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Everything posted by NEMO.BOFH

  1. Cant vote, there is no option saying : I love it all!
  2. Hey DP you will not be able to resist when we kick off either! Its going to become your Mekka! Lu Bu, is rediculous some weird slang in the US for super cool?! I get that feeling anyways Love and light to ya, I just sent you a PM
  3. http://www.newelectronicorder.com/ and dont dare moving it somewhere, mods. You dont know what its about, so please let it be here, since its about psy.. and very much so
  4. Its pretty demanding, yes. Nevertheless, I feel that Albino is a very good synth for pads and other weird sounds, but not for bass. I like the VB-1, since I actually took myself some time and worked with the sounds it can create. Imo, Novations V-Station doesnt produce that good sounds for bass, and nor does their bassline. I do suppose though, that it ALL DEPENDS what kind of bass you are after. One thing I have to add is, that nothing beats my Virus so far (software wise), and wow, there are some pretty awsome sounds you can make with a Juno 106
  5. Im also with Insejn on this one. But the better would be to gather the information, and then put it in a FAQ like interface
  6. Type faster Astro and Moon, I wanna go home!
  7. Hey Andy, since I always buy Future Music, but its always in Holland later, would you mind scanning me the interview with System 7? I cant wait another WEEK to read it
  8. Ticon, Son Kite, Behind Blue Eyes, Beat Bizarre, Atmos, etc etc. Check out labels like Iboga, Spiral Trax and Digital Structures
  9. or works in a big corporate, hence restrictions. I have the same restrictions here, and our lan is a 1240913541231 people lan
  10. Some of it. I tend to use only the ones that I own though, because they seem to be my favourites. There are also a great deal of free stuff out there, that is actually good stuff
  11. Hey, Jikkenteki! Thanks a lot, I will try them out and let ya know how it worked out!
  12. Im not that often in Sweden, but let me know when you are going to move, then I will have a think about things What you could do in the meantime, is to give me how much rackspace you are using in U's and the dimensions of your Mixer Lets continue with PM's or emails My MSN is: nemo (at) esknetlabs dot com (for anyone that feels that want to add me for that matter )
  13. Nah, i made some custom ones for my desk, well, I made my desk in the size I neeed it, and then i built wooden rack mounts to fit my needs. I love wooden stuff What im saying is, when I see what you have, and the room, I get a vision on how I would build it, in order for you to reach everyhting nice and smooth thats all Of course, your order is your order, and I didnt mean to invade that (just had an idea )
  14. SHIIIEEET, I just had a look at that Wayback machine, it totally rocks! It even found my page from 2002 when I still owned djnemo.com!!! cool stuff, thanks for sharing RTP
  15. Hey Jannis, I have one I bought it for 75 euros here in Amsterdam I was asking for some presets, not samples Nice studio!! But I would like to come and build you something really nice hehe. I am going to take a woodwork class very soon, because I figured out that I want to build custom studio setups (I have helped building many), and I think it would be THE job for me. I love building custom rackmounts Anyways again, very nice Jannis OT: You are greek?
  16. Yeah, presets.... but its not important, I was just thinking since you also have one, that you might have some laying arounds I havent found anything on the net, but then again, I havent really looked so... Im the same as you... use it and lose it
  17. Hehe, yeah it does give another feel to it, but when you alsways had equipment in a studio, and then suddenly dont then you miss it... You can get very good results without as well. For my new tracks, I havent used my virus at all (my trance project)
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