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Everything posted by Hels

  1. tomcraft - happiness/loneliness mix not psy not that great but its kinda catchy
  2. nm found it
  3. Interchill comps = really good Mana Medicine comp is really good Backroom beats comps Chillosophy comps
  4. "Please, describe his set. He's playing in NY soon, wanna see if its worth it." good really though, its worth it anyone know what that so called "house" song was? "happiness/lonliness" w/ femal vox? I liked it, fuck you m
  5. midi doesnt sound like anything
  6. pretty crazy cover
  7. I've never seen a cop at a psy party... (in america) been to less than 20 though but still...pretty good odds...
  8. Hels

    gummo sample?

    i think its just a sorta obscure movie maybe?
  9. thank you fugel! in other words frame: the pitch adjust on vinyl decks changes the BPM as well you can't put the pitch up a semitone without changing the BPM of the track
  10. thank you fugel! in other words frame: the pitch adjust on vinyl decks changes the BPM as well you can't put the pitch up a semitone without changing the BPM of the track
  11. I don't understand Vinyl (in regards to DJing)...I think its on the way out... I mean what if you have one song thats in the key of A and another in the key of A but they are different speeds...with a CD you can do pitch changes as well as BPM changes so you can fix this but on Vinyl you have to hope that noone has a good ear or they are on drugs
  12. oxygen is just a midi controller? its a good midi controller from what i've heard i use cubase sx and its wonderful... cubase and some software synths can make you some psy tracks... check out anything native instruments put out...ie., absynth (or maybe start with somethin simpler, maybe one of their emulations of famous synths) and you can use the oxygen to control those synths check out this site: Blah Read the articles and then Check out the forums, the webmaster there is really helpful
  13. good post soliptic! you should save that for other people who are getting into producing! its not easy!!! im the same as you, i've played guitar and keys 9 years or so as well as composing/theory instruction (i dunno if thats a good thing... so i have that aspect covered and now ive jumped into producing and engineering and it was quite overwhelming at first! the important thing is to keep at it...
  14. so...you'll probably need a newer pc unless your going to have a homestudio that costs a "fortune" may as well learn to use it and save for a new pc rather than settling...
  15. someones a twisted whore!!! new parasense is good...
  16. it took me time to get to bp empire, and i believe it will take me time for this... i think the mushies are ahead of their time maybe
  17. Add Parasense and GEORGE CLINTON!!!! *** peace!
  18. what book is this hgogg??! can you email me the name or author?
  19. Hels


    Agh!! Who recomended this stuff! Its nuts!!! Thanks so much Trippy shit Parliament and george clinton played here last night and i missed it shoulda recommended em earlier !!!!!
  20. Unique is it? one nation under a groove getting down just for the funk of it peace life = good
  21. Hels

    jm jarre

    any particular albums that are good?
  22. Hels


    I was just about to post about parasense!!! It's BADASS!!! Very dark and trippy I think some people would label it into that "progressive psytrance" area....but..I dunno what that means exactly personally i sugges it!
  23. Pretty ridiculous
  24. What the hell does full-on mean? I'm never using this term ever again... Mine (at the moment): 1. The good the bad and the ugly 2. Hux Flux 3. Astrix 4. Silicon Sound 5. Mumbo Jumbo these change like 3 times a week though
  25. Hels

    gummo sample?

    I'd like to know this too! I think I actually asked it before...
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