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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Feathers

  1. Alpha Range - 8 to 13 HZ (I'm relaxed but awake). You could use any oscillator to generate these frequencies. I would use something like Soundforge which can generate a range of waves at frequencies you specify. You could create a binaural beat wave which consists of left and right at slightly different frequency. This technique is used by many people for 'brain entrainment'. You'd create a frequency of 100hz for left and say 104hz for right. The brain then creates a third frequency which is the difference between the two which is 4hz (104-100=4). 4hz-8hz is the Theta range and is present in dreaming and is associated with mental imagery. Q:Why not simply create a 4hz wave and listen to it? A:How many stereo systems do you know that extend down to 4hz? Most Amps/Speakers begin at 8-20hz or higher. Binaural tones are a way of creating that 4hz cycle without having specialist audio equipment to reproduce it! Any Amp can reproduce 100hz... See? There are a number of ways you could create an 8 to 13hz cycle. With Soundforge for example, you could generate a tone that's pretty low but not too noticeable in your music (30hz?) You could then apply an amplitude modulation to that tone at 8hz. The result is a 30hz tone which comes in waves of 8hz. Of course you could forget about generating tones and concentrate on the drum pattern or bass rhythm. You could make those elements hypnotic. Feathers.
  2. Hallo, I'm running Cubase SX on a P3-560mhz with 192MB PC100 Ram. Obviously this is far from ideal but it works ok. I've just given cubase it's own partition and XP to run on. XP is more demanding of resources but it gives better performance than all previous operating systems. My Partitions are all FAT 32 but it looks like I'll be converting to NTFS. There are certain steps you can take to increase performance. Obviously the first step is to give cubase it's own partition and OS. Secondly you can run windows in 16-bit colour. For anyone with 512mb RAM then you can turn off the swap file altogether (you can do this from SYSTEM properties or get yourself a copy of Tweak-XP). Steinberg recommend setting performance/processor scheduling to Background tasks (XP) but I'm not sure if this really does improve things (I'll be testing this later). Since my Cubase SX has it's own installation of XP then it doesn't need internet access. This means I don't have to install Firewall/Virus killers on that partition which further increases performance. You can also turn off visual effects if you really want to maximise speed. Defrag is important for FAT-32. Regarding your new system. It's worth paying a little extra and going for Intel rather than AMD. AMD are good for games and useless at multitasking (any program running within windows constitutes multitasking:-) Feathers
  3. One of the keys went dead on my old GEM-S3 Turbo workstation. I opened up the machine and underneath the keys there are diodes on a circuit board. These diodes are usually very small glass/clear cased cylinders soldered to the circuit port. They are used by the keyboard scanning circuit and it could be one of these that needs replacing. On my GEM it was a very simple matter to find the diode since it was directly inline with the key position. A diode is a very inexpensive component. Perhaps you can find someone with knowledge of electronics? It could of course be a switch/contact problem as Portamento said. WD40 is good for cleaning/lubricating electrical contacts. I even spray it on the gold edge connectors of my PC parts (it reduces wear and tear and cleans the surface as well). Feathers.
  4. The US Military have invested great sums of money into mind control using various forms of radiated energy. A device has already been patented that can read brainwaves and decode thoughts by firing two microwave beams through a persons brain. The designers also suggest it can be used to 'alter' a persons thoughts or put images into their heads as well. It seems odd that these people spend billions of $ developing weapons to control other people and yet they are unable to control themselves. :-) Feathers.
  5. Checkout the Novation K-Station. It's a very reasonably priced synth and it has great sounds. It has a vocoder and audio input as oscillator which means you can create some very unique and interesting effects. You could for example feed the output from a sampler or other synth to the audio in. The ultimate synth in my books, is the Novation Supernova 2. It has a 40 band vocoder and extremely powerful synthesiser. If I had to choose between K-Station, Korg MS 2000 or Microkorg, I'd go for K-Station (it has more voices as well!). Novation have a new synth out now so you can check that out as well. :-) Feathers.
  6. Hi, Why don't you use soundforge or Wavelab to tell you the pitch of a tone? They both have excellent spectrum and wave plotting functions and will give you a very precise readout of frequency and note value for a given sample.
  7. Hallo, Next to each instrument there's a little green light that tells you if that instrument is selected. If the lights on then you will record on that track. Fruity should record a set number of beats/bars and then keep looping. Which version are you using? Feathers
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