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About <n8>

  • Birthday 01/12/1979

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    north carolina , united states
  1. the release is scheduled for september 19th http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=7509
  2. wow - ive been looking for the track 'bugged'' for a long time-- its got that great sample "they sucked his brains out". what a cool release
  3. very nice-----keep it coming.
  4. ------------------------january 13th 2007----------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''capricornicopia''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *MUBALI (trishula rec. / mistress of evil rec. ) san francisco *PRIMORDIAL OOZE (psybertribe / geomagnetic.tv / touch samadhi / chilluminatti) chicago *NIKON ( psybertribe records) san francisco *PSYLENT PULSE a.k.a. brainlizzard and aastral(those people ) *PSYONIC (psybertribe / those people / touch samadhi) tennessee *PYITE (atl psy / evolution ) atlanta *GOLDEN SHOWERS FROM JESUS vs. PANTIES THE CLOWN (psybertribe / those people ) charlotte * KOJI (bad kitty productions) charlotte PSYCHEDELIC U.V. DECO BY: *PYITE / FLOURO NEURO / NIKON / ASTRAL DESIGNWORKS / and many more *VISUALS BY PSYONIC ***** 8 pm -10am ****$10 @ door Directions from Asheville: I-40 East•Exit 59 •LEFT off exit ramp •RIGHT at light•2nd RIGHT onto Park •2nd LEFT onto Alexander Event location immediately on left •Park on East side of parking lot across the street •as far as possible from nearby churches ***************************************INFO: THOSEPEOPLE@GMAIL.COM -- OR--- RUSSELLSPROUTZ@HOTMAIL.COM ------------------------BROUGHT TO YOU BY THOSE PEOPLE.
  5. beautiful................
  6. im for neuro
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