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Empty Space

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Everything posted by Empty Space

  1. Well dunno but it wasnt the new IM or X-Dream... Havent heard a bunch of releases yet but I liked Absolum and Talpa. Good albums!
  2. Wow it looks quite warm there for January, you lucky Aussie bastards
  3. if you want to talk commercial hardcore black metal, look at stuff like in flames, entombed, killswitch engage, cradle of filth etc. But I don't think these bands make shitty music because they're big, I think they're all pretty good...
  4. come on, her ´toxic´ song was actually ok I liked the video for it
  5. It's far from complete but you'll find most major releases there (its all you need anyways)
  6. Psy isn't dead. Listen to Absolum... then tell me if its still dead
  7. Can't we have both?
  8. Groovy. Makes me want to hit a festival! Until I look outside, and at my account balance... blah rent week $$$ Seems like lots of ppl here went to that Tribeadelic party. Well this year I'll be around
  9. doggBALLZ~ Hope Calgary's psy scene can satisfy ya man... Cheers from T.O., where the psy scene sucks.
  10. ....oh dear...prepare yourself for a HUGE explanation any time now........ Spare us, please, at least in this thread... Can't we just link to this argument from whenever before? Save us a million posts... Please think of the traffic jam!
  11. Didn't know anything about the music (actually detested rave music!), some friends invited me out to a party, it was either 1999 or 2000 (so I voted 1999, to be cool ) Didn't know who the acts were at the time, but I really enjoyed the party (I was high on acid at the time, which was weird where I was, but good!) So later, after I get into psy trance, I find my old ticket, and who was playing that night? Wizzy Noise! Good good stuff. From there... heavy listening at first to Juno Reactor, Infected Mushroom, Astral Projection, and so on, and here I am now! I've actually been posting on this forum for quite a while longer than my registered date (around 2002?) when the forum got all screwed up. Just never got around to getting it fixed, and don't really care either... Anyways cheers ppl
  12. Being in shape is good for your body, respecting your body. I try to get motivated to work out, I'd like to do it more often, but even in a bad week, I'll get around to it once or twice... I want to get into it every day though (don't want to be really huge or anything, just in good shape) Of course my job is pretty physical exercise, so by working out I mean after I get home (which is when I lack motivation heheh)
  13. jewls: never heard of wemf at all... is that a new one? And Voov and Full moon sound good if they are close together, in fact that sounds ideal. Bring it on!! Hehehe I'll have to do some more research on this matter. Peace dudes
  14. Sweet Jesus! hehehe... so many replies... I'm away from this topic for a day or two and look what happens... A lot of countries were mentioned, I only have 2 vacation weeks this year! Heheh... well I can take sick weeks as well thank you all for the suggestions...Ideally I'd go all over the damn place, I'll have to start slow though tee hee! fretshe: post a pic if you can, I'm curious now! That Freedom Festival looks awesome, I may have to go to that. I know the deal with Burning Man as I've investigated the site thoroughly, I dunno if I'll end up going though to that one until I find someone who would drive me there! It's pretty extreme conditions! I'd want to go in an RV or something (well, the weather here right now ain't any better, -20 degrees celcius, 30-50kmh winds, -30 windchill factors... This has not been a merciful last couple weeks weather wise) halee: whichever festivals you think are any good, let it out! you sound like a good times party girl, I'm sure you know some good ones... I'd love to go to Australia! Although check out the country as well as the festivals of course As far as the music I'm looking for, obviously Psy/Goa is my preferred style of music, but I also like hard techno, Drum'n'Bass (without the vocals), breakbeats and dub as well. General ambient can be good too, but it can also be cheesy elevator music as well. The only kinds of (rave) music I really dislike (and I accept that it is everywhere!) is house music: prog-house, tech-house, and ambient-house (though this last one can be good at times). Also really really REALLY dislike Happy Hardcore!! No amount of ecstacy can make me like that stuff... Acid house is alright though, apparently it's making a comeback. I especially hate those diva vocals on the old house tracks!!!! Can't think of any other rave-ish music I dislike at the moment, I'm sure I'll remember something though As the music is important, just as important to me is the vibe that can be expected. I'd much rather go to a smaller festival w/ less good music where there is large respect for everybody, than a large festival w/ better music where there is lack of respect (not saying I won't go to a big festival of course) I don't travel much but have seen and heard of unfortunate circumstances where people coming from other countries get their stuff stolen. I'd hate to be in Belgium or England or Germany and have my goddamn plane ticket stolen! You know what I mean.... Also whichever festival I go to I would hope someone from here would be going too, no friends of mine would do this kind of thing. I can do fine in a big festival alone of course, but with some chums it gets better of course (plus it will be less of breaking-the-ice if I meet someone from here, you think?) Anyways I'm going to attempt to read all these posts I've missed now. Whoo yeah! Cheers to you all
