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  1. Hi Guys, Just to let you know that the website Psychedelic.be is back open again ... A vibrant forum... (never thought it would become that alive again in such a sort notice) If you want to promote your label or releases... your best chance ... And next month we're moving to a quadcore dedicated server with 8GB RAM, enjoy the ride! Greetings -Psychedelic.be
  2. Dr. Gonzo & Mister Crash presenteren: een psychedelisch feest voor mensen die graag psychedelische dansmuziek horen! line-up: Process ( UK, 1ste keer in Vlaanderen, DJ-set) http://www.psychedelic.be/coppermine/thumb...s.php?album=380 http://www.psychedelic.be/coppermine/thumb...s.php?album=379 http://www.psychedelic.be/coppermine/thumb...s.php?album=378 Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Prometheus+Process http://www.discogs.com/artist/Process+(2) Kulu (Griekenland, Metallaxis, Trishula Records, DJ-set, 1ste keer in Vlaanderen) http://www.trishula-records.com/artists-pages/kulu.htm http://www.noise-poison.com/np/index.php?o...7&Itemid=42 Mind Distortion System (Live-act, Trishula rec., Lycantrop rec., Mystical Druids Society, Portugal/Beglië) Luister online naar 3 nummers van deze meneer. Luister zéker naar "Methamorphose" !!!http://www.myspace.com/minddistortionsystem Device (Brussel, Lycantrop rec., Mystical Druids Society, DJ-set) "When Device plays, people get thirsty. But they might not stop dancing to get a drink until his set is finished." Deze DJ sluit perfect aan bij de live-act. Op het darkgebied (in Vlaanderen), vind ik Device de beste DJ die op dit moment de dansvloer met zijn muziek onveilig maakt. DJ Device heeft me alvast beloofd héél binnenkort een DJ-set op psychedelic te zullen zetten, maar hij had last van een kapotte cd-speler. Zijn dj-myspace: http://www.myspace.com/djdevice1 En, wil je weten hoe hij draait, hier kan je alvast luisteren naar nummers van hem. Luister zéker naar "Pussy Control"!!! Hier de link: http://www.myspace.com/forbiddenplant Download een set op psychedelic van DJ Device: http://www.psychedelic.be/v2/content/view/200/45/ Yo-El (DJ-set) Tjoepke (DJ-set) ACID ZAAL Mr. Gasmask (live) http://www.myspace.com/mrgasmask http://www.binarybassline.com/ Arkanoid http://www.myspace.com/303arkanoid http://www.binarybassline.com/ K-Os http://www.myspace.com/krrros Kryll Syncope http://www.myspace.com/ffr303 Phenomecron http://www.analoguerenaissance.com/ <hr> :fk
  3. hello, becauqse astral is coming to belgium on 9/12 we want to interview him do you guys have any questions you might want to ask astral projection?
  4. found it, thanks anyway
  5. hello, i'm looking for the contact info of dragonflyrecords.com .... webmail@dragonflyrecords.com info@dragonflyrecords.com webmaster@dragonflyrecords.com i get this error when sending email: <webmaster@dragonflyrecords.com>: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 550 Unrouteable address Giving up on thanks !
  6. added Home > Festivals > 2006 > Hadra Festival (30/06-02/07) pics by Jennifer
  7. http://www.trancefestivals.com/index.php?o...apper&Itemid=35 Home > Festivals > 2006 > Rhakti Dei (01/07/2006) pics by Dr. Gonzo also featuring Home > Festivals > 2006 > Freaky Dragons (05/2006) pics by Mad Doctor & Doktor Gonzo & Home > Festivals > 2006 > Evolution Festival Brasil pics by Nic !!! website under construction but have a peep!!!
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