First of all, you are taking this way too serious. 2nd of all, you can call my mother a whore, and you can say that I am the scum of the earth, or whatever, I do not care. I have learnt my lesson from taking offense from words. Trust me, I have even been threatened to be killed by some ex members on this forum, and not even that bothers me anymore. 3rd, I am no mod anymore, I do not moderate these forums. I am an admin, that does admin work, but will never decide on any warnings and bans. If you feel that offended then report my post! 4th, I have given myself THREE warnings while I was a mod, so dont give me that bullshit MKAY?! Maybe you need to get to know the humor of some of the people here, before you go all emo on me and feel offended because of some harmless joke that I made. I judged by your picture, and you have the TYPICAL SCANDINAVIAN EMO HAIRCUT! So yes, I would retract my comment if it was a really harsch one, but the way you come on about it, does not deserve my apology. I am not angry with you, nor am I going to be hard with you in other threads, but be warned that I am very sarcastic and cynical from times to times. So please dont go radiemo on me, as that ticks me off even more than you being called EMO, and you dont want that
(And I know you have forgiven me in another thread, but hey im replying to THIS post)
Hope you are all well, and that your emotions are not all stirred up right now.