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Everything posted by Zeyon

  1. That's so nice Cosmic, allthough I'll still be pushing myself a bit to get the track done asap..
  2. That sounds nice, Cosmic. Then I'll have a bit more time studying my Virus TI, ordering in some days..
  3. YES YES YES These are definitely news that I like. As I wrote in your other topic I will try to get something finished for this compi as well, and keep myself as updated as possible through Rafael. When do you plan your deadline?
  4. And I'm preparing a track for you, Cosmic.
  5. This is REALLY good news!!! Think Twin Coast Discovery was a natural evolution of Lull, but Lull still has its moments so both albums can still get some spins here. Anyway, looking very much forward to this new album, thanks for the news!
  6. Lovely with some tips, thanks alot Bill!
  7. Terminator - Two Lions (Lions) And then there's the oldschool thingy, lots of tracks with samples of wolves around.... Think it's: I Savastano - Coppertone (Wolf)
  8. I'll be looking forward to this release..
  9. Really agree, sitting here and listening to it in my headphones, I already have Master Control so I was really looking forward to this release. I Don't really have any favs yet, except all of the tracks. I think Lamat has evolved his style in a nice and fine way from the Master Control album, although I would like to have heard some more crazy and melodic breaks (Examples can be heard on track 3 and 6 from Master Control, really nice breaks), some things on this new album leads in a new and a bit more lighter melodic way than earlier, but still keeping alot of the spirit from Master Control. Except from the tiny disappointment about the breaks mentioned before, I only see a nice progress in this release, and I also really thank the guys behind this release for the new mastering, the soundquality is so much more clearer (And though, sometimes a bit "boring and too clean") than Master Control, I'll definitely think (And hope) that Lamat will rock some dancefloors... Really nice new release!
  10. Zeyon

    Full on

    Try listening to some Lamat or Smuhg. Pretty high-speed Full On imo.
  11. I would consider any musical experiment inside a program with a sequencer-part as the "debut" (That is, if the person hasn't played (or tried to) any real instrument earlier in its life)..
  12. I assume the old eJay-series still count as a "sequencer", if so, I were about 11.. 18 now, and found something alot better than the eJay crap..
  13. Hi Yoni, my dear friend. I see you haven't got any reviews (Or atleast no reviews on this site) for your new SKITZ so I'll listen to it for you. Starts off really nice! Don't really like the break around 0:35, a bit too messy. 1:27 gets a bit dark imo. Nothing bad about dark music. Because of the many synths/FX's you have around your beat it doesn't get as monotonous as I remember some of your other stuff being, but I still think that some more variation would make it more interresting, and also some variation earlier than what you do now. The last breaks sounds pretty nice and match up very well! Imo you could turn up the BPM-knob a bit more, doesn't sound that fast at the moment, and those breaks in the end here will definetely be nicer and more punchy with some more BPM. Think about it.
  14. I'm on the Albino-team.
  15. 101/lØl @ Phobium
  16. Congratulations with your new album, fellow danes!
  17. Very nice work whole Cosmic Flower team!
  18. Looking forward to this one, although there's no Protoculture in it..
  19. Mailed the info to mr. Gaffel, sorry for the delay..
  20. Glad you like the track, I will send you info, maybe today OR tomorrow!
  21. Finally got my track done! Will send it to you with infos tomorrow!
  22. Still deadline 1/12?? NEED MORE TIME
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