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Everything posted by Veracohr

  1. It doesn't really fit under the label goa, but otherwise... It's kind of interesting. The melody with the formant filter that starts off the song goes on too long, but then it gets more interesting. It seems fairly natural until a little before 3:00, then it just seems to have lost where it was going. There are too many ideas going on in one song. I'd say there is idea material for at least 3 or 4 songs in this one track. In short, you have good ideas but you need to do some serious cutting on the arrangement. A song shouldn't just be an amalgamation of various musical ideas, it should be a natural progression from beginning to end.
  2. I added your Time/Illusion album (cd format)


    In order to add the mp3 format too, I need to know the bit-rate though.

    Check if everything is correct

  3. Then you could get a pair of Alesis M1 Actives and still have money left for an interface.
  4. Yes, but there's a difference between emotional dynamic and melancholy or darkness. There's good psy that is melancholy or dark but as I said I've rarely heard goa that is either. To me, goa tends to be ecstatic. Not euphoric, but ecstatic. Then again, there's tons I haven't heard.
  5. What's your favorite subgenre? My favorite is goa, and I rarely hear any hint of melancholy or darkness in goa. But of course I believe that a listener's perception of a song has little to do with the artist's intention.
  6. The chicks and the blow.
  7. I have never heard them specifically, but at $200 a pair for active speakers with built-in DAC, you're going to get crap on all 3 fronts (speaker, amp, DAC). I had a pair of (passive) Monitor One MkII's for a long time, and they were fine for a low-budget monitor, but packing an amp and a DAC into a monitor and charging $200 for a PAIR, I really believe you will get nothing but crap. What is your budget, and do you already have a DAC of any kind?
  8. Many artists add their own release, no problem with that.

    I can add you if you want.

  9. Man, I haven't even heard of a lot of these artists.
  10. Why don't you add yourself in discogs?

  11. If you are trying to keep your gear purchases down, yes you could get a MOTU or other interface and be pretty much set. MOTU interfaces have a mix console software so that you could route your hardware into it and run a mix of the hardware and software to your monitors while writing/playing. I'm not positive but I think that mix software is basically latency-free for monitoring. Then for full mixing with EQ and effects and everything, you could record the hardware to audio tracks in Logic and using Logic's mixing abilities for a full mix. This is what I do (in Digital Performer). However, I suggest getting a small mixer for monitoring (not mixing). It just makes things easier; run the DAW outputs and all the hardware into one small mixer, which then mixer outputs to the monitors. You can go dirt cheap but will get crap, but there are some low-cost mixers that aren't too terrible. http://www.fullcompass.com/category/Mixers-2-to-7-input-channels.html http://www.fullcompass.com/category/Mixers-Line-Level.html Do you really need all the I/O of an 828? You could get better quality conversion within your budget if you were OK with just 2 ins and outs, like this one: http://www.fullcompass.com/product/357009.html And that would leave you money for a monitoring mixer.
  12. 1.Nationality and Age? American, 30 2.How old were you when you attended your first rave? Where? 19 or 20, Seattle 3.Describe what you feel when you are at a rave? That really varies a lot. At their best I always felt the wonderful, collective energy of tightly packed people all focused on enjoying the same experience. At their worst I feel unsafe because of assholes that may or may not have weapons, or at least likely to get into a fight at the drop of a hat. 4.What is your opinion about spirituality at raves? Are they spiritual? Why/why not? I think that is completely dependent on the individual. I can feel a spiritual connection at good raves, but that's because I'm a spiritual person. A non-spiritual person at the same rave may just be having a great time without thinking any spiritual thoughts at all. So I'd say raves are not spiritual, only people are. 5.Is electronic music enough to make one feel connected to the energy or are drugs a necessity? Why/why not? Music is absolutely enough. Drugs don't make one feel connected to anything, they just help loosen the mind from the mundane, but are not necessary. 6.What do you think of a DRUG FREE rave? If it were drug-free by coincidence, because no on happened to be on any drug, it shouldn't be any different from any other good rave. If it were drug-free because of heavy policing to keep drugs out, it wouldn't be as much fun. That kind of thing puts strain on people who just want to have a good time. 7.Would you ever attend a DRUG-FREE rave and be sober simply for the love of the music and the vibe? Why/why not? If it were drug-free due to heavy policing then I wouldn't be interested, but were I to go to any raves I would be drug-free. There is no psychoactive substance I would be interested in doing at a rave these days.
  13. Not really, what you said just didn't make any sense.
  14. This is supposed to be artist names, right? Not album names? Because I could guess Psychedelic Dreams for Rotwang's.
  15. I have to disagree entirely with OM's psuedo-mathematical analysis of psytrance and alpha-pattern brain waves. The music that the term 'trance' was originally applied to was not 150bpm with 1/16 note basslines. I'm also frightened for the people around when he's driving if he considers that a time to not think.
  16. You contradicted yourself. The first quote implies that taking longer to write a song results in a better song, which you refuted in the second quote. Creative people all work differently, and the speed at which they make their art does not necessarily relate to its quality (which is subjective anyway).
  17. Manufacturing defects. These things happen. Return it and get a new copy. Frequency of play won't have any effect (provided it's not getting scratched by anything), but the plastics of the CD have been known to degrade over time, mostly when kept for long periods in CD books made from certain materials (I don't remember what). It's not really a widespread problem as far as I know.
  18. What? I thought I was alone in here.

  19. I can't say psytrance in general has any overall meaning, since there's a wide range of feel in the different subgenres. But goa in particular has a certain feeling (one I still can't achieve for some reason) beyond the usual trappings of the style. Not a "meaning" in any verbal philosophical sense, but a feeling. Of course, I've never been part of any "scene", and it's usually people that are a part of scenes that attribute "meaning" to those things. I just like what I like.
  20. It was kind of disappointing to read him seemingly brushing off their psytrance history. It was interesting but since I'm not familiar with their new music, I had no frame of reference for some of the things he talked about.
  21. This made me lol.
  22. From a composition standpoint it's pretty good. Just a couple sound aspects I don't like: - The kick is a bit too soft and squishy. - There's a really low frequency sound that comes in around 4:26 that is kind of useless; it just muddies up the overall sound without adding anything good to the track.
  23. I have a really hard time believing those are actual recorded seal sounds. Sounds like a modular synth to me. Also, why are the various sounds panned all over the place? It seems rather unusual for a documentary to make multiple recordings of a sound then pan them randomly, and continue to talk over them. Plus, there is no noise at all in those recordings. Antarctica may be quiet, but there would be at least some noise, even more so if they were using an underwater microphone.
  24. Ask for some really good psy without vocals, and I'm sure you will get oodles of great replies!
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