Empty Space
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Everything posted by Empty Space
Astral Projection: Nice to hear once in a while. Gets pretty boring after a couple tracks though. Maybe they need a greatest hits album? Yeah yeah yeah they WERE good back in the day. But the day has come and gone, and they're.... still making new albums. I still think their new releases are somewhat alright, they aren't BAD, it's not quite as bad as Duran Duran or Def Leppard making new albums (and these bands are still at it!). But revolutionary psy/goa/whatever? Not anymore, and not since before the millenium. I dunno I'll listen to their stuff again I suppose I'm due for a re-listen... But last time I listened to an album of theirs I turned it off after track 3 or 4... Morning trance has its time and place. But not in my listening collection! (with some exceptions) Morning trance is best when you're dancing to it in the morning after dancing all night to the killer dark stuff! Kind of like the trip within the trip... A good psy track has these buildups and letdowns, then it builds some more and lets down a little, then it climbs up to the climax, explodes, and then lets you down gently. Just like a good set should be. Just like good sex should be.
We could always ban use of the word 'Killar" or any derivatives/misspellings of it to keep the candy kiddies away... I'm not much for banning use of a word, but it has its own special case methinks.
Have an E and a hot chocolate, you'll be fine
Sorted per artist name, albums and singles separated, genres separated Sums it up nicely for me.
Is this Hallucinogen track a new one or simply previously unreleased? (like anyone know when it was made)? If it's a new one, it's nice to hear something that is throwback to the style of psy when I got into it (and before). It's a nice track. It seems to lack depth after the first couple spins, but then it's not the whole track, right? Can't get TOO judge-y about it. I still can't wait for his new stuff. It OUGHT to be better than this track. Look at the Skinny Puppy track they gave us for that crap movie Underworld. First new Skinny Puppy since '96, and was it good? Not really. But the new album was amazing. Like some of the other ones on the compilation too... They seem well-suited for a driving game. I want to get it! (loved the old GT's)
But it would be helpful if they did, right? Then you could know who to avoid at a party... They could have their own little playroom with padded walls and plastic scissors. But then that would probably spawn its own mass of retarded parties featuring horrible fullon and people whacked beyond comprehension on E, meth and blow. ... Oh wait, sorry, too late for that (rolls up a $20 bill) "Oh well, if you can't beat 'em..."
today most disappointing old school was artist
Empty Space replied to Ale's topic in General Psytrance
seraph: I just recently had listened to Electric Universe, and after that I sure as hell was thinking what you were back there What kind of sugar-coated candy crap is THAT???? Astral used to be very cool. One of the first Goa acts I got into. I did stand by them for a while. But it's getting hard to nowadays. I at least still hold out hope for X-Dream, maybe they'll drop the vocals on their next album and then I can properly appreciate it... Even if they move further away from psytrance, it ought to still be good... As long as there's no vocals in it (or as headfuckingly minimal as Irritant) Infected Mushroom, the others mentioned... I really am not so sure they will recapture their former glory ever... I think IM is gonna go even more commercial next album. BUT that's just my opinion. They are one of the few psytrance bands people who don't listen to psy know about, and they seem like they want to capitalize on that... -
I don't get it. What the hell do you guys want? A Top Ten Forum??? Goddamnit let's feed the obsessive-compulsive disorder now shall we!!! And one other thing: These people in Isatrance that type that garbage... Do they really speak like that? Just curious... "Hey man, great party! What's your name?" "KIIIIIIIIIIIIIILAAAAAAAHH Pratty man, luve the vibes PLUR n shit brotha es talkin bout great hits!" "Excuse me? My name is Ja-" "WHHHOOOAAA man!!! Secuze me SUPAH NUMBAH ONE FAVOOORIGHT SONG Comming fullon whooo hoo!!!! Yeah!!! Hit it!!!" "Um... are you retarded?" "WHOOO HOOOO props to the skazi bass man!!!!!!! Supa killa track numbah one floor killar man!!!! Ultra mega fullon killah!!!!!" "....Never mind."
These come out here every once in a while anyways. Name your topic. Top ten what?
today most disappointing old school was artist
Empty Space replied to Ale's topic in General Psytrance
today most disappointing old school was artist X-Dream Infected Mushroom Dark Soho And a bunch of other full-on... In trance terms, anything 5 years old is 'classic' -
any track off X-Dream's latest (save the vocal tracks... those go to the bottom of the bin)
Just take my word for it he's right. He's not forcing drug use or 'drugs-are-cool-so-do-em' mentalityupon the psy culture just stating the obvious which goes over some ppl's heads sometimes. Psychedelia and psychedelic. Those words and meanings would not exist without drugs, specifically LSD, but others too. You can achieve similar states with meditation or while dreaming, etc. But the 'psychedelic experience' is what you get using LSD, and that's where it comes from. There is really no proving it, as much as proving that you won't fall if you jump out of an airplane or something. You can't be E-tarded if you've never been high on E. And of course you can enjoy this music without ever taking drugs. But it does help! hehehe And of course some music needs drugs to be enjoyed at all, like say Happy Hardcore (shudders)
That seriously looks happenin. But that chick with the body paint... hee hee yikes! Well its fun to get nekkid, and if it's your thing, all the power to ya. You won't see me with less than boxers on, though. But just boxers is quite nice.
