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  1. Great news We'll have a lot of cds to buy for the year 2008 ... "secrets from shpongleland" is the box set ? Any bets for when will the next announcement from twisted will happen ? 2009 ? 2010 ? the "simon posford - twisted sessions 2" "doof - twisted sessions 3" are becoming some type of urban myth in the Unreleased section at the Twisted website ... oh and not forget the Hallucinogen DVD ... LOL
  2. i cant say i love the cover (i really liked the previous 2) ... i dont like the image used as a background of the mask ... we'll see how it will look like in my hands ...
  3. what about brothomstates ? it will be released at 2006..... hmmm maybe
  4. im here,well not as much as the old days,but im trying to keep in touch ...
  5. Grapes of Wrath ? i think these guys played last year at a shit-place called Lobby (if im not wrong) it was a boring event with boring music.... shit is everywhere kill "psy-trance"
  6. in the old days at napster,winmx,blah blah there was a tune with that name by Hallucinogen... maybe a hoax,maybe its true...
  7. hehe did i say happy new year ? texas faggott played at 24December at Athens at a private party... damn i left that day from athens... shit happens
  8. Discobole (althought i dont like it,the guys that work there are jerks,not all of them but most of them) for me the 2 best electronic record shops are: Zulu (Kolleti str) IT Record Shop (Massalias str) i like them cause they are the only ones that import australian/japanese music and they're open-mind people...
  9. dudeeeee hey i was at that site 5years ago... 14year old boys arguing about shit-israeli trance ...
  10. Texas Faggott had released an reggae album .... But not in the shops... dont ask dont know where
  11. Anyone seen the DVD ?
  12. finnaly greeks discovered other forums away from isratrance.... agia_igoumeni: yes i love astrix/skazi ... they rock,they are the bester of the bestest,their music is da best,yeah,skazi is king yeaaah alien project gms is god....wowowowowoww ritual_om: i was at the party,i came around 2:30.Aes Dana was still playing wonderful Ultimae sounds... I thought i would listen Holeg & Spies sounds but instead when Aes Dana finished,Haris played a 30min(very good tunes) set and then a techno-storm started that really made me a bit bored... i was prepared to listen to industrial,goth-electro Holeg&Spies vibes but i was disappointed.Haris played some tunes of that... There were a lot of junkies who thought that it would another full-on party...Trying to ignore them but when they fall on you its a bit difficult... I will invent a door that denies entry to junkies... Its almost Christmass and GMS/Alien Project/Some Israeli Guy hasn't yet come to Athens for "first time" and a "awesome" event ?? Rendez-Vous at "Energy" bliah im sick of them,the end
  13. the 'old' days here in psynews the greeks were unikos,ritual om and me. also "edu" a belgian girl spoke greek... 2days ago Aes Dana,Holeg played at Athens. At last a party that had not full-on shit music...
  14. yeaaaahhh dude im here,not very often but im trying to keep in touch unikos,where is this guy ?
  15. go also to the islands that are next to Skiathos. Skopelos Alonisos they're more "wild" and beautiful... dont know about any clubs ... fuck 'em...
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