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Forest Dreams

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Everything posted by Forest Dreams

  1. great album indeed! highly recommended!
  2. Chilled C Quence
  3. something about nothing

  4. Telefon tel aviv - When it happens it moves all by itself
  5. The Flute, nothing sounds bettar than the flute!
  6. Even bettar than the real thing - U2
  7. Dont let the sun go down on me - Elton John & G Michael.
  8. I have heard only 'way of the mystic' not sure if they make music anymore.
  9. buy from here - http://www.dada-music.co.in/ its a steal Im waiting for Ulrich Schnauss - Goodbye
  10. heard a few tracks of the Prometheus album,... definitely a good pick. though I haven't herd much of the rest of the releases!
  11. Logic bomb - The third revelation This is the only track that anyone from my family seems to enjoy, my elder brother and sister never ask me to lower the volume on this one, infact I see their head go to and fro to the bpm for this track... I simply love it
  12. No one's mentioned "Derango' in here?
  13. Jaia - December I quite like this cd
  14. aye... <-------------------------------------
  15. Marlyn Manson - Sweet Dreams
  16. Bangles - Walk like an egyptian. dont ask me why...
  17. yipeeee Hes come down here only once I guess, missed the party for some odd reason. oh cool photos, you should see some of the pics I have taken off my phone. they turn out to be completely abstract.
  18. starting my day the right way. Air song - Solar Fields
  19. yeah.. just checked the track list, looks good.
  20. isnt this the new chill tribe release? how is it?
  21. Cats in the cradle - Ugly Kid Joe
  22. try some soft IDM, like maps n diagrams, or ulrich schnauss.. at a very low volume. definitely not something that you can sing or hum to. you could also try slower trance thats not that psychedelic. try aes dana, or aba structure.
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