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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by traveller

  1. Haldolium pwns.. this tune is awesome! (just like all the other haldolium tunes )
  2. I think only extremly well informed scene experts are aware of just how classic TF actually is but let's forgive these n00bs edit. I bet there were some tape demos of what was to become finnish pietrance circling around as early as 1990
  3. Just to let you know Texas Faggot has been around for ages and for many mr Tim is about as legendary as St Posford.. Sörkkä Sonic - Flipping Bixies (first Finnish pietrance album I believe) was released about the same time than Hallucinogen's Twisted.. and it started a whole new subgenre! Finnish pietrance.. I'd say it's pretty classic release
  4. I'm guessing that if they did that they should call it transfer limit..
  5. depends if they call it download limit or transfer limit
  6. My internet is on pretty much 24/7 with 230Kb/s coming in constantly I wonder how much that makes in a month
  7. When it's free people seem to want it, even if it's garbage
  8. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. We should nuke the kids! Perhaps get some New Kids On The Block?
  10. That's not all psytrance now is it? My psy pics: Hallucinogen - Twisted Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger Infected Mushroom - BP Empire Prometheus - Robot-O-Chan Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps that's my list today
  11. Oh and my fav are Angel Tears and Kaya Project
  12. Angel Tears Biotone CBD Digitalis Foxglove Hibernation Kaya Project Seb Shakta Soma Coma Somaton
  13. Oh I just thought I started this thread.. but yeah maybe you heard somewhere else is there a problem with that??????????????????/
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAA! duvdev sings the same way I assume arnold schwarzenegger would sing
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