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Everything posted by DaZeD

  1. Female (entry) obviously. Yea, the name should go well with the cover concept. Or better ... 2 females, otherwise it'll lose it's symetry, and the "holy grail" in the background won't be visable anymore, I think.
  2. I used to own a few Hypnotrance cd's like 10 years ago, it was the first time I heard something like that. I was hooked on them, still own 2 of them, nicely scratched alover. It's not goa trance, more acid influenced, but dreamy music also. More like XTC music.
  3. israelites - come together. Great!
  4. I got this one from Psyshop, it's still there. (Re-Released on Avatar.)
  5. Thank's, good advice. It's a lil' hard to download t'shirts anyway.
  6. Parasense...
  7. Aes Dana - Natti Natti Carbon Based Lifeforms - World Of Sleepers ...
  8. I'm pretty shure you can find clothing with Raja Rams face on it. Damn, I think you can even find coffe cups and dinner plates with Raja Rams face on it if you search hard enough.
  9. Solar Fields - Overlapping Particles followed by C.B.L. - Abiogenesis Overwhelmingly dreamy sleepy music.
  10. Asura - Fahrenheit. Great atmosphere allover.
  11. Digital Mystery Tour - Nemo Mellow, mellow.
  12. Oh, yes! I bought this one at Rhakti Dei a few years ago and when I got home I was listening to this still trippin'on Acid, MDMA and party memories and it was just perfect music for coming down to and enjoying the afterflow! I was just playing it again after a BIG while, and the sweet memories where flowing out of the speakers, again! This compilation seems not too well appreciated by many, and I can see why, it has a pretty high cheese level, but I just love it! Marahti, Cyberion, Patscan, Pink Powder Stuff, all weird, funky, great stuff. 9/10
  13. I'm not a big fan of his stuff, heard this one a while back, and didn't like it, only heard it once though. But at first glance, it's pretty dull imho.
  14. Can't agree more.
  15. DJ Spooky Presents 50,000 Volts Of Trojan Records
  16. Damian Marley - Road To Zion. What a sweet song. Track of the week actually.
  17. John Coltrane - Summertime Sweet.
  18. I'm actually dissapointed. I liked Aphid Moon a whole lot, when they just started to release I allmost liked everything they produced, (High Diver album in particular! ) but now they managed to dissapoint me. Looked like they went another direction, as Pavel said, it's impossible to please everyone. Just not my taste.
  19. Heh, obviously, it's not like he planted a seed and little marleys started to form...
  20. Now it's on 3 times. Don't like the music though. Damian Marley - Catch A Fire Man, Bob had some good seed.
  21. Nelly Furtado - All Good Things Never ever thought she'd ever release something I'd appreciate, but here I go.
  22. Jaia - Mai Mai closely followed by Indoor - Sweet Coming Home And it is sweet coming home with these lovely tunes.
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