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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Shitkatapult, Really? Original .... Don't know if I like the cover or not, pretty facinating art-work though. (Don't know the artist...)
  2. Genecom - Polyphonic Raid. Good oldy.
  3. Or you where on drugs when you wrote this or, you are a big crybaby. No, seriously, it's a nice track, but I managed to keep my eye's dry.
  4. Total - Syraterapi. Vs. Sekt Vs Aremakki - Wood Man. Ah, the drive, the sweet drive in these 2 delicious tracks!
  5. Hahaha!Amazing, thank's man!
  6. There are so many great samples that are missing in Psychedelic Mind Expander wich I'm pretty curious about, maybe some of you have stumbled upon some of these samples? Scatterbrain - Mexican Jezus. Teeth grinding sample imo. After all these years I still don't know where it's from.... Total - Troll Hell Town. Some woman mambling about a hotdog hallucination, very cool! to be found here; http://www.lysergic-asylum.com/html/audio.html Dark Elf - Hot Blood. This one is fucking amazing as an intro, Dark Elf brings such a good atmosphere. I have plenty more though, memory fails again. ): I'd be glad if someone could help me out here.
  7. DaZeD


    What a speech that is, I'm so touched. No, seriously, sounds great, good for you, happy birthday. : )
  8. Braincell - Total Control. Superb artist! Also such a meaningfull and true sample, been used many time's, but I don't mind, it's brilliant! ....I believe with the advent of acid, we discovered new ways to think and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts of mind. Why is it that people are so afraid of it? What is it about it that scares people so deeply? Because they are afraid that there is more to reality than they have ever confronted. That there are doors that they are afraid to go in and they don't want us to go in there either because if we go in, there we might learn something that they don't know.... ....And that makes us a little out of their control. (!!!)
  9. Trold - A Way Will Be Made. Sweet track, I realy love the distortion in the synth-riff at 05.10. Trold=Gold
  10. Wow, such a complete description! Think I fit in the Pure Enjoyment Guy category, but some other I can relate to also.Think I often walk around with a somewhat borred look on my face, untill the drugs kick in, that is. (Nothing to be proud of, I know, but it's just so true.) I saw an Eso Goan guy last weekend at Rhakti, (a few actually) but this one definatly fits into this category, he was walking around in a cowboy-like outfit with feathers in his cowboy hat, with a beard, a somehow freaky, but huge smile on his face trampeling around with a few Himalayan Healing Insence sticks, trying to spread his positive energy, waving it in everyones face.... Couldn't hold myself from lauging, what a strange character.
  11. Front Liner Assembly - Dissension
  12. Yea, I totally love Kock Boxes.
  13. Would be great if you'd be able to mannage that, but it's just the same location as the year before, no? What happened?
  14. Ah, oops!
  15. Yea, my too, actually, my favorite is no Vibrasphere at all, it's a touch too minimal, way too easy at time's, some I do like when I think of it, We Are The Mamoth Hunters was a nice one, some other, can't even recall. Bah.
  16. Life Of Agony - Weeds. Ah, well I don't care if it's emo, cheesy or whatever, just a great song.
  17. This man makes absolutly wonderfull covers, especially this one .... http://www.workhardened.com/mastodon/bloodmountain.html http://www.workhardened.com/main.html
  18. Phew! What, again? Or, time is raging by, or, this man is producing at a raging speed!
  19. Maybe, just maybe; Violet Vision - Fingering Nuns On Mars. .... gotta love that track name.
  20. Yea, also very effective music, so true! I also love Boards Of Canada when I trip.
  21. Mindsphere - Molecular Restrictive Great track, superb compilation! Totaly suntrip style!
  22. Phew! So many track's... I'm not going to do that much trouble though. But once again, I realy, realy, realy think Soul Vibration 001 conatains nothing but DEEP powerfull trip music.For me personaly this is along the most intense trip music I have ever experienced (in psy genre), ofcoarse Entheogenic's debut is a complete ride into the garden of wonderland too. Also T.I.P. - Mystical Experiences. (duh) Well, that's not all, but these are mostly my most favorite weapons of choise when I'm setting up for a trip. Along with Ott, Younger Brother, Hallucinogen in Dub, Koxbox, Prometheus, some Shpongle... Good warm vibes all over.
  23. Dejavu Records labeled their compilation "I'm A Program" neurotrance, inside the cd box there's printed "neurotrance".... Dunno if this means anything.
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