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Everything posted by FTP

  1. Ianuaria - Tree Of Life
  2. And What about albums which doesn't require a proper review - where two sentences are sufficient - like: it's not a bad shit, but quite boring after second listen,average progress - 7/10. And what's wrong with the discussion of the impact of the albums on people's mind?
  3. Space Cat Vs Sesto Sento - Getting High Power
  4. ChRonos - Mandala (new edit) one of my favourites mythological character, separated time from the essence, but also ate his own children, but who said Gods were ever clean, right?
  5. Same here, On first they wanna heal me from the hard gained psychosis and second is calling me to come back to JESUS, How Do they know that??? :huh:
  6. Alegria - Arabon (Oriental Robot Mix)
  7. Vibrasphere - Forest Fuel Had my first interrogation by police today, Weed I gave as a gift to one girl,they found it, she told my name...they asked me for other names... 21.century and one of the biggest spiritual gift of the nature is still illegal in most part of the world. How fucking lame is that.
  8. you are far beyond the average English, you have invited most advanced English ever - so don't loose it with the proper grammar
  9. Dimmu Borgir - Moonchild Domain
  10. Pitch Hikers - Colombia (Remix)
  11. Cell vs Master Margherita - Some Things beyond lovely
  12. Krumelur - Minimal Animal
  13. Process - Oktober Revolution
  14. Logic Bomb - Sonic Algebra
  15. My Dying Bride - The Crown of Sympathy
  16. Depeche Mode - In your room
  17. Bon - Underground Resistance best album of 2005 for sure
  18. Transwave - Hypersphere
  19. Haldolium - Pi-Symptom
  20. Process - Integration
  21. catch a bird, catch a bird, Have you realized that holy ghost as a bird in form of pigeon is a feminine site of God? Bad, that Christianity is not mentioning it...
  22. My Dying Bride - She is the Dark
  23. Sarcasm and abstract language are always appropriate and Who Does not get it got jealous cause his inability to grasp the point, (As Perfect Stranger case) which was Totaly Not for Warning.
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