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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Bah! Why so much hate towards darkpsy? I admit, like a rough 90 % of the darkpsy released today is just childish and camouflaged full-on, I don't like that either, but amoung these there are still top notch 100% pure psychedelic tracks. It's up to the DJ to identify the dark pearls. What does darkpsy mean anymore anyway, you have so many different kinds of darkpsy that there should be a new word invented to discribe the "good stuff", I mean the underground, filthy, dirty, screaming and scratching, mindraping, sanity attackers.Darpsy is not darkpsy anymore, you know. Actually, no genre killed the "scene" imo, the only thing that changed is that it all began to become very mainstream and kinda commercial, and there is a croud for the lame "darkpsy" and "full-on," I dunno, like the club people or something, but most of them don't even understand the better music, they just like to kick there feet on a repetitive tune with hard bass, without experiencing a whole world of fantasy behind the curtains. There is no scene, there are scenes now. I think there will allways be an "underground" croud for old-shool goa and raw crazy darkpsy, and vica versa. Just don't listen to shitty full-on and shitty darkpsy, don't go to that kind of parties, just kinda ignore it.
  2. Many people seem to like the BP empire album a whole lot.... Not my favorite Infected album, it was clearly their turning point to a new direction, I do love Funkameleon, and I shure as hell love Dancing With Kadafi, Never Ever Land and spaniard are great too, but I prefered their 2 earlier albums over this one. Dunno why actually.
  3. I really look forward to this one, and especially to the Merr0w album, it's gonna rock for shure!
  4. Masaladosa - Madhuvanti Hmmmm, this is so sweet....
  5. Wow, you are really really old! My apologies for this, I could resist it, but you know...
  6. Scozbor - Normal Drug Taking Damn psychotic tune!
  7. Hmmmm, Opeth, watch this, it's just plain beautiful! http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=cKx5zrb0Z_0&...feature=related Their coverart is beautiful too. http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=369524 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=378314 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=400083 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=400112 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=400137 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=507593 http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=620385 Sinister, mysterious, dark, haunting, but beautiful!
  8. Planet B.E.N. must be amoung the pioneers, all his track's on Trippy Future Garden arefrom the evry beginning of the 90's.
  9. Soulfly - Rough.. ! Rrrrrrrrrghh, I get so much energy from this song! Make it rough, Fucking rough, It's how you land, Not how you fall !! The end is pretty psychedelic imo.
  10. Now playing, Beach Buddha - A Million Miles An Hour Pretty melodic too, grrrrreat track!
  11. Oh, shit!This is one of my all time favorites! Pure bliss indeed, definatly pure bliss! This and (wonder why it's not mentioned before) Jaia - Maï Maï. This track give's me goosebumps.
  12. The distorted guitar/saw noise that starts at 3.35 is pretty cool, otherwise the beginning feels a bit chaotic I guess, but maybe if you master it a bit around it'll become less chaotic, dunno. Keep it up.
  13. Brother Culture - Isis. http://www.discogs.com/release/1364153 Played this a LOT lately, I really, really love it!
  14. Heh, the smoke looks like Ganesha. Venetian Snares - Hospitality. Weeee, I don't understand why I didn't like this artist before, I allways thought it was annoying music, guess I didn't hear the "right tracks "but now I really grew into it, so much that I actually begin to love it. Seriously psychedelic music.Think this Aaron guy must be a pretty sick puppy.
  15. So true, I reaaally love the ending of Nobody, but I also reeaally dislike the beginning of it, such lame voices, it's double, but on a party, or in a set that can be still fixed.
  16. It's Cyborganik with a K. And yes, this track is amaaaaaaaaaazing!
  17. Cyborganic - The Centre of the Cyclone. Greaaaaat track!
  18. For more or less electronic, this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQBhAzeYXc4 I love the feeling it brings. ...Well, ok it's trance, but hey...
  19. ... Or to fall asleep to. Shen - Swift Moon Pass.
  20. Yea, definatly, I like it too, gonna buy your album when it's released!
  21. Well, you know, like all the albums mentioned here, not psychedelic trance, but in the same style, only chilled, with a downbeat tempo.Like some artists are doing at the end of their cd, they put an ambient track, wich can be considered psychill aswell, for instanse to give a very commercial example, Ott, or Shpongle.
  22. Yes , this one is very good indeed! Maybe you'll like the Kumharas series, I have these two, they are both lounge and from Ibiza, actually very decent music also. http://www.discogs.com/release/516381 http://www.discogs.com/release/365298 Especially the 3th is very good!
  23. Thanks man! I'll try Liquid Records.
  24. Sooooooow..... How does a man order something from this site??
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