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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Feathers

  1. I don't own one, but how about this? http://www.geocities.com/briancauchi/rm1x.htm or this forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rm1x/ or this? http://www.markarber.freeserve.co.uk/tips.htm ??
  2. Good decision not to go for Mac. Nothing wrong with having a dedicated computer if you can afford it. If you can't afford it then you can still have the same results by installing multiple copies of Windows XP. I have a second installation of XP that's just used for running cubase! This dedicated installation is much faster because it doesn't have a lot of junk in registry or system folder. I'd also consider changing to NTFS as well, because it's error free and much more efficient. If you have enough RAM then you can disable your swap file completely and this will allow your system to run at max speed! The other thing you can do is create a 1gb partition and format in NTFS with 512 cluster size... Assign your swap file solely to this drive (for those that don't have enough ram to disable swap file!).
  3. Knowing me I'd end up charging myself more than the $2000 asked for the Eko! :-(
  4. What's the point of using cubase sx and then loading Reason as a VSTi? Reason is unique in it's own right and capable of some great sounds. I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble of trying to control it from another sequencer though. I'd sooner make use of regular VSTi's in Cubase. Cubase SX does everything I need anyway!
  5. It looks nice... I assume it doesn't actually exist at this time, since those images are as virtual as the VSTi's it will host. Perhaps I will put my PC into a rackmount case and sell it to myself as a hybrid hard/soft synth?
  6. It is part of the western disease to endlessly debate without ever reaching a conclusion. Hardware synths are great... Switches, knobs, dials, convenience, portability. Software synths are also great, low cost, great performance, zero size and weight and no parts to wear out. I use both.
  7. That's pretty good I reckon! I was going to buy a used K-Station on Ebay auction. I lost that one and ended up buying a Korg Z1 instead. There is no mention of Vocoder or Audio input as oscillator.. The K-Station has both features and that was my reason for choosing it in the first place. If the software version lacks these features then they might as well not have bothered in the first place. Does it have these features? As far as I know... Access have either released or are releasing a VSTi virus.
  8. Doesn't your video have audio outputs? Mine has Phono. Do you have Scart connectors in that plastic country of yours? Scart also has audio in/out and so you'd just need to get the video closer to the computer or vice versa. You could use a portable recorder as the guy above me suggested. You could use a microcassette or minidisc. If yo video has audio out then simply connect it directly to the recording device!
  9. Ja, I have a good connection (most of the time). I suspect I'm going to search for this music today. Have we installed windows XP yet? :-) You know Ozric Tentacles?
  10. I was only able to download a few. I will have a better listen via winmx. I will search for: strategies against architecture 2 I like the watertower idea... When I lived in Nederland, I had to visit a Watertower (watertoren?) about work. An employment agency had taken residence there. :-) I saw the reference to the jet engine when I went to the bands website. How long have they been around? How many notes can you get from a jet engine. I'm guessing it must have had a portamento style of pitch change since the gas control is smooth/continuous and not stepped/geared! :-) I'm being a smartass again.
  11. I downloaded some of their music. I will listen 2it shortly. :-)
  12. I reckon it's not bad at all... I think the bass was a bit flat on the first track... It could do with some fattening or expanding slightly from it's current position: mono-centre. Also perhaps a little confusion of buzzy type sounds and so a little thinning out of sounds might help. I liked the panning buzzy sounds and the overall design. I liked the 2nd and 3rd tracks the most. :-) The 3rd track especially was interesting.
  13. Doh! :-) How is it that the Germans are leading the way in music/sound synthesis? I don't think it's a bad thing... It's just that well... They're not exactly renowned for producing great music, are they? It sounds like Access have a pretty good support team though, so hopefully your machine should be working soon! :-)
  14. Perhaps there's a hard reset button inside the machine? I've had to open up a few of my synths in the past. The Access synths are pretty neat to look at aren't they? I've never really looked at them before. They seem to have some impressive features as well. How many times have you tried installing the upgrade? How many times have you reset or reinstalled the previous OS? On a separate note... It's a well documented fact that using Win98 can cause abdominal pain and cramps. In severe cases, emergency treatment may be required. Patients all report similar symtoms: Irritability, nausea, bowel pain and a stubborn refusal to upgrade. Symptoms can be treated with a number of drugs and patients report symptoms subside after installing Windows XP. Dr. Feathers.
  15. If you can afford it then you could buy a Novation Supernova II. It has similar features to the Korg but is much more capable. If your budget won't stretch then you could get a Novation K-Station. Similar to Korg but powerful sounds and low price. On the downside, it has a very small two octave keyboard.
  16. Yes... I think it's because you're not running windows XP. :-)
  17. If you want to create music solely using software synths then Reason is excellent. It has a vast array of sounds and nice synths. It has a unique CV/Gate control (like the old analog synths) system for wiring one module to another. On the down side it can't play/control external midi devices or use VSTi synths. This fact means that I won't be using it myself anytime soon. It's more practical for me to learn Cubase Sx because it works extremely well.
  18. Or just use Cubase SX. It does pretty much everything. :-)
  19. And that's why Reason has been removed from my system. It's a great program and very capable but why should I bother to learn it when it can't drive my Korg Z1?
  20. It's ok about the typing slowly part... It was funny and I didn't take offence. :-) Ultimately what's most important is what you're able to achieve with whatever tools you choose to use. :-)
  21. Anti: Interesting... I've just been checking through the posts on the 'other forum' and there is but one post from you... "well, well, well, it looks like you are still talking crap, feathers!!!!!!!! " - Considering there are many topics on that forum then I wonder why it is that you haven't been able to contribute anything more than that one sentence? Again I ask the question... Are you able to contribute anything more substantial and interesting/funny/humorous? Since I don't know you or anything about you then I'd be interested to learn. Feathers.
  22. ouroboros: I can understand you wouldn't want to buy an overpriced OS just to run one sequencer... It was only an issue because of your initial post. It's just a question of how important Cubase SX is to you? As far as I'm concerned Sx is pretty much a work of art in the world of sequencers. It's the only sequencer I've found that doesn't have any problems or issues. I will check back on BlackIce. It was more than a year ago when I read bad reviews about it. Yes I wrote XP... And I got Anti to test it's security features for me.
  23. Is Anti the type who spends his days in a perpetual rage and tries to infect people's computers with computer viruses? It was someone from another forum who tried infecting my computer with different mail attachments. The person in question was too dumb to figure out that a badly worded email might make me suspicious and that I never open exe's from people I don't know. Doesn't the person in question realise that I'm probably using a virus killer that picks up such attachments and chews them up in seconds? It takes an incredible amount of energy to conduct a hate campaign and it could be that Anti devotes most of his energy towards trying to make problems. On the other hand it could be that Anti is pretty harmless but angry with life. So what software are you using, Anti and which sequencer do you prefer?
  24. What part is that you're referring to Anti? Aren't you able to hold a proper conversation? I'm guessing your one of those people who never actually has much to say apart from "you talk shit..." The problem is that nobody actually knows what it is that you're objecting to. What you're actually doing is trying to raise your status within the forum by posting 'cool' insults. It's been done before by countless people who have virtually nothing to contribute to a virtual forum. Now if you have anything more meaningful to say then I'd be happy to read it. If you're unable to post anything more meaningful (I suspect this) then I will let you make a noose for your own neck.
  25. P.S. I haven't checkup up on BlackIce for a long time but it used to have a bad reputation. Many hackers found it extremely easy to penetrate.
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