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Everything posted by big

  1. bom good stuff i m Enjoy . thx Cosmic Flower big@tvnetwork.hu
  2. hay cosmic flower crew, i send you 6 trackes of big bacterials. feel free to use another track as you want. i am very happy to be one of your crew and i hope we will work more in the future. thenk you and keep doing a graet job, Bigbacterials. boom bobom big@tvnetwork.hu
  3. Hay cosmic flower, i am sorry i didn't contact with you. i have some sad story, now i came back. i am happy to be in the compilation. i have a problem in my homepage , so you can reach me at BIG @ TVNETWORK.HU. thank you cosmic flower and good luck. :drama:
  4. Hello guys, I hope you gaet me tracks www.bigbacterials.hu thx&boom
  5. hi cosmic flower, hello to all friends from bigbacterials. we are coming for new compilation if it's posible we will send you our 3 track very soon. thanks and boom.... www.bigbacterials.hu
  6. on http://www.last.fm/music/bigbacterials all track mp3 free thx& boom www.bigbacterials.hu big@bigbacterials.hu
  7. This session will be exclusively dark psy. Hoping to have you guys tuning in! Pass on the word. Lineup Malice In Wonderland - Mental Soup 2006 Live Set {Faxi Nadu And Friends - Second In Command Remixes (FAXI001) 2007} {Cosmic Flower - Xmas Compo 2006 - Psy Eve [nitrocell]}: BigBacterials - Hypothesis Space Distorted Goblin - Pijanci (Hagenith RMX) Elmooht and Dudi - Malaki ExtAzya - Psychedelic Bomb Faxi Nadu - Fight The Future Pzyko - Ripple Effect Elmooht - The Body at Fort Randall Dam Spacer - Dejavu {Cosmic Flower - VA - Marguerite 2006 [jitrocell]}: Big Bacterials - Psy Trauma Calamus at Mental Ballagan - Fear Insanity (RMX) Eleusene - Hammered exTazya - Shamanas Garden Faxi Nadu and Spka - The Others Pzyko - D-Ruvbakovitsj Spacer - Snoopy Spacer - Suclick {Triplag - VA - Shamanitus (TRIP002) 2006} Darkohm - Eprom Razor Enichkin - Obtained eniChkin - Russian Lullaby eniChkin - Mendez Goat Malice in Wonderland - Diabolical Summoning Sectio Aurea - The Genius Who Lit World SOMArobotics - Magnetic Shied Octopus {EP Dark Summer - Ride The Snake (DARKEP001) 2006}: Digitalist - Clash of the Worlds (RMX) Dark Summer - Clash of the World (Original Mix) {Doof - VA - Scratch 2006}: Dark Summer - Dark Leads Tha Leader (Electrypnose RMX) {Pondscum - Echoes of the Night} FSOR Radio: Tune in 24/7 to electronic music: Stream IRC: SoulSeek channel: FS0Rsbf http://www.shoutcast.com/chat.phtml?dc=Sou...el%3A%20FS0Rsbf Chat for live sessions: http://futurestateofrhythm.com/mychat/phpMyChat.php3 Come and share your thoughts with us! Boom _________________ Yves aka JED-A-R-K D-A-R-K Records http://d-a-r-k.net http://dark-records.com IDMuziq Records www.idmuziq.com Spores Records www.spores-records.com ZenMind Records http://zenmind-records.com -----------------------------------
  8. http://fsor.postunder.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1188 This session will be exclusively dark psy. Hoping to have you guys tuning in! Pass on the word. Lineup Malice In Wonderland - Mental Soup 2006 Live Set {Faxi Nadu And Friends - Second In Command Remixes (FAXI001) 2007} {Cosmic Flower - Xmas Compo 2006 - Psy Eve [nitrocell]}: BigBacterials - Hypothesis Space Distorted Goblin - Pijanci (Hagenith RMX) Elmooht and Dudi - Malaki ExtAzya - Psychedelic Bomb Faxi Nadu - Fight The Future Pzyko - Ripple Effect Elmooht - The Body at Fort Randall Dam Spacer - Dejavu {Cosmic Flower - VA - Marguerite 2006 [jitrocell]}: Big Bacterials - Psy Trauma Calamus at Mental Ballagan - Fear Insanity (RMX) Eleusene - Hammered exTazya - Shamanas Garden Faxi Nadu and Spka - The Others Pzyko - D-Ruvbakovitsj Spacer - Snoopy Spacer - Suclick {Triplag - VA - Shamanitus (TRIP002) 2006} Darkohm - Eprom Razor Enichkin - Obtained eniChkin - Russian Lullaby eniChkin - Mendez Goat Malice in Wonderland - Diabolical Summoning Sectio Aurea - The Genius Who Lit World SOMArobotics - Magnetic Shied Octopus {EP Dark Summer - Ride The Snake (DARKEP001) 2006}: Digitalist - Clash of the Worlds (RMX) Dark Summer - Clash of the World (Original Mix) {Doof - VA - Scratch 2006}: Dark Summer - Dark Leads Tha Leader (Electrypnose RMX) {Pondscum - Echoes of the Night} FSOR Radio: Tune in 24/7 to electronic music: Stream IRC: SoulSeek channel: FS0Rsbf http://www.shoutcast.com/chat.phtml?dc=Sou...el%3A%20FS0Rsbf Chat for live sessions: http://futurestateofrhythm.com/mychat/phpMyChat.php3 Come and share your thoughts with us! Boom _________________ Yves aka JED-A-R-K D-A-R-K Records http://d-a-r-k.net http://dark-records.com IDMuziq Records www.idmuziq.com Spores Records www.spores-records.com ZenMind Records http://zenmind-records.com -----------------------------------
  9. on http://www.postunder.net/fsor/forum...070a63dfc50362a thx D-A-R-K Eve with JED-A-R-K, Feb. 7, 2007 23:59-04:00 GMT ***Now relayed on Triplag*** Exclusively dark psy tonight, D-A-R-K Records' artists. Hoping to have you guys tuning in! Pass on the word. LINEUP: LAB - Planet X EP mix (D-A-R-K Records, En Sof) Audiopathik - Necrophilia EP Mix (D-A-R-K Records) Chemicalspoon - Rusty Spoon (D-A-R-K Records) Phazy M'ulator @K2 (D-A-R-K Records) Somarobotics ***LIVE*** (Triplag, Psykomunity) JED-A-R-K - TASmania Night Veda - Insanity Live Set (Psykomunity) JED-A-R-K - Neura-Tact Dark Summer - Ride The Snake EP Mix (D-A-R-K Records, Doof [Electrypnose rmx]) Dark Summer - Dark Leads Da Leader (Electrypnose Rmx) BigBacterials - Skyzoframe ( Cosmic Flower rec ) BugFunk - Jugalow (Kubaki Rmx) Divine Stones - Freak Bitches D-Fragmental - Burn Hippi Burn (Kabrathor Records) JED-A-R-K - D-A-R-K Projection FSOR Radio: Tune in 24/7 to electronic music: TRIPLAG Radio: Stream IRC: SoulSeek channel: FS0Rsbf http://www.shoutcast.com/chat.phtml...el%3A%20FS0Rsbf Chat for live sessions: http://futurestateofrhythm.com/mychat/phpMyChat.php3 Come and share your thoughts with us! Boom _________________ Yves aka JED-A-R-K D-A-R-K Records http://d-a-r-k.net http://dark-records.com IDMuziq Records www.idmuziq.com Spores Records www.spores-records.com ZenMind Records http://zenmind-records.com ----------------------------------- Last edited by D-A-R-K on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:38 am; edited 2 times in total to
  10.;client=safari bom bobom free
  11. Hey Cosmic Flower I want to release more & more free free http://www.last.fm/music/bigbacterials
  12. go w_lizzard good lak indeed good job bom
  13. hi im big from www.bigbacterials.hu we on www.bigbacterials.hu if you wont bom
  14. gooo up free Cosmic Flower around the world
  15. bom for all cosmic_flower & extazya & all world www.bigbacterials.hu
  16. is there going to be or not to be ? www.bigbacterials.hu
  17. Gaffel this may mail big@bigbacterials.hu bom
  18. you can check out my stuff at if u like we give u some track for a compo www.bigbacterials.hu/noise-poison/ thx & bom bobom from www.bigbacterials.hu
  19. bigbacterials give dark present for dark people and light people. seven tracks free thx and boom know which you like from http://www.bigbacterials.hu/noise-poison/ cosmic_flower crew
  20. cosmic_flower If you are interested mor music from www.bigbacterials.hu Download from http://www.bigbacterials.hu/noise-poison/ thx and bom cosmic_flower cruw
  21. bigbacterials give dark present for dark people and light people. seven tracks free thx and boom http://www.bigbacterials.hu/noise-poison/ www.bigbacterials.hu
  22. on http://forum.goa.hu/showthread.php?t=1169&page=2&pp=20
  23. http://www.triplag.com/psytrance_producers.htm
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