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Live: Tony Rohr (Plus 8, Drumcode, Datapunk, Cocoon, Clink, Rompecabeza,New York, US) Andomat 3000 (Cadenza, Four: Twenty, Kiddaz.fm, Einmaleins, Cécille, Platzhirsch) Dave Shokh (Rompecabeza, D!polter, Stuttgart) Mario Pajic (Klickhaus, Lazerslut, ToraToraTora) DJ´s: Harry Axt (Rompecabeza, Leftroom, Kiddaz.fm, Grand Petrol, Berlin) Holgi Star (Kiddaz.fm, Rompecabeza, Micro.fon, Berlin) Camea (Clink, Klickhaus, New York,US) Siskid (Initial Cuts, Meant Records, Paris,FR) Club30: Toketronic ( Club30 / Zoo bar / Galop / Clever music ) Mads Elsöe ( Club30 / Galop ) kristoffer Lohse ( Club30 / Zoo bar) Pehr Genlogue (Mono D, Kowtow rec) Övrigt: När Mono D gör party tillsammans med Club30 bildas Nordicconnection! Vi kan garantera en helgalen natt på Stengade i Nörrebro, Köpenhamn! Club30 har bokat in en fullkomligt enorm line-up med Tony Rohr i spetsen! PARTYBUSSAR Och speciellt för oss på andra sidan sundet kommer vi hyra in ett antal bussar som avgår från centralen i Malmö klockan 23:00 och som dessutom tar dig hem lika smidigt när gryningen kommer. På bussen kommer dj-bås installeras och festen dra i gång så fort ni kliver på! Bussbiljett+ inträde kostar 220kr, biljetter kan ni köpa på: Skivesset, Nobelvägen 103 Rundgång, Kristianstadsvägen 14 Eller betala direkt till bankgironr: 5746-0560 Ange för och efternamn så är din plats garanterad. DJ partybuss 1: Kubik (Mono D) http://www.billetlugen.dk http://www.myspace.com/clubtredive http://www.myspace.com/nordicconnection http://www.rompecabeza.net http://www.stengade30.dk 7 NOVEMBER STENGADE 30, KÖPENHAMN Inträde: 150dkk (Förköp 130) Ålder : 18 23:00-06:00
The techno-queens comes to Malmö to celebrate the release of her new album "Beyond the valley"! 14 June 23:00-03:00 Age: 20 Entrance fee: 100 sek C/O bar @ Jeriko Spångatan 38, Malmö Sweden Line-up: Anja Schneider (Mobilee, Berlin) Toketronic (Club30, Copenhagen) Pehr Genlogue (Mono D, kowtow) Oscar Villata ( Versus) The party continues all night long: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=15973199876 Anja Schneider has four jobs: She’s a label head, a DJ, a producer and a radio personality all rolled into one. No wonder one interviewer called her a "perpetual motion machine": her wheels never stop turning. A Berlin resident since 1994, Anja started out on the airwaves, producing for KissFM and later Fritz Radio, where since 2000 she has hosted the weekly radio show Dance Under The Blue Moon. The show broadcasts on the air and on the web every Saturday night, and trainspotters should take note: She doesn’t mix records on the show, she plays them, talks about them and, thankfully, tells you what they’re called, which makes the show a welcome way to find out what is bubbling under in Berlin. Anja Schneider also runs the label Mobilee Records and its new offshoot Leena. Despite its short history, Mobilee has grown into one of Berlin’s most closely watched outfits, with a close-knit roster of producers including Sebo K, GummiHz, Exercise One, Pan-Pot and Marcin Czubala. With its discography now running into the mid-30s, Mobilee has managed to carve out its own distinct sound in a city where everyone seems to be making music: the label’s mix of pristine minimal, slinky grooves and deep house manages to push dance music forward while remaining instantly accessible. In recent years Anja's profile as a producer, often in collaboration with studio partners such as Sebo K and Paul Brtschitsch, has been steadily on the rise. With a string of releases on Mobilee as well as remixes for labels such as Dessous, Karmarouge, Tsuba and Immigrant, her music combines loopy techno with a distinctly melodic bent, while her recent 12” ‘Loop Der Mer’ pushes in a deeper, housier direction. Her debut solo album, Beyond the Valley, confirms her artistic arrival with 10 rich, diverse tracks that range from the anxiety-ridden to the blissed-out. More than just a collection of dance-floor cuts, Beyond the Valley boasts a warm, enfolding arc that draws listeners in no matter the context: It's Anja at her most intimate. Finally, Anja was a DJ. A resident at Club Watergate since 2003, these days she spins more often at Mobilee showcases around Europe and beyond than home in Berlin, though she keeps her feet firmly planted at home with a Mobilee residency at Berlin's acclaimed Weekend club. With ears trained through years of broadcast and DJ experience, Anja has combined her many abilities—as selector, people-mover, producer and discoverer of new talent—to make mobilee into what it is: at once reassuringly consistent and refreshingly unexpected, mobilee is an unparalleled platform for a new generation of new musical talent.
