but it seems it's getting lost now, God bless labels like Suntrip!!! When I discovered goa I never went back to all the commercial shit that brainwashed and hi-jacked my musical taste , and now full on is blending it all together again, look at IM, they were so great in the beginning, but now.... you know.
  11. Yea, thanks for the link! Pitch Black too, great, I really love Pitch Black!
  12. Wow, that's really amazing, inventive idea! The second one Interterrestrial Architecture made me think of Ernst Haeckel's Drawings. http://neurologicalcorrelates.com/wordpres...melethallia.jpg
  13. Cosma is dead isn't he?
  14. Yea, right it's CPC, I allways get that wrong. It's so! Well, it's just my opinion, you don't need to agree ofcoarse, I like them both, but the first I have loved from the beginning, the other had to grow on me, Outer Space it still my favourite, it's my first Kindzadza love huh. Aaah, ok, right, I should've known that, my bet, sorry.
  15. I thought Waves From Outer Space was better. :wank: It's hard to vote, I like 'em both a lot! But I guess I'll vote on the one I discovered first then, wich is Kindzadza. What does PCP has to do with all of this?
  16. Don't get me wrong, I ussually don't watch movies while tripping at all, but the times I did were fun, not that you'll understand what's going on, but you analyze everything in such bizarre personal ways, or watching political debates when tripping can be interesting too, you can dismantle everyone's facade so easily, that it starts to look like a bad school play, you can see right through their masks. Or at least that's what you are convinced of at the time.
  17. Ticon, Shiva Chandra, some Vibrasphere but not all, the downtempo tracks can be really good. But overall I think it's pretty boring music. And Astral Projection. .......No, just kidding, they rock(ed) not anymore now though, same with Infected, I can't believe what utterly shit they are producing now, it's unbelievable, it's their lives ofcoarse, but in my eyes they betrayed themselves. It's pathetic, but I guess they chose to make a living out of the shit they are producing now, the corporate whores.
  18. Well, no, I was actually talking about watching it while on acid, I'm not saying that you should watch it while tripping balls, I couldn't focus on it even if I wanted to, but when tripping very gently, like on just a half blotter, you know, when you are on a very relaxed and cozy and giggly, smooth sailing trip. You won't be actually watching it in order to understand it, like you would watch a regular movie, but more as a background trip screen. I think Funky Forest would be really fun to watch on acid, if you see the film I'm pretty confident that you might understand what I mean. It's movie shaped acid!
  19. Studio Ghibli has some psychedelic stuff http://www.imdb.com/company/co0048420/ But I guess we all know that allready... But I forgot to mention this one, a while ago I saw most likely the strangest film that I ever saw, I watched lot's of straaange movies in my life, but this one is probably on my top 5 strangest movies of all time, and it is veeeery psychedelic as well. Funky Forest http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0451829/ If the makers were'nt really high on acid while writing the script, they sure as hell made a movie that feels like they were really high on acid while writting the script. It's strange, funny and colorful, I think it would be just perfect to watch on acid. And maybe Science of Sleep http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0354899/
  20. 1408 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0450385/ Maybe I'm the only one here who thinks it's psychedelic, I just think it is really psychedelic. Maybe I was too stoned when I watched it, I think I should watch it again some time, I really liked it.
  21. What about Paradise Lost by John Milton, or Dante's La Divina Commedia? Does that apply?I don't know much 'bout poetry, and I don't know Wallace Stevens.
  22. I love Bassnectar, I discovered him by this clip: But I love Rachel Brice more! Gotta love it!
  23. Wow, this is really great stuff! Especially the track that starts at 93:52 is really amazing, great drive! I love it a lot! Thanks for uploading!
  24. WTF a collaboration with Jonathan Davis and Perry Farrell? Jezus what the hell happened to psytrance? I can't believe this, IM is getting worse every year.....
  25. Definatly the right one, she looks like a steaming hot bed partner, the rest are just being very pretty, but the right one represents pure sex! Makes me think a little of Meital Dohan in weed where she played Yael, dunno why. http://vicio.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/meital_dohan_3.jpg http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/im...weeds_240_1.jpg
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