This seems to be the first forum for me to become addicted to tho Same here... blah. One more thing to do on the net... But so addictive. And friendly too... Even if most of you are on the other side of the ocean, or planet, at that... This forum rocks.
Wow that lineup looks amazing... We really don't get much like that here, ever. And its 3 days too, not too long and not too short. It's close enough too, so that one should be a priority this summer. Some of my very faves there (Delta, Spirallianz, Tetraktys is good too) Damn I can't sleep!! I hate insomnia!!! I need valium.... wish I had some valium...
Had to leave earlier. Great set, I liked it, good selection and pacing.
Havent seen Korn live... But they're kinda past their prime now... All old and fat bastards... would have been good to see them after Life Is Peachy or Follow The Leader tours. Now they're just a band going thru the motions... Their old stuff still lives on in my head though.
currently listening.
Psytones - Deftones are indeed awesome. One of my very favourite groups. Around The Fur and White Pony, two of my all-time faves... Adrenaline was pretty good but not as good as those 2. I saw them live, and they were just fantastic! If you haven't seen them, do it.... It's worth it.
Well I've been visiting the Black Light Activists homepage for a while now, hoping for an update, and there finally is one! So Midimiliz is coming to Toronto. Yes! Finally something to break this long silence of worldwide acts hitting the city. Groovy.... APRIL 29th (Friday) Boa/Redux club (Spadina & Dundas) Tix $25 19+ event (good!) Plus the usual BLA DJ's (Yeb, Jarek, Sketi, Quivering Virgin) And some crew from Montreal (Yann, Techsafari, Eclipse...) And some Om Festival DJ's (Rollin Cash, Jonah K, etc) Plus Neil Gibson will have a new series of deco, it says... I know the dude personally and he is one of the most talented deco artists I've ever met... He has some stuff up on erowid.org. He is just amazing with black-light paint, if you saw his work you'd think it was done on a computer... but it's not! Anyways I'm going to get my tix when I get paid this week. Black Light Activists For complete info.
I've had a couple minor flashbacks, at work, on the bus etc. They are generally not bad, kind of like reliving a drug (or intense memory) experience for a moment (read: couple seconds to couple minutes). I've found all of them to be enjoyable, if barely noteworthy. They haven't been so intense as to make me lose control while operating heavy machinery (they have happened during those times) or walk across a street on a red light or anything. They are pretty mild in my experience... (and I've been thru my share of psychedelic use) halee... if you've done any amount of psychedelics you've probably experienced them at some point, and the fact you don't know prob just says how minor they indeed are... Of course some people will have intense experiences but havent met too many ppl in that case.
I liked the first 2 movies and Animatrix... Juno reactor also had a couple tunes from the Mortal Kombat movies. Off the first one was pretty decent IMO. juno Reactor is psy-trance that really isn't psy-trance (in the strictest sense). It mixes world music, other kinds of electronic music into psy and that's what you get... Juno is one of the best bands to get newbies into psy-trance. "Beyond The Infinite", and "Bible Of Dreams" for their more old-school psy-trance sound. "Shango" and "Labyrinth" for what Juno sounds like now. some of their good songs include Conga Fury (!!!!!), God Is God, Pistolero, Nitrogen Pt. 1 (made w/ Alex Patterson from the Orb, amazing track IMO), there's lots more. They just rock. Listen to them, even if you don't like "Psy-Trance"
Thoughts on an psytrance mp3 shop like iTunes
Empty Space replied to Trancehead's topic in General Psytrance
I would pay for mp3's if they were cheaper, as it is (real) albums cost about $20-25 (or more here) but then I get the case, the cover art, the inside booklet, the nice design printed on the CD itself, and any other additions there may be. Paying about $2 Cdn for an mp3 that I can download for free, is ridiculous (a whole mp3 album will cost me as much as buying the damn real thing!), as I don't get album art, I don't get bells and whistles. I'm sorry if my views are controversial, I am a musician myself. I want to make money off it as well but dammit mp3's are just individual tracks, to be honest I won't bother paying for them until they become like .75 a track (or less). I can buy a fucking album and make high-quality mp3's out of it myself, and make a compilation and spend about the same amount of money as paying $2 for each individual mp3. A whole album on mp3 should be less than $10 in total. I'm sorry guys it is a really good idea it has its heart in the exact right place, but it really does need to be cheap before people will go for this en mass... I hope this can be done... -
actually for a January, it was quite cold at night! not freezing but the nights went to around 9-10C - which is NOT the usual in our summers! 9-10 C cold? LOL! That's practically T-shirt and shorts weather here Today was a balmy plus-2 degrees C! And all last week it was horrific, averaging -25 degrees Celcius... Makes me want to visit your country in the winter time. Er wait if youre in the southern hemisphere doesnt that mean youre in summer now? Or am I just retarded? I know the toilet flushes backwards where you are.
As none of my mates or anybods at work can tell psy trance from nu-metal so it's good to find this forum Well I like both. So screw yer mates! And why did you name yourself after a pickle?