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Everything posted by FTP

  1. Man you won't believe it! I made over 20 lines of explanations, why plebs become slaves again because of universal franchise originated in France.... but to the point: French porn is cute
  2. Psynews was the second and last forum i become active. First was major home newspapers designated for driving politicians insane and make theirs brains implode. A lot of work there, since many insane politics, but still alive. Psynews was very funny with a lot of potential to become a true NETWORK with tremendous power and will. Now we have ISRAETRANCE 2 and only reason I stayed is that few active buddies still wandering around are just too precious, but that can be handle other way. Last 12 months of daily logging was a waste of time, it was more nostalgy of refreshing offtopic button than wanders of what's new in Psytrance? (I am so disgusted that I can't even read the wanted reviews I don't want this psynews, it sucks so much and I hate it. Do you know how much pain in the ass is to find free porn through GOOGLE. And the reason is because France is retarded. Since the French revolution the world is going downhill and every French idea is bullcrap. Yeah, Yeah We have art and culture.. Where is Jaia, where is Toi Doi??? France and now I have to say that even current US, but mostly France is source of all bullshit and bullcrap in the World. Fuck your fucking equality, lick your ass with it, it's all you will have left soon FRANCE FTW, it never fails to fail. and Greece sux too, a lot. e: but Puck doesn't sux at all e2: Greece in general, not the guys here. e3: My Homeland - Slovakia - sux maybe more than France, Amount of retardation is exhausting. e4: England also sux, but not that much than the others, but left idealisms is so big and so naive over there e5: USA also sux: We are so equal I will fuck you just because you are the other The reson for edits is that some French retard can take it personal
  3. Duvdev! Your singing in Sa'eed is awwesome. It reminds me the good old Waltari (check So Fine, Big Bang and YEAH! YEAH! DIE! DIE! Death Metal Symphony in Deep C) But I mean this kind of voice colour
  4. Who cares?
  5. FTP

    What is Psynews ?

    hmmm, maybe it's time to get proper psynews meting to sort things out by the old ways and Celebrate??? One day trip shall be affordable to anyone?
  6. FTP

    Penta - Give Me Five!

    I would be carefull putting pentafiles that high. Later work is truly advancement until Portuguese Abduction which is downgrade to Horn Please. As for this joke, i'll give it a proper listen but just because his production skill it can't be less than B+
  7. Tim Schuldt - no fucking way It's not possible to master so many album in such way they deserve! I mean slow down guys, take more time with the final touches if you want them to be saved
  8. So true! but maybe it would be too much .......
  9. Joseph McGill - Ultimae State
  10. I knew you wouldn't get it, that's why I say that it was OK. http://www.southpark...om/guide/1305/? So How do you judge the look of psynews since you decide it shall be a nice place where people behave to each-other? If the friends comments on Skazi's Myspace account is your goal, we'll be there pretty soon
  11. Definition of waste under which also your last post fall is very wide. We don't need to hit ignore button and whole reason why we are even responding to these craps is because the whole Psynews is mostly the dull shit for couple of last months. So go ON, we'll respond.
  12. patience, seems like good shit
  13. Not really. Time reading such a posts is wasted so we are just looking for a natural way to not waste more of our time here which alone is hard enough with current leftovers of liking or disliking of something.
  14. Banco De Gaia - Maya and Last train to Lhasa were milestone too in terms of BIG not similar.
  15. More ideas than VD, not that many dull tracks as on Supervisor and not boring as CV A-side, lacking on BP Empire, it's not DiscoMushroom, not even close to Return of the Shadows and singing is not annoying - to surprise and overall it is a buy, maybe.
  16. Drugs-addiction and else.
  17. It doesn't exist to be more precise e:but everything is replecable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ufECZnliUI&feature=related
  18. FTP

    Pleiadians - IFO

    How come that each of your posts sucks more and more??? You are brilliant in it.
  19. Soon to judge the better pieces here - byt structural disefficiencies are apparent on first listen. I just have to say. If you want to put guitar riffs, why you choose cheesy pop rock gospel new metal shit. It's a disrespect to metal and to all guitar possibilities. Get Megadeth - Rust in Peace and try again Fail
  20. FTP

    Pleiadians - IFO

    Astral get overlisten soon, same with infected But treasures stays
  21. You mean schizophrenia of the moderation here? I mean it's hard to find the justice if hacking of the forums get unpunished with consequence for all with the bastardized rule of forcing everyone to the political correctness? This behavior I regard as evil and will treat it accordingly. Current psynews shits on its own legacy and I should applaud to it?
  22. How to say it politely; Your opinion is shit, maybe?
  23. . BOMBS! Well, maybe time to close the general section? It's full of spam anyway
  24. FTP

    What is Psynews ?

    And How we can be happy if we can not have laugh? But since the evil forces has arisen once again, psynews was sure among the first hits, rest will follow. And you know what, Iam not joking
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