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Everything posted by Hels

  1. Hels


  2. today's psy sucks? if you think so your loss though
  3. a rose by any other name!!! hehe
  4. Sorry I can't agree with you...if there's no scene in your area than maybe you can start your own parties...that's really what the U.S. scene is about, I think...small parties and people who really love the music. If too many people are into this music I'm afraid that you'd just get people there for drugs and whackiness and not for the true spirit of the music... I'm all for introducing people to my music but not everyone...just those who I think would like it Radio stations...good luck!!! Maybe a college station... I'm afraid I haven't made my point that well Someone else make it better for me...hehe
  5. Not bad! You got somethin goin for you, good luck with your productions in the future!
  6. lol pand I tell em it's weird, that's all
  7. Hels


    ugh... sorry, I wasn't aware I'd gone to the soulseek forum oh wait it isn't....
  8. I think Astrix isn't so boring as it is predictable... Same shit all the time I love it though Definitely a good track Probably wanna check his other tracks!!! (obvious) Try Silicon Sound, Miraculix, Mr. Peculiar, etc...
  9. Live performance is a joke in the dance music scene I'd almost rather go for just a DJ set... Names to me mean that is the style I'm gonna hear... Wizzy is playin in 2 weeks...I expect to hear some Wizzy tracks; I like Wizzy, I'm goin I don't care if it's live...I want live I'll go to a jazz show or something And I do! Jazz is fun
  10. Can someone post the link to a new releases website? There was one really good one and I can't find it anywhere.... Thanks
  11. Download Demos!
  12. and you bought a virus? I thought I didn't know anything when I bought mine... www.studio-central.com go read his tutorial on synths first
  13. ugh search, this topic has been done 1000 times!!!
  14. commercial...? what the hell does that mean? does that mean you don't like things because they're popular or because they're "trying to be popular" how the hell can you even tell? why don't you just listen and enjoy rather than pretend music is good for some reason that has nothing to do with music at all... whoops! hahah
  15. there's one on saikosounds.com I think...
  16. Unfortunate. Sorry to hear it didn't go so well! :| peace
  17. oh okay Id never heard the term thanks
  18. Oh, okay I'll have a listen when I get home, dunno if I can help tho!
  19. Hels


    ugh....stop using samples I dont know if Ive ever heard a good sample in psy music haha
  20. cross modulation? could you explain this? seems like a pretty ambiguous term?
  21. motu = mark of the unicorn www.markoftheunicorn.com funny name
  22. You know, not too long ago I was thinking of asking the same questions...but then, I decided to just use my ear Practice and you will understand If someone says...oh reso=this and high pass filter that...or something its sort of missing the point...you should search to create these sounds yourself or you may as well just hire an engineer I guarantee if you sit at your puter 4 hours a day for a few months you can have some of these full on sounds you speak of just as you can begin playing beethoven songs on piano if you practice sorry, hope this helps a little...
  23. Ordered my copy 2 days ago Can't wait!!!
  24. Usb is crap compared to Firewire... If you're gonna go mac there's no reason not to do firewire
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