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Everything posted by AkumaSama

  1. listen to it shop, didn't like, didn't buy
  2. bririant stuff is phi! top recommend
  3. do. you like ultimae sound then you like CBL a lot of I'm sure it!
  4. I love but cant spel Ololiuqui new stuff sounding well
  5. AkumaSama


    subliminal melancholies was good yeah? I want more same
  6. oh my god! these are worst ever covers ever!
  7. these are bad. throw in dust box. $3 is rip off
  8. tabun a hip hop forum somewhere there people who say hip pop like here do fullon crap. All generic
  9. today, best track were CBL - Photsynthesis
  10. this is different band right! I never understanding hux flux. too noisy, too much sounds
  11. I think is boring. cant into it np Kuromitsu - Beautiful Moon Rise
  12. is she shitty pop princes? or more badly R&B?
  13. Puff Dragon - Qi Gong in the some mist near a lake
  14. AkumaSama


    me too wanting to here this. sounds nice chill labels
  15. blasphemy? hahaha, do you know my name?
  16. i want to try too, any more sugestons??
  17. i gotted this & it is very good. lovely music to chill too
  18. eh! for a cd? must be good no?
  19. kuro - revolution
  20. i wanting new lsd comoplation Illuminations
  21. a dunce hat?
  22. wow, much CDS. I jealousy for you!
  23. Looks cute! Is the music cheese /?
  24. Puff Dragon - Sazanami (Dakini Records) I like
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