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  1. Yeh I used FL for the sequencing. You're right it is a bit too quiet at the start it; needs a bit more gain. Thanks a lot for the feedback it's really appreciated. Tommy Twotone/Toadstool http://www.waxdj.com/djs/2748
  2. Awesome sounds. Thankyou x10
  3. http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...02086C07BA215C6 Hi, as I say I've been readin these forums for a while now and I'd like to share my new psy tune with you. It's the first psy tune I ever made but I've been producing for about a year now. The name comes from a time I indulged in a few too many Liberty Caps and for a while (seemed like a lifetime) I thought I was God. haha Feedback would be very much appreciated. Peace Tommy Twotone/Toadstool PS Glad to (finally) be a member of the forums
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