Anoebis, i know NO SINGLE PERSON that doesnat have a computer, and infact more and more of my friends download tracks on downloadshops. its growing.
you get 66 cent for 18 downloads? or you mean that you get 66 cent per track that you get sold? How much does a CD get you after you deducted everything? And how much costs could you save by selling it digitally? (I know by the way)
I will argue one point at the time, i dont have brains to think about the others at the moment, sorry mate
Like I said, poor marketing is also a very key in the bad sales. A lot of labels do not market their things good enough.
Oh shit, i dont feel like discussing this at all at the moment, can I be discluded again from the discussion? Nothing bad meant, but I really am not in the right state of mind to explain more deeply, and I dont contribute at all