  15. OK well I don't do much travelling, and my province has a serious lack of good electronic music festivals (psy-related or other). I went to the Om Festival, which is usually held within a 5-hour drive from Toronto (though in different locations) And I seem to recall an event called Teknival or something which happened here, I didn't go and don't know if it still happens here. Can anyone suggest a good multi-day festival in other countries besides Canada? I want to travel to Europe soon, this year or next, and wouldn't mind doing it in summertime going to a crazy festival! I've heard of the bigger ones... Samothroki (spelling?) Full Moon... Burning Man... I know lots about Burning Man, not so much about the other ones... appreciate if ppl can give ideas, maybe a little about the festival (vibe/music/location/country/time of year it occurs etc) Wouldn't mind meeting anyone from here in the process too! Thanks
  16. You don't want that Freq crap, throw on Scizoeffective by Delta or Classical Mushroom by Infected (or Radio by X-Dream) I think this psygressive trend blows... IMO (that's In My Opinion thankyouverymuch) Or go old-school and listen to Koxbox - Dragon Tales or even Astral Projection, if you like that sort of thing. Astral Projection is too sugary for me, kind of like eating packets of sugar while rolling on E And stay the hell away from Skazi, Yahel, Alien Project, and just about any new release by an oldschool artist... (the new X-Dream, Infected), unless you're one of those... ravers... that likes happy hardcore and mainstream trance... hope not
  17. I second Pop by Delta. Play on a really good sound system and be.... afraid thickest bass I've heard in a while... It's like a whole different plain of existence
  18. I voted for the forest as dancing to psy in a forest (with a huge soundsystem, friendly, high-out-their-minds trancers, and lots of flouro) is the best setting for a good psy party in my opinion... I've been on parties on a beach but not psy parties (it was tech-house, which I dislike actually) And champagne electrickery? yuck, that stuff turns my stomach, I can barely stomach one glass on new years heh... Now vodka, rum & gin on the other hand, and don't forget the beer & ganj! The only time morning full-on is nice is when you've been up dancing all night and watch the sun rise as you're dancing... that is indescribable fun. I don't mind the music turning all happy-sappy then, it just goes with the vibe, man
  19. Happy jamming!
  20. Personally I thought Irritant was good when I first heard it, but then after going into other albums new and old, it quickly lost its replay value after that initial rush of "new X-Dream!" They just went a little toooooooo minimal (boring) And the new album, ugh, the voices annoy the hell outta me... I can only listen to the instrumental tracks, as the vox ruin the tracks for me... I just can't see (or hear) past them Radio was perhaps the release that started shifting psytrance into its minimal phase (of which much was horrible and some was fucking cool), from which the scene is somewhat recovering... This is my understanding of the album's importance. (Kind of like how after Nirvana got big, everyone tried to sound like Nirvana) "It's like a radio station, or several radio stations, inside my head!!!" Yup this album is one of the best psy albums I have heard...
  21. senpsy - you have heard X-Dream's RADIO, right? Because you didn't list it there... And if you haven't heard it... Then well you are truly missing out. It's like the Led Zeppelin IV of psytrance (IMO)
  22. oh fer cryin out lout its just a poll eh, But anyways I'm from Canada. But you already knew that.
  23. Digital Blasphemy is a good one, but not all of their pics are free... My current wallpaper is from their site, and one of the free ones... it's pretty too!
  24. I didn't say I liked most of today's full-on, did I? I wouldn't say all the artists I listed as liking were 'full-on', maybe a few are, but they all are sort of different yet fit into a certain mood... I like the old trance, as well, but man... when trance and house mix... with typical ambient/psychadelic flourishes here and there... I get bored. Quickly. FREq, Son Kite? Boring, boring, boring, to me myself and I...
  25. FREq, Son Kite... All the same crap. Really don't like this kind of trance (is it even trance?), it sounds like progressive house dressed up with some psychadelic sounds... But then... I HATE PROGRESSIVE HOUSE!!! AND 99.9% OF HOUSE MUSIC!!!! Rather hear some melodic, dark psy trance like Juno, old IM, X-Dream, Xenomorph, old Dark Soho, and the tech-trance stuff (Spirallianz, Delta) Astral is OK but it can be too mainstream-cheesy for me at times, espeically with their new stuff... Astral's old stuff was melodic, but still a little too different to be truly 'mainstream-sounding' And don't even start on the happy hardcore. Agh!
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