Versus & Mono D presents: Live: Guy Gerber (Cocoon) Dj´s Kubik (Mono D) Oscar Villata (Versus) Dj´s barfloor: John H (Mono D) Jonas from falun vs. Jonas Arbsjö (Bump) C/O bar @ Jeriko Spångatan 38 Malmö, Sweden 23:00-03:00 Entrance: 100SEK 9 May www.cocoon.net www.guygerber.com www.myspace.com/monodmusic www.co-bar.se
Celebrate spring in Malmös old chocolate factory! Live: D.Diggler (Cocoon.net, Resopal) Dj´s: Marcus Carp (Paloma Rec, Fusion Festival) Sten V (Mono D) Nos (Mono D) Chokladfabriken Bergsgatan 33, Malmö 23:00-04:00 Entrance: 100 Sek Age: 20 www.cocoon.net www.digglermusic.de www.myspace.com/monodmusic
This is BIG, maybe the biggest event in Malmös dance history! Live: Der Dritte Raum [Resopal, http://www.cocoon.net ] (GER) DJ´s: Fredrikk vs JonssoN (Komittén) Sten V PRICE: 130 SEK (presales only) STARTS AT: 23:00 In the Garden(Outdoor bar with heating system):Kubik & Bacid This is BIG,maybe the biggest live performance in malmös dance history!! Andreas is the father of the Progressive sound(Halebop/trommelmachine) If U miss this, you will miss a great stomping party.. The place Privé is totally renovate, And have capacity for 900pers. Privé is Malmö´s finest club..There is just one word for this club,atmosphere!!! ______________________________________________________________________ Bio: Der Dritte Raum ("The Third Room") is the alias of producer Andreas Krüger and live co-pilot Ralf Uhrlandt. Andreas Krüger was born in Goettingen in 1963. Growing up in a musical family, Andreas was drawn into music at a very early age In 1992, Andreas made contact with Techno and soon this music became his passion. His first release was Animulation on Out-O-Space under the pseudonym Dr.DNA. Soon the first Der Dritte Raum LP followed: Mentalmodulator. The second and so far last Dr.DNA Album Heliomorph was also published in these days. The name Der Dritte Raum originates from the time when Andreas and his colleagues got a new third recording room at the Out-O-Space Studio. In this connotation, the meaning of this phrase is rather clear Meeting Sven Väth at a Goa-Party in Hamburg was the beginning of the cooperation with Harthouse Frankfurt. Andreas gave Sven a tape and the latter was rather taken with the music. Andreas says that he never could commit himself to a certain style of music. In 1996, he released some tracks under the pseudonyms 2002, Plaste+Elaste, Perpetuum Mobile, Solid State and Der Stern Von Afrika. (Text from cocoon.net) http://www.cocoon.net http://www.derdritteraum.de http://www.resopal-schallware.com DDR play every year on Fusion Festival:Respect!!______________________________________________________________________ Tickets: Stores in Malmö: FUNKYARD, SÖDERTULL, Malmö SKIVESSET, NOBELVÄGEN 103, Malmö RUNDGÅNG,KRISTIANSTADSGATAN 14, Malmö/Möllan ONLINE: http://juliusbiljettservice.se Or send a mail to monodepressiv@hotmail.com
Datum: 2006-12-08 Tid: 23:00-?? Typ: Klubb Arrangör: Mono D Plats: Club Privé, Malmborgsgatan 7 Stad: Malmö Pris: 130SEK(Presales only!!) Ålder: 20 Live: Der Dritte Raum [Resopal, http://www.cocoon.net ] (GER) DJ´s: Fredrikk vs JonssoN (Kommittén) Sten V In the Garden(Outdoor bar with heating system):Kubik & Bacid Övrigt: This is BIG,maybe the biggest live performance in malmös dance history!! Der Dritte Raum ("The Third Room") is the alias of producer Andreas Krüger and live co-pilot Ralf Uhrlandt. Andreas Krüger was born in Goettingen in 1963. Growing up in a musical family, Andreas was drawn into music at a very early age In 1992, Andreas made contact with Techno and soon this music became his passion. His first release was Animulation on Out-O-Space under the pseudonym Dr.DNA. Soon the first Der Dritte Raum LP followed: Mentalmodulator. The second and so far last Dr.DNA Album Heliomorph was also published in these days. The name Der Dritte Raum originates from the time when Andreas and his colleagues got a new third recording room at the Out-O-Space Studio. In this connotation, the meaning of this phrase is rather clear Meeting Sven Väth at a Goa-Party in Hamburg was the beginning of the cooperation with Harthouse Frankfurt. Andreas gave Sven a tape and the latter was rather taken with the music. Andreas says that he never could commit himself to a certain style of music. In 1996, he released some tracks under the pseudonyms 2002, Plaste+Elaste, Perpetuum Mobile, Solid State and Der Stern Von Afrika. (Text from cocoon.net) http://www.cocoon.net http://www.derdritteraum.de http://www.resopal-schallware.com TICKETS: In Malmö: Funkyard, Södertull Skivesset, Nobelvägen 103 Rundgång, Kristianstadsgatan, Möllan Or order by post send a mail to monodepressiv@hotmail.com