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Everything posted by NEMO.BOFH

  1. Playing Ovnimoon - Sandal Water
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Charlie, pints are on me (Sorry Otto!!)
  3. hoa boa goa gaia shivaya!
  4. Mike, you want me to change the Typo?
  5. THIS is brilliant
  6. another plus one right there
  7. Damn Reger.... thats so childish of whoever that was.
  8. thats the concept at least
  9. Well, most the complaining going on here is about the moderators actions, more than complaints about the members of the site. And as you can see, my total amount of posts adds up to one or 2 replies to each complaint
  10. You sure know some boring as girls Otto...
  11. But you know I am right.
  12. youre so g*y
  13. I dont miss one single one of them. Whatever they are doing right now is making them happy, and THAT makes ME happy Thanks to all of them for making what they did in the past, and thanks to them for making others pick up where they left
  14. Faze, I know I have to answer your PM, but first things first, is that album there any good?
  15. sounds like a nukem dj set, is it?
  16. reger wont like that you shut your mouth either though
  17. You are so selective for not bitching at reger
  18. Well, reger did not agree with that and reported it. High warn-level got him banned.
  19. The spirit of our community will only cease to exist when we all leave it. So, here is a message to Raja Ram: YOU ARE WRONG! Regards, Nemo
  20. Plus fucking ONE!
  21. well oh well Reginald
  22. dude, I am looking for a 2nd copy of Funk! PHAT List there !
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