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  1. If u r up to change the antivirus choose the Karspersy...it's the best! even the freeware
  2. By the way how many cpu do u use? i hae an AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+ 2.00GHz,512 MB Ram And i use 5-7 plugins such us Pro 53,Hypersonic,Vanguad,Sytrus,SW Performer & Trance,MinimogueVA,Ozone3,ARP2600 V & V efx,and more. Most of them in one track and still run pretty much ok..
  3. Increasing Buffer to maximum could be one kind of solution. but it some times is a cause of low CPU on your computer. thats basicly it. also try not to fill it up with effects (delays,copressors etc). and if u have to do that try not to have them all activated in the same time. only when u need to export your track.
  4. LOL thanx man but honestly im not... There are several other artists that are better than me. Agneton me and Lost Buddha will try to produse some uplifting tracks..I also believe that he has the right fellings and exelent musical knowledge..
  5. Hey mate how r u? Yes that was a nasty thing to be done by Viper. About what u ve been told that Transistance 12 is not an uplifting collection..is also been said by people that are stack to karamouza lead samples and can not ( or do not want) to accept that music moves on and evolves.Maybe that these people have some kind of problem seeing new composers coming up cause there time is over. Glad to hear that u liked the compilation! thakxxx a lot man...
  6. http://www.discobole.gr/product.asp?pid=111753 The final link with the demos
  7. http://www.discobole.gr/product.asp?pid=111753 Thats the firts view..demos soon.. Also theres a Live internet radio station for uplifting Trance in http://radio.arbula.gr:8000/cyberia.ogg
  8. For everybody else who likes and want to support this music...We are still here. I would be pleased to feed anyone with UPLIFTING MELODIC TRANCE music if u wish. just msg me.There is another New compilation under way.Transistance 12 from DR Recordings. ill feed u the link when ready. that would be around christmas or ealier.
  9. Dear Detox, U did say something. But even though I didnt answer...EVERYBODY ELSE DID TO U! Better luck next time m8..
  10. I will. But u tel me First. what deferense does this make. what is YOUR point..? isn it enought that we'r trying to keep it going?
  11. Man...Uplifting Trance is a gerne of TRANCE as it name can reviele... If u had read any posts so far u would see that there are people Beside us greeks that like this music. Thats Why i called this topic Uplifting Trance. U d be right to tell us to speak english...But not that we are invading...?!?!?! We do not want this kind of statment. The only thing is that we try to keep our music alive. and make it known to people that havent heared of it but might like it. Is that so bad?
  12. Detox as for the malaka part i allready said to rez also. take as a sorry. What ianos did is his prob and only.Just to (try) to give an end to this cinflict i tell u this. I know that we dont have much people. I know that we have a little releases but we still have parties still have releases still people that care for that music and still productions. that's why its not dead. Ill try to reach u some time to talk if u wish.Not in an enemy way. u know... By the way. Thats my home studio. I use soft synths and as for the monitors !st i cant affort them. and i have not much space in my house for them. I do have in a friends studio.
  13. Lost Buddah and Zodiac thanks a lot mates...! Rez...re sy ksereis pws leme to malakas twra. nero. Kai plaka plaka koita to re sy. me ypostirizoun oi ksenoi kai eseis pou eimaste kai ellada xwrio me katarakonete. tha meinw se auto pou eipe kai o Zodiac. Respect each other and if u dont like this particular music just leave it to those who does. Kati pou lew kai apo tin arxi.
  14. Pfff detox if u think that this is evolution uU hadnt gron up. All of us and i mean ALL heard all of these gernes of music. i am addicted with uplifting but that doesnt mean that i wouldnt here other gernes. i also hear hip hop,house,RnB,Happy House and lots of others. but i believe that the energy end the felling im geting from Upl. cant be brought to me by any other kind. So thats why i believe im much more mature to my choises. i lived all the Uplifting trance scene from its beginings. the only difference is that kids now days have everything that they can choose from and listen to. Its much more mature to say that i have everything and do what i like than i just woke up and change my tatses in music. we still exist. and u ll see that it will not sheest. I say this. Go to WWW.UPLIFTINGTRANCE.TK and down load the videos (it's-Uplifting Trance/Uplifting Videos topic) from nowadays uplifting trance parties just because u (or someone else dont remember) ask to talk with evidence.
  15. Re sy rez den tithete thema prwsopikis epithesis sto ksana lew. oyte egw exw kati mazi sou.(kai to allo me to strato...uparxoun kai anavoles... ) apla koita nai exei parei pollu asximo dromo auti i mousiki. to kserw. den mporeis na les oti exei pethanei omws efoson yparxei mia kinisi apo thema paragwgis mousikis antrwpwn pou akoune kaita sxetika. den arpazomai alla se mia kouventa panta se pernei i katifora ksereis pos einai Detox. i know whatever u mentioned. and ive been there. with all that people. kai opos eixe pei kai kapoia psuxi oloi itan "vara vero vara" kai goustarame. and all of a sudden...U ALL GREW UP. pfff...so for u it was just a trend of your age or the years back then? what ever.U might have helped in any way but suddenly what? u all stoped? something must have happend. i ll keep my opinion of what that was for me. as for the army. let me see u what are u going to say after that.
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