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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Feathers

  1. Pie Cheese and Anal Sex. 3 sugar please

  2. Your legs are made of cheese.
  3. You need to quit with the drugs you pie. I have no avatar probs. I do think you should ban reger for his pink lightsaber avatar though.
  4. zero hours and zero minutes. Can't be arsed.
  5. You are gonna get it soon. You gonna get it bigtime.
  6. I make the ozric tentacle threads in this forum. I demand you remove this thread at once! I quite like the new OT. They have created a few new and revolutionary sounds (something they haven't done for years). They seem to be producing mostly the same style of space jazz these days. Not as innovative as they once were. I still like the new work though.
  7. You're right about the artificial part.
  8. Yes it is.
  9. My family is chaotic. More than just a leitmotif. More chaotic no relief.
  10. Egg and bean.
  11. Is it chav music is it? Where is my naked moderator pic?
  12. Eminem is a chav.
  13. You people need to quit with the kissy-arse stuff. No more lame speeches about how much you love the place whatever rule changes there may be. My personal view is that this forum is for the people and the rules must be made by the moderator however unreasonable. We must give thanks. If a few hundred people get banned then so what? Did we need those people? So long as we have moderators and kissy-arse people then we should be happy. On a more serious note... The rules listed in the rules section are pretty good actually. (You may not lick my bottom, I am wearing wooden pants).
  14. You have been banned for posting more than 10 posts in a two week period. I hope you will learn from this?
  15. "Unfortunately, in the mean time, some of you were considered as harmful to the forums peace and will not be allowed to return" - I didn't notice any big arguments/flaming. Psynews was full of flamers when I first arrived many years ago. It wasn't possible to scratch your arse without someone responding with: "you're an arsehole" "you type too many words" "boring" Psynews has actually been more peaceful over the past couple of years or at least since the last big change. Who is on the list of banned people?
  16. Is it ok to have a big argument about CD publishing in this thread?
  17. Where are the sheep CD's?
  18. I don't recommend wearing headphones for making music. What sounds good in your head (wearing headphones) will often sound shit through speakers. This is why studios use monitor speakers. Headphones are great for listening to other people's music but not good for composing. BTW. If you want amazing headphones for gaming then buy rumble/vibration headphones. They shake your head and give a true recreation of bass frequencies. They also sound amazing with music as well. http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/audio/aopen_hp-590/ You will never want to use ordinary headphones again!
  19. Buy it from Kazaa or Winmx peer to peer. I hear both places have a special offer at the moment.
  20. I'm sure it has been left out... I've looked all through the manual and over the synth itself. No vocoder. It's not really a big deal cos I have a real vocoder effect on one of my hardware synths. I think it would have been better to release the Wavestation as a unique VSTi instead of linking it to the K-Station. That way people like me don't start complaining when features are left out! If Novation are selling the V-Station as a soft version of K-Station then people are obviously going to make comparisons. Apart from the two missing features I described, I believe it's a pretty nice softsynth overall. It has excellent tonal quality with some nice bases. Good effects section and arpeggiator as well!
  21. Anyone tried the Novation softsynth yet? Just in case you didn't already know... Novation have made a VSTi of their K-Station. Since it's supposed to be a recreation of the K-Station you'd naturally expect it to have all of the features. I suspected something was wrong last year when Novation first announced it. The specs given mentioned nothing about a vocoder or audio in - as oscillator (two features of the K-Station). I emailed the company to ask them if the V-Station would have those features and I got no reply. Of course they didn't reply because they knew they were leaving out those features! What is the point of emulating a real synth and leaving out significant features? Can you imagine Korg releasing a VSTi MS2000 or Microkorg and omitting the vocoder? I hear that Korg are planning to release some VSTi's but I'd be surprised if they left out features of the original. Most virtual recreations of real synths actually add new features rather than removing them! The V-Station sounds good but I think it's a crappy piece of work. Obviously the programmers decided it was too much trouble to recreate the vocoder and hoped no one would notice it had been left out.
  22. How about Adlib? Remember that? Anyone using Adlib for their PC music-making? :-) It's just FM you know... Like the DX without keys... Or a case... Anyone have a valve driven soundcard? You know those valves add warmth and character to the sound.
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