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Everything posted by NEMO.BOFH

  1. There is no best sequencer imo. I have heard good results from any of the above... For me my choice is Cubase and Ableton, at first place, and Logic at 2nd, but some people might think that FL Studio is THE goa production system Be creative, instead of worrying if you use the best possible program.
  2. Really, It only started last night for me (Before the Switch to the new ISP). I have noticed a bug in the new firefox 3 though, I have to click the "View New Posts" twice to get it loading... or it is a IPB bug... hard to tell really.
  3. You do not? Oh well, even an old man can lose the plot (like so many times before) does not matter
  4. Otto, that is a complaint, not a question!! Yeah, I noticed that as well today. Eventhough I have a new 20mbit connection (and everything else is fast as fuck) Psynews is slow like hell today I think its some heavy traffic going on again on the server, and that it will be back tomorrow to normal. Mars can confirm (or not)

    RA - 9th

    +1 (in a way) and sheeeeeeiit man, sunwolf suddenly replaced the hat position!
  6. you lose: (-100) - (-100) = 0 Anyways, i really think you are the most positive and open minded person on this forum +100 for that!
  7. Hello Nemo :D

    How's life, Yo haven't popped up as much as you used to! :D

    is the kid behaving?

    Well anyways. Just wanted to say hi, and Goodnight! :D

  8. +10 -100 can you leave the board again banned member?
  9. why do you even waste your time on that troll?
  10. if you do, then record it! and then send it to you favorite mp3 group for world wide releasing
  11. the problem is that there are too damn many assholes in the world that think that THEIR taste and opinion is superior to everyone else, and hence, you have haters that try to bring stuff that other people love, down. fuck em, they will die miserable one day anyways
  12. LAME is for Mp3 afaik FLAC is this: http://flac.sourceforge.net/ for LAME I would use razorlame as a frontend if you do not want to fiddle around with commandline: http://www.dors.de/razorlame/screenshots.php Happy compressing!
  13. both of them which are super da bomb!
  14. is this bullshit still going on? :wank:
  15. thread closed due to lack of promotion?
  16. See no point in having 100s of threads with the same seller. All Merged.
  17. you liek? i liek!
  18. EAC is THE most accurate CD Ripper. You can use FLAC to compress later on
  19. i guess. i guess you want to make a point in how you use your piano, right? i guess it could be 2 or more layers, but I am no piano player, so maybe we should ask someone that does play piano. also, does it not depend on HOW you use the piano when you play it? About Plastikman being boring, are you not again just referring to personal taste? I find Penta boring for example, but thats just my taste speaking, not what I think about him as a producer, nor about his skills as a musician.
  20. a wanker, thats what I am, but I rather be a wanker than being an ass with an iq of 6.
  21. sorry, but I am drunk and when I am drunk, I say what I feel and here goes: "You sir, are so wrong!" but hey, live in your little bubble, I have no time to waste on you.
  22. shiiieeeet man. you are talking about taste and personal preference here, not being objective at all musically. geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedouddaere. *user banned*
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