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Everything posted by NEMO.BOFH

  1. Hehe yeah, when he saw the room he said "Im gonna sleep in this room?!" And I said "Yeah, but ill remove the crap first.." and he said "So you will remove the bed and the chairs and stuff right? "
  2. I had to move it out to the livingroom, because we are letting the studio room to a french guy at the moment Hahahaha chaos lab! Its from now called: Nautilus Chaos Lab (Old studio name was The Nautilus)
  3. What lab? I love my studio setup very much, thats for sure... I only wish it wassnt situated where it is situated
  4. Hi All, couldnt find the topic with recent photos that we have taken, so I put them here since it IS my workspace. Nothing really changed, but I have blue and red disco lights Very nice effect when its all dark
  5. Hi All, here are some that I can warmly recommend (and yes I own them) PSP 608 MultiDelay http://www.pspaudioware.com/ PSP Nitro http://www.pspaudioware.com/ There are many many more, but I tend to use these a LOT!
  6. yes, ironically enough it would be like that
  7. I hate drunk people talking rubbish to me after a set. I never go to artists and criticize when I am drunk... its just not on... An email the day after though, is well deserved
  8. because youre a fucking oldschooler! HI ENDAH! EDIT: Shit, i just spammed this thread I guess.. I use several diffrent ones, I cant chose.
  9. Shit, that really sucks You can try and downgrade the bios of course.... thats always an option! Or you could see this as an oportunity to get some new fresh gear... I hear that Intels new processors are kicking ass.. and they are pretty cheap... Havent tested them though, so I couldnt say for sure
  10. The stuff that he plays live now, is the stuff for the new album indeed. We WERE going to book him, but flights from Ibiza and the prize of 3000 euros was not in our budged for getting him to play
  11. Psytrance is what you make it to be! Be it Talpa or Koxbox, psytrance is what is in your heart. If its not in your heart, then it might be psytrance for someone else... Psytrance is a ever changing story. This evolution, these changes, IMO are good. Why stay the same all the time? Phobes: this was not for you, it was kind of a continuation of your post
  12. HAHAHAHAHA thats some class stuff right there! GO COLIN GO COLIN!
  13. Youre welcome, IF i open up an experimental label, youre SIGNED... I have given it a couple of more listens, and its indeed very cool.... hard to melt, but I hear things are very deep and yeah, call it spiritual
  14. Me!! Nah, just kidding, but there are a lot of artists that get better and better... Banco de Gaia never stops amazing me, Juno Reactor never stops amazing me with their production, Colin (OOOD etc etc) is pretty much evoluting all the time (ovoluting?! ) Shit there are many to mention that still are running strong and still do stuff that is better than it was before.... I dont have time to list them though, Some finish Artist (Microtheft) just inspired me to continue on a tech/acid/chill project... later
  15. Yeah nice theory, but I guess it wouldnt work. It would work if Ebay and the likes would work together with STIM (Sweden) and MCSP (Is it that in England anyone), they could monitor the sales, together with eBay... blah blah, it will never happen though, because then you would have records like Elvis Presleys first promo for instance for 100212398124123978123 dollars, and then the percentage goes to who? Dont tell me the label, and please do not tell me to the publisher hehehe... Its not IMPOSSIBLE though, but it would take a lot of work to get something like that going. I like the idea of getting artists money though, they for sure fucking deserve more!
  16. I would, if I wassnt so greedy (j/k), the problem is that i am obsessed with my records, and the ones that I have with plastic still wrapped around them I will never sell (I think these are, i will have to look when I am in Sweden again). IF there is a copy that is brand new, but without plastic, I will sell it for sure, and youre first in the row of getting it!! Im sorry to be such a collectors asshole Colin, 24% OK?!
  17. I would rather say its experimental trance or something. I dont hear the typical "progressive" or "psychedelic" elements in it. It has some very nice moments, but it is for ME not for the dancefloor. This tune is deffinetly a nice track for a chillout where people are just standing around and kind of moving to the float.... Not really my cup of tea, but very good track nevertheless!! Really, keep up the good work! /Nemo
  18. I think I even paid less for them.... but im RICH!
  19. This is why I slipstream all my windows cd's/dvds with all available drivers ever known to man.... it will find then Anyways, did you search the knowledgebase of Microsoft?
  20. Bioses shouldnt cost you anything, did you go to the page of the ones that make the bios (I assume that you dont have a phoenix mobo, or do you?), or did you go to your mobo manufacturers homepage? Anyways, the 136gb limit is something to do with Windows XP, you have to have the latest image to actually find the 250 GB fine, or if you dont use the 250GB disk as your main disk, then just do the windows updates afterwards, and there is some knowledge articles to be found on microsofts homepage that describes what you need to do in order to use the full capacity (Cant remember how actually, been a long time).... Hope that helps mate!
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