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Everything posted by Hels

  1. Hels


    Irritant is badass Radio is badass, too Older stuff is badass, but not quite as badass X-Dream + Side Projects = total kickass
  2. Yeti beards are itchy...the girls are worse
  3. they dont know how to turn these melodies into songs... rather they sound like idea collages
  4. colorbox
  5. Please be a joke...
  6. Hels


    Nope. Never heard of. Similiar?
  7. What happened to them? Please come back
  8. The new Eraser vs Yojalka has some pretty funky basslines I think. A lil bizarre though
  9. Our scene will collapse on itself and then someone will find some kid's psy collection in the future and wonder why he only liked one bassline and throw out his cds and then go listen to cool future music.
  10. I think the new album is very good. Tastefully done psy music... Try not comparing it to Cryptic Crunch, it helps
  11. Green Sector in Tarzana is the only one I know about It's on Ventura Blvd., I think... www.greensector.com should work... You gonna go to the NYE party? Should be a blast Here's info: www.psymusic.com
  12. How are you trying to promote them with mixes? Try harder, it's not so hard nowadays...
  13. If any idiot can take a computer and start a project then why don't you? Especially if you claim to have this vision of what psytrance is supposed to be. I don't like where the scene is going either but complaining and saying how much everything sucks isn't really the answer, I don't think.
  14. Drugs ARE evil...get your shit straight before you talk to me, jerk.
  15. New eraser vs yojalka... hope++
  16. Hahaha brilliant Lemmi, perfectly put Have to agree that even though most psy acts nowadays are boring the production is still slick as hell
  17. Duh! The psyscene is about making money now, aren't you paying attention?
  18. I don't mind the full on sound so much as long as artists do something interesting with it, which they usually don't...I like the new Hux Flux, I must say though; I think it's very tastefully done. Can't wait to hear this remix though...should be interesting...I think the new Deedrah is pretty crap for the most part, though I suppose it has its moments...(that slinky/jumpy melody in Hellsonic is so fun
  19. I think the samples sound badass Can't wait 'til I hear the whole thing
  20. It's okay...some good parts...some bad...some new sounds...some old... He lost me with the Star Wars sample...bad move imo...
  21. You shouldn't worry about it so much... At least you HAVE a psy scene...many of us in the states don't (I do though, muahah!)
  22. Yes, very nice track indeed!
  23. Whoa! Just got this email: please join us on Dub Beautiful Radio this Tuesday night at 8pm Pacific Time for ISHQ [interchill/Dakini/Virtual] performing LIVE from San Francisco. http://www.dub-beautiful.org/radio/sessions.html all you need is your mp3 player, a decent internet connection, speakers or headphones, and an open mind. ishq will be performing brand new material from upcoming Virtual Records releases, deep soundscapes, downtempo electronica, ishq-y material, plus totally improvised psychoacoustic abstractions. times: San Francisco 8pm Tuesday London 4am Wednesday Berlin 5am Wednesday Sydney 3pm Wednesday New York Midnight Tuesday/Wednesday Moscow 7am Wednesday Tokyo 1pm Wednesday PLEASE CIRCULATE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND EMAIL LISTS!
  24. Anyone have info on the new Ishq release? I thought I remember hearing about it...I want more Ishq!
  25. I don't usually by an album if it is just a bunch of songs stuck together by one artist (same or different styles) unless the songs are created (or at least put together very well) for the purpose of creating an album as a whole piece of work... I guess that is to say: I like coherence... Having just a bunch of songs usually ruins that... On a compilation, I usually don't care but if its a comp with good coherence then it's even better (Crystal Skulls 1, pretty good example) BUT, I think most people actually buying CDs in this scene are DJs...in which case, a ton of awseome songs is better than a whole album with good flow and all of that...and if I WERE a DJ, I think I'd prefer similar styles as opposed to different...but then again, if you can do both it makes it better...but if you haven't created these songs with the intent of having them fall into some place on an album I guess it's probably too late I hope that helps some...
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