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Everything posted by Zeyon

  1. I'm counting on getting a track finished for this project, I'll pm you Cosmic when I have info on track, links and other stuff.
  2. I'm running a Raid, and my system seems to run better with it.. I think I will configure my next PC with the configuration mentioned above (I've also seen it stated numerous other places), with seperate physical drives for app's and samples.
  3. Could be that I would send you a track to your new project, sounds as interresting as the last time..
  4. By the way, how did Zolod/Terminator die? And how can it be that labels still release his music?
  5. IMO the soundquality isn't all that good (Probably because of the 2 mp3-conversions that has been in the process), I think this is what's causing the "different" sounds...
  6. Really think this is a nice album, although I'm not that much into prog, but I find most of the tracks very atmospheric.. Favs: 1,3,4,5,6,8, I nearly like everything on this album..
  7. The mixing sounds great!
  8. Nice with yet another version, will check it out later..
  9. Yearh the set sounds nice. Starts off a bit "downtempo" but later on it really drives, like it. Critiques would be some of the transitions, I would suggest that you get info on BPM on the various tracks the next time (Could be fun with a "next time"), it would definitely be easier to beatmix with BPM-info imo. But nice set, and yet again thanks for including my track..
  10. Lovely! Do you have a tracklist for the set?
  11. When/where is the mix going to be uploaded?
  12. Hmm, too bad then. Try the propellerheads forum, there must be others in there with the same problem (I've heard of that problem a couple of times now)..
  13. As far as I know, the problem MIGHT be fixed with formatting your system-drive..
  14. Thanks alot, glad you liked it.
  15. Got my track finished yesterday, but nice with a new deadline, then we have some time to finetune the little things.. Cybernetika: I think I'm gonna pm you later today, just so you are aware of it..
  16. I am VERY close to finishing a track, is the deadline still at saturday/30. of september?
  17. Rah: Thanks alot! And also thanks, Kino, for letting us use your files..
  18. How do I open the .APE-files?
  19. Thanks ALOT!
  20. Ok, a week more (I almost only got the weekends to produce music), but it's going to be good..
  21. Supergroover: Yes, it will. It is similar to taking a 192K mp3 file and converting it to 192K...
  22. Snowball: Do you use an ASIO-driver? If not, there's a site called www.asio4all.com where you can dl a driver for your soundcard (Which soundcard do you use?)..
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