Personally I think they're one of the very few truly great psy artists out there.
2 perfect studio albums in a row.. well actually I haven't got my hands to their first yet so I can't speak of that. But yeah.. fucking quality
Excuse my memory. I also sent the Posford an email about the time TOTI was released and expressed my dissatisfaction with the album that I had just downloaded. He replied something like: "Nice, at first you say you're stealing from me and then you say you don't even like it."
..I'll probably go to hell because of this
Okay other than seeing Simon in Finland twice I also saw him twice in Greece.. and always in my dreams
I don't think the Posford would approve with the blashemy that is going on above this post. This thread is for praising, not debating
2 years ago as well, Twisted Label party in Helsinki, cable factory. I was talking with Ott and Simon walked by and waved his hand at Ott. The only thing preventing me from passing out was Ott's strong arms. I creamed my pants
Here's what I'm looking forward to
Okay I start with the obvious:
Metal sharon - TBA = Hallucinogen vs Eat Static
Prime Suspect - TBA = Ariel & Jan Mueller (X-Dream)
The Delta - TBA
Shpongle - Secrets From The Shpongleland
Prometheus - Corridor of Mirrors
Younger Brother - TBA
Shulman - Random Thoughts
Ott - TBA
Tristan - TBA
Western Rebel Alliance - TBA
Vibrasphere - Archipelago
I obviously forgot a lot of stuff but if even half of these babies come out in 2006.. it's going to be a fucking strong year
So what else?
Well it's everything you expect it to be..
Juno Reactor - Angel and Men (X-Dream rmx)
It's... X-Dream remix of Angel and Men!!!!! FFS!
and yeah no time nor will for reviews
A bit early to say but definitely track of the year material ..I mean.. compilation of the year material
Prime Suspect album is another thing I'm soooo looking forward to