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  1. I trained to be a shaman, then I got into making "psychedelic" graphics and VJing. Now I mostly raise my children, keep the missus happy, and keep up with my studies.
  2. The scary part is they don't even use a strapon, but it sure feels good.
  3. Psynina would like a date with you, maybe moving onto marriage and some hardcore producing....
  4. Funny, I didn't get that impression at all, rather that Colin was just balancing the conversation with supplementary information. I wonder if anyone would come to your rescue, in such a situation?
  5. Oh yeah, I might of mentioned, that I make the videos for free, only for people and music I like. Of course you have to put up with my cliche interpretation of psychedelic closed eye visuals, but hey, some people seem to like it. Afterall its all skunk 'n' roll. Keep up the Great Work™.
  6. I liked your album on Ektoplazm, some tracks are on my "would play out to an audience" list. Well done, and if you ever want a video done, just PM me.
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/portugal-drug-law-show-results-ten-years-experts-180013798.html Rather obvious, but nice to have some empirical evidence to show the "drugs are bad m'kay" brigade. And here is the report in full http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-policy-profiles/portugal
  8. Bread Heads 1 Free Thinkers 0
  9. Well as it relates specifically to a reply I made on the thread, which although asinine had a valid point. Namely charging 75 Euros for 3 secondhand CDs. I merely commented that the seller seemed to be either someone feeding a crack habit or a bread head.
  10. So do mods often delete posts around here without telling people, or giving a reason?
  11. To quote a female friend... Simply, because there aren't any fit blokes into psytrance.
  12. Just downloaded the first 3 episodes of falling skies, on recommendation. Aliens land, and kill 90% of earth's population, story follows a small band of survivors six months later.
  13. It could well of been the 'ther way round. "Every statement is a proposition, not every proposition is a statement." I did want to look it up in my copy, but it is buried in the loft, and I had to go by memory. But it was a convoluted read, and I suspect there are better books out there that say similar things as succiently but more clearly.
  14. Simply, as far as I remember, "Every proposition is a statement, not every statement is a proposition." Which basically seems to me to mean, just because you say something doesn't mean it is true, or bears any semblemence to reality